she was beautiful

While Xiao Fei was busy with college, Luo Hao Tian was drowning in his own misery. Ever since Xiao Fei had asked him to stay away, Hao Tian had reverted to the person he'd become after the accident. It had taken him two years to pull himself out of despair and self-pity, to start venturing out with his friends again. The change had been small, but significant. He would still spend most of his time at home, only meeting with his closest circle, but at least he was trying. That alone had been enough to give his family hope.

But now, seeing him lying in bed for days on end, without any care for the world—or more alarmingly, for himself—his family's worry had turned to outright fear. He wasn't even bothering to eat. They would bring food to his room, only to return later and find it untouched, replacing the cold, congealed mess with fresh meals that would suffer the same fate.