Path of Heroes

150 years ago, Earth suddenly and drastically changed, resulting in 60% of humanity dying.

The shape of the world quite literally changed as the continents began to shift and merge together again, almost as they did millions of years ago.

The continents almost became one mass of land again, resulting in dangerous natural disasters that killed billions and destroyed multiple countries.

Unfortunately, or not, it didn't end there.

A few days after the tragic change, making everyone believe the world was ending, the sky literally cracked as a sudden wave of foreign energy invaded Earth.


It didn't take long for humans to do what they are best at:


Learning to wield mana, humans eventually started to develop a mana core.

The more they learned how to use their mana, the more proficient they became.

To the point that even babies were born with mana cores.

Mana was a blessing that allowed humans to survive the end of their world.

It gave them hope.

Being able to do things one would have thought were only possible in dreams was now a reality.

But that hope didn't last long...

A few years after the merging of the continents and the appearance of mana, a sudden rift appeared in Europe.

A rift that was black like an endless void, swirling and sucking the mana in the air towards it.

Horrifying creatures, never seen before, appeared out of nowhere from the rift, killing another 15% of humanity.

In the end, Europe became a death zone overrun by these harrowing creatures.

They were named Void Creatures.

Of course, humanity didn't stay still for too long.

With their newfound powers from mana, they started to retaliate, resulting in a war against the end.

Those void rifts didn't stop appearing, as they emerged in other continents as well, in multiple places. 

But to this day, none have been as dangerous and horrifying as the void rift in Europe.