They were not idiots to just follow Mu Bai. Initially they agreed to meet up in City B just to show him a bit of respect, but since no mutual respect is given then there is no way they would follow his whims like dogs.
The two of them bought another movie ticket and watched a movie about family comedy. They actually planned to watch a horror movie, per the suggestion of Mu Bai, but since he was not present they just decided to watch something funny to ease their mood.
Inside the movie theatre, majority of the people watching the show was family or group of friends. The couples had all watched the movie for romance at theatre 2.
"Are you sure we should watch this movie?"
"I'm sure many of our batch mates would choose a dramatic movie or somethings heartfelt, so how about choosing something lighthearted for a change?" Yichen suggested, all this talk was better the movie started.
"Oh okay, then let's take a picture first. Then let's just ask Senior Mu to watch it and take a picture himself."
It wouldn't be too whimsical to do that, as long as they compose the ost together it doesn't matter if they watch it at the same time.
"Say cheese!"
Mingze made a peace sign while Yichen gave a slight smile on his face.
"Wow it's so refreshing. It's so lighthearted, but it's funny. I can't believe everyone is a hitman, but they're trying to hide it from each other." Mingze couldn't help it, he wanted to talk more about the movie.
"The part where they both tried to hide their guns at the same time was funny." Yichen replied.
"Righhht? Hey you wanna hang out some more? Let's talk about the movie."
Yichen quickly agreed. This is the first time Mingze took the initiative to spend long time with him. It was obvious he want to talk more about the movie, Fen Yichen was happy to comply with him.
"I know a place near the movie theatre. Do you want to go there? I heard they offer some good spinach pizza."
"That's perfect, I was just craving for spinach pizza."
Upon arriving at the café they realized that almost all of the customers were women. Apparently the cakes here were delicious and social media worthy, a lot of girls visit the café.
It was their luck that they managed to get a table.
"One order of spinach pizza, one cafe latte and then one dragon fruit strawberry drink." Mingze was tasked to order all of their drinks.
"Oh no sugar for the latte."
The cashier punched the orders, before giving him the receipt.
"You could wait for your order at your table, one of the waiter would serve you your order. Here's the table number."
Xie Mingze go back to his seat and saw a lot of girls flocking to their table. Remembering what happened at the cinema, he was not surprised. Fen Yichen should have worn a face mask.
"Hello ladies, this is the friend I'm talking about."
"Ohhhh then we will wrap up the quick interview with you." One of the girls quickly pulled out a notebook, before Mingze could answer.
"What's the biggest obstacle in the relationship between you two?"
Mingze was confused since he was not there from the start so he waited for Yichen to answer.
"It's more on me trying my best and the other person being unaware of it."
The girls gasped in surprised and looked at Mingze, they couldn't believe what Fen Yichen just confessed in their interview for social studies.
"With that face? I mean, brother you are too handsome. You can just use the honey trap. Anyways thank you for answering all of our questions goodbye."
The girls waved and left once again.
"What's up with that?"
"They're highschool girls near here. They needed to interview someone for their school project and I helped them."
Mingze couldn't keep his mouth shut and told him his honest thoughts, "I thought they were asking for your phone number."
It always happened when he is with Yichen he was no longer surprised. His face is enough to make a country fall, that's just how blessed his face is.
"How could I give them my number? I gave you my phone." Fen Yichen chuckled a bit pointing at Mingze's hand holding the phone he used to pay for the food.
"Oh my bad, you could give it now."
"No need, I don't have the habit of texting alot. Anyways let's continue talking about the movie earlier."
The movie's general plot is about two parents and their four child. The family are hitman from the same company but they did not know and decided to keep it a secret. There were different circumstances why they joined the organizations, but it didn't focus on that and more on the daily interactions of the family. It ended with the two child leaving for highschool in a far away place, but turns out it was a boot camp for hitman's.
It was possible for the movie to have a part 2 or be made into a series. Xie Mingze's jaw nearly dislocated from laughing to much.
Their order arrived, "Here's your cafe latte and here's your dragon fruit strawberry drink. The pizza would be out in five minutes or so."
The cafe latte was placed in front of Yichen while the fruit drink was in front of Mingze, with tacit understanding the two of them switched the drinks before taking a sip.
"Are you sure you don't want any sugar? I could get some for you from the counter." Fen Yichen suggested seeing the boy opposite to him drinking the cafe latte without any sugar. He cringed at the thought of the bitter thing entering his mouth.
"No I'm fine I prefer my coffee without sugar. Still its funny how everyone always think I have a sweet tooth and you drink black coffee."
It always happen whenever they order out it became a habit to just quietly exchange their drink like this.