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Luo Hao Tian sat beside Xiao Fei's bed, his hand gently holding hers, careful not to disturb the IV line attached to her arm. His head was bowed, dark hair falling over his forehead, as his mind replayed the terrifying events that had led them here.

Last night, he had sensed something was wrong with Xiao Fei. But before he could fully understand, she had fled. He had chased after her and when he reached her apartment, he had found the door closed. No matter how much he knocked, how desperately he called her name, there was no response from the other side.

Being the new owner of the building, it had been easy for him to get the smart key. But nothing could have prepared him for what he found when he opened the door. Xiao Fei was lying unconscious on the ground, her body crumpled like a discarded doll. At that moment, Luo Hao Tian felt as if his world had ended before it had even truly begun.