A Sudden Call

Tang Qing initially anticipated that his new role as Yan Yan's secretary would complicate matters and strain their relationship. However, to her surprise, she had not even crossed paths with Yan Yan herself today. She had been called away for an urgent meeting overseas.

With Yan Yan absent, Tang Qing set about tidying the office. As she organized the documents on the desk, she couldn't help but notice the sensitive, high-level information spread before him. Financial records detailing massive sums and other confidential company files were laid bare.

Tang Qing was taken aback by the brazen manner in which these secrets had been left exposed. It was as if whoever had arranged the documents expected Yan Yan to have unwavering loyalty - or perhaps didn't care who might stumble upon this critical information. The situation struck Tang Qing as incredibly reckless and unscrupulous.

After enduring it repeatedly, Tang Qing couldn't wait any longer for Yan Yan to return. She couldn't hold it back and ended up calling Special Assistant Zhang.

Even though it was late at night in the UK, Special Assistant Tang Zhang's voice on the other end of the phone was still gentle, and he did not seem unhappy at being disturbed. He called out a little uncertainly, "Ms. Tang?"

"It's me," she said, her heart beating rapidly. Finally, she asked the question weighing on her mind, "Did Yanyan go to England?" She wasn't sure if it was appropriate to ask like this.

"Yes, he didn't tell you?" Tang Jin asked in surprise. "His mother is ill and had an operation today." Although the relationship between Yanyan and his mother may appear strained on the surface, everyone can see that they care for each other deeply. After all, Yanyan's mother wouldn't have tried so hard to separate them if she didn't care, Tang Qing thought to herself.

She understood immediately. No wonder he had suddenly seemed disconnected.

Tang Qing thought about it and fell asleep, lying on Yan Yan's desk. She began to dream about Yan Yan and his face - his cold, forbearing, and unknowing expression followed her into her dream. Tang Qing realized that she must have been missing him.

As night fell, Tang Qing came home from work, took a shower, and walked out of the bathroom, her hair still damp. The room where she lived alone seemed mainly deserted.

Yanyan's whereabouts had always been a mystery; few people knew about them besides Zhang Tesuke. In the past, he would report to Tang Qing, but later, it seemed that even Tang Qing didn't know.

She rarely called him. She knew he was busy, so she didn't want to disturb him. But later, this feeling of tolerating everything became too much, and she convinced herself she didn't like it.

After drying her hair, laying out the quilt, and getting into the warm bed, Tang Qing sat leaning on the bedside, picked up a book on the nightstand, and started reading it.

She had seen this book on the bookshelf long ago but never actually read it. It was a complex and obscure history book. Tang Qing was not exceptionally skilled in the humanities. On the contrary, she was better at scientific subjects like calculations. This was also why she had chosen to major in finance. The elusive written thoughts recorded by generations of people in this book had always intrigued her. Tang Qing was slightly surprised that she had bought such a book. She realized it was because Yanyan liked it. Although Yanyan was a financial wizard, he was always particularly interested in historical books.

She used to think that he was a person who didn't understand style and that it was his nature to kill and hurt others. She and he were born in entirely different worlds. But over time, her views on him had changed.

He was like the light of a candle, constantly using his light to make her want to see his true face.

So, Tang Qing finally discovered that he was cruel and showed no mercy to her and the people around her.

After reading the book for a while, Tang Qing finally had to admit that she couldn't understand the whole thing. Although she tried to grasp the complex and obscure history and culture, she was still tortured and dizzy.

She closed her eyes briefly, took the remote control, and turned on the TV.

The screen lit up, and Tang Qing was stunned.

To Tang Qing's surprise, she saw Yanyan's figure on the TV screen. This was not entirely unexpected, given Yanyan's robust background.

Yanyan was undoubtedly one of the most prominent players in the business world, and all the forces had yielded to him.

The news report covered Yanyan's latest financial dealings - he had spent significant money to win a cross-border economic cooperation case. He had also invested heavily in acquiring new companies.

Financial news naturally tends to focus on economic matters. However, the photographer clearly understood the audience's psychology, and the pictures emphasized Yanyan and the beautiful representatives of his business partners standing side by side.

Taking a closer look, Tang Qing had to admit that this man could withstand scrutiny of his appearance. She gazed at him, lost in thought.

The representative of beauty held his arm tenderly, her fingertips caressing his suit and refusing to let go. This detail revealed her affection for him, which was self-evident.

Overcome by a mix of emotions, Tang Qing decided not to continue watching.

After getting out of bed, Tang Qing felt it was time for her preparations before retiring for the night. She knew that as a high-profile businessman, Yan Yan traveled extensively for work. Given his robust background and abundant financial resources, it was clear he had no shortage of opportunities to indulge in the company of women.

"What is Qing Qing doing..." Tang Qing muttered to herself, inadvertently activating the answer button on her phone as she was lost in thought. To her surprise, it was Yan Yan himself calling.

"No... I was watching the news and saw you," Tang Qing responded, unsure how to proceed.