
"It looks like someone beat us to it," Juliet muttered in a low voice, her expression dark as she stared at the lifeless body sprawled before her in the ransacked room.

Freya hummed softly, her calm demeanor undisturbed as she approached the corpse. Without hesitation, she bent down and picked up a piece of paper lying atop the body. Her eyes scanned its contents, her face betraying no emotion.

Dear Headmistress Freya,

After much overthinking, I decided to take matters into my own hands and uncover the truth about the mana collar that malfunctioned during the void hunting test.

It seems my instincts were correct. Instructor Drew had quite a few interesting confessions to make. For starters, he admitted to being the reason the mana collars could be remotely controlled, his connections to the underground world, and his dealings with the organization known as FreeWings.