Crimson Secrets Unveiled: Part 1

*Year: 18900, Month: February Day: Tuesday Afternoon*

Seraphina slowly lowers herself back onto the couch, her heart racing with fear and curiosity. Meanwhile, Elina stands up tall and confident, addressing Ethan with a demanding tone. "What is happening here? Where did you find all of these new workers? I thought you were just a simple merchant." Ethan turns to Gaia, silently gesturing for her to answer Elina's questions.

Gaia takes a deep breath before speaking with a warm smile. "About a month ago, we formed an army to protect our company and those who work for us." The room falls silent as everyone processes this information, the air thick with tension and uncertainty. Seraphina can't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension at the unexpected turn of events.

Eliana turned to Gaia, seeking an explanation. Without speaking, she looked towards Ethan for confirmation that it was okay for her to answer the question. He nodded in agreement, giving her the go-ahead.

 *One Month ago*

"Ethan, what should we do next?" Gaia asked, scanning the empty room of the mansion. "We have plenty of space to establish our empire. With the help of the Global Banker, we can easily order whatever resources we need. And since the value in this world is so low, we will have no trouble dominating all markets," Ethan replied as he walked towards Gaia.

Ethan's calloused hand gripped the carved ledge of the stairs as he spoke. His eyes darted around the grand mansion, taking in the opulent furnishings and intricate tapestries that adorned the walls. "The only problem is our lack of protection," he said, his voice echoing off the marble floors. "In this fantasy world, I expect there are all sorts of dangers - magic, monsters, even gods or demon gods. We must build an army to safeguard our guild." The weight of responsibility settled heavily on Ethan's shoulders as he surveyed their surroundings, already calculating possible defenses and strategies. Every detail of the mansion seemed to hold a secret or a potential threat, adding to the urgency of their mission.

As Gaia approached Ethan, she could feel the tension in the air. She asked him in a hushed voice, "What's our plan?" His eyes scanned the opulent mansion surrounding them and he pointed out, "Do you see that strange symbol repeated everywhere? A red dragon with two swords intertwined. This must have belonged to someone of great power and influence." He turned away from the grand staircase and continued, his tone thoughtful, "I can't help but wonder about its significance in all of this." 

The room they stood in was filled with lavish furnishings and intricate decorations, but the presence of the enigmatic symbol seemed to overshadow everything else. It gave off an aura of mystery and danger, sending shivers down Gaia's spine. As she gazed at it, her mind raced with questions and speculations. Who had designed it? What did it mean? And most importantly, why was it so prominently displayed throughout the mansion?

"Gaia, I need you to go to the market and inquire about potential partnership opportunities. We can provide everything they need from this city, making it faster and more affordable for them." He turned to face Gaia. "If they agree, there's no need for a contract. Just get their contact information for now." He walked away as Gaia jotted down notes in her notebook.

"Now that she's occupied, I can focus on deciphering these symbols," he whispered to himself as he made his way through the mansion. Meanwhile, Gaia grabbed her coat and headed out to complete her task.

Ethan's steps echoed loudly as he searched every nook and cranny of the sprawling mansion's grounds. He peered into every room, his eyes scanning for any clues or signs that could shed light on the enigmatic symbol etched into the wall. With determined purpose, he even ventured behind each building, carefully inspecting every inch of the exterior. But despite his thorough search, nothing of note revealed itself to him. The mystery of the symbol remained shrouded in secrecy, leaving Ethan feeling frustrated and bewildered.

"Where the hell is it?" He exclaimed in frustration. He stood behind the warehouse, kicking its wall out of anger. To his surprise, he heard a strange sound - as if there was something hidden behind the dull wall.

Scanning the wall, at the far corner he sees a smal magic circle on the wall. "Hmm i think i need magic to open this." Ethan wisper to himself.

He swips in the air to summon the Hud Bar of the Global Banker.

*Global Banker*

 - Message: As I notice that Gaia is currently unavailable, I will take the time to address all of your questions for today. How may I be of assistance?

*Global Banker*

Ethan's voice trembled with nervous excitement as he posed his question to the Global Banker, unsure if such a fantastical concept could be understood by this seemingly all-knowing entity. "Forgive me for my ignorance, but in this world of magic and wonder, do I possess any magical abilities?" The words hung in the air, eager for a response that may or may not come. Ethan's heart raced with anticipation, wondering what secrets this mystical being held in its vast knowledge.

*Global Banker*

 - Message: In this world, everyone is born with the ability to use one type of magic. This power usually manifests around the age of five. However, there are some who awaken to multiple types of magic and are known as D. These individuals often become Gods or Demon Gods. As for you, since you were not originally from this world but brought here after death from another world, you do not possess a natural magic type.

*Global Banker*

Disappointment laced his words as he sighed, "I guess I don't possess any sort of magical abilities."