Always alone

Xiao Fei had left the hospital without informing anyone, not even the doctor overseeing her case. She didn't even bother paying her bill because she knew there was no need for it. Knowing Luo Hao Tian and Xiao Chen, they must have already paid it.

Speaking of Luo Hao Tian, now that she knew he was her neighbor, she no longer felt like going to her apartment. Instead, she went back to the campus. Since it was the weekend, Bai Aylin had also gone home just like half of the students here which left the dorm room room all to herself for one day which she was grateful for. Not that she took any rest and instead spent her whole day getting some office work done. She had too many thoughts going on in her mind and needed a distraction. Work just happened to be one of the best distractions. She had even brought a couple of files from the office that she needed to review before signing them.