let go

Luo Weichen sauntered into the library's private cabin where Xiao Fei and Bai Zirui were already present waiting for him. His hands were stuffed deep in his pockets, and wore an expression that was equal parts sheepish and unconcerned. He closed the door behind him with a lazy kick of his foot, breaking the library's sacred silence.

"We got a problem," he announced without preamble, flopping into an empty chair with a dramatic sigh.

"Let me guess," Xiao Fei started, "you lost the laptop."

"What? No, I didn't lose it," Luo Weichen exclaimed, his eyes widening in mock offense.

Two pairs of eyes, one cold and skeptical, the other serious and scrutinizing, fixed on him. 

"Okay, fine," he mumbled, slouching further in his seat. "It was stolen."

Bai Zirui leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "And how exactly did this happen, Luo Weichen?"