Crimson Secrets Unveiled: Part 2

*Global Banker*

 - Message: Do not lose hope, for as the new owner of The Global Banker, you possess a powerful skill known as Delios. This mysterious NPC holds the key to unlocking your untapped magical abilities. Do you dare to awaken its power? It may come with a price, but the rewards could be beyond your wildest imagination.

Choice: Yes or No

*Global Banker*

"Delios..." he murmured to himself, deep in thought. "If this can give me the power and protection I need in this world...I dare to try." He looked up with determination. "Let's do this," he said as he swiped the yes button on the Hud bar.

*Global Banker*

 - Message: The Global Banker NPC will now transform into Delios, who will take on all responsibilities as the assistant function for Global Banker. All other functions will be transferred to Gaia. Good luck on your…

*Global Banker*

As the Global Banker's message was cut short, a surge of power envelops Ethan. The warmth emanating from his body causes him to crumple to his knees, clutching at his chest in pain. As he struggles to understand what is happening, a powerful black aura begins to swirl around him and his surroundings. Suddenly, the heads-up display that was once a typical message screen transforms into a golden one with the same emblem that Ethan saw in the mansion.


You have dared to awaken me, child. A bold move, but one that shows your courage and tenacity. The fire in your eyes burns bright, a spark of defiance amidst the darkness. But know this - you have awoken a beast that will not be easily tamed. Prepare yourself for what comes next.


Beneath Ethan, a colossal magic circle materialized, its intricate symbols blazing with an ethereal light that seemed to draw power from the very fabric of the fantastical world around him.

- Special Skill: Awaken Demon God - 

A swirling vortex of darkness envelops Ethan, its immense gravity pulling him into its depths with a voracious hunger. The black hole expands into a colossal sphere of shadows, rising ominously from the very earth itself, casting a shroud of unfathomable darkness that engulfs everything in its path. 

As moments slipped through his grasp, like grains of sand in an hourglass, Ethan felt the weight of time pressing down on him.

The vortex of darkness roared like a thunderclap, a tempest of shadows that shattered into a million glimmering specks before Ethan descended gracefully to the earth, his arrival marked by a whisper-light touch as if the very air itself revered his presence.


How does it feel to wield such immense power that worlds tremble at your command?


Ethan's gaze rose to the shimmering golden screen, revealing his transformed appearance. Clad in a regal ensemble of deep green crystal armor, accentuated by a flowing crimson cape that billowed with unseen power behind him. His voice resonated with awe and disbelief, "How can this be? I was certain magic eluded me."


Fear not, for this is merely the genesis of my boundless might. Behold, as I unveil the essence of my being to you. I am Delios D Crimson, once revered as the God of Creation and hailed as the illustrious Crimson God King in a bygone era of grandeur and awe-inspiring feats. 

In this pivotal moment, the threads of fate have interwoven our destinies, bestowing upon you the mantle of supreme authority. The very essence that coursed through my veins now surges within you, transforming you into the esteemed successor to the divine legacy - Ethan D Crimson.

Embrace this monumental transition, for it heralds a new era where your name shall resound across realms as a beacon of power and reverence. The celestial forces have anointed you with unparalleled capabilities, marking the inception of your reign as the Crimson God. Let this revelation ignite within you a flame that shall illuminate worlds and shape destinies beyond measure.


Ethan's brow furrowed in a mix of confusion and wonder. "Impressive," he murmured, his voice tinged with amazement at the unexpected surge of power coursing through him. Yet, amidst this newfound strength, a mysterious pull tugged at his senses, beckoning him towards an unknown destiny.

Outside, behind the towering warehouse, Ethan stood beneath the open sky as the Golden screen shimmered and gradually closed, wrapping him in a fleeting hush before a commanding voice resonated within his mind. "This method far surpasses the archaic Banker message system," declared Delios with a tone that echoed like thunder in Ethan's thoughts. Astonished by this mystical communication, Ethan questioned, "How is it possible for me to hear you within my mind?" Yet, before an answer could materialize, Ethan dismissed the query with a wave of importance.

Surrounded by crates and the looming structure of the warehouse, Ethan's senses heightened as if attuned to an otherworldly energy crackling in the air. The space around him seemed to vibrate with unseen power, causing shadows to dance on the walls in intricate patterns that whispered of ancient secrets yearning to be unveiled. In this charged atmosphere behind the warehouse, time itself appeared to slow its relentless march, granting Ethan a moment to immerse himself in the enigmatic sensation tingling down his spine.

Every detail of his outdoor surroundings sharpened into focus—the rough texture of wooden crates stacked nearby, the distant calls of exotic birds carried on a gentle breeze, and sunlight filtering through lush foliage casting dappled patterns on the ground. Colors bloomed vividly against Havenwood's backdrop—a tapestry of greens and browns interwoven with flashes of vibrant wildflowers hinting at a world beyond imagination.

Amidst this epic scene behind the warehouse where nature met civilization at its edge, Ethan stood poised on the threshold of discovery. His heart thrummed with anticipation as he gazed at the expanse before him—a realm where magic intertwined with reality and where mysteries awaited their unraveling.

"I sense it, Ethan," Delios intoned in Ethan's mind, his voice resonating with the weight of impending power. A knowing smirk seemed to materialize in the depths of Ethan's consciousness as Delios continued, "What stirs within you is the slumbering might of my army, poised to rise and pledge allegiance to their new sovereign."