Tender Love

"Qingqing, open the door." Tang Qing woke up from her daze and was immediately shocked. She didn't know when Yanyan stood outside her door.

She had already been trapped in his arms by words, and the instigator was burying his head in the crook of her neck, lowering his head to suck her white neck.

She looked at him in shock: "When did you return?"

"I got off the plane an hour ago. I missed you, Qingqing," he answered casually, focusing on kissing her slender neck: "Did you miss me?"

"Didn't you guess everything?" Tang Qing said.

"I want to hear what you have to say." He spoke firmly.

Tang Qing felt that this man had no reason to explain, so she turned her head and decided to ignore him. "I miss you, Qingqing, very much."

The next second, Tang Qing felt Yanyan's hand suddenly penetrate her pajamas.

She turned to look at him again in surprise. "I was just thinking that you and that representative are not quite suitable." She said calmly: "At least we are not more suitable."

Yanyan immediately laughed, picked up Tang Qing, and put her on the bed. He bent his legs and half-knelt on the edge of the bed, with his hands on her sides, condescending without allowing anyone to resist, with such clear desire in his eyes.

She tried to avoid his harassment, but it was in vain. Ultimately, she couldn't escape anymore, so she could only sigh: "Don't you think so?"

He would not deny it, so he raised his hand to unbutton his shirt and explained his behavior: "I only like you, not her, not at all."

Tang Qing suddenly felt embarrassed and found an excuse to tell him: "I have my period today, and it's inconvenient."

The man stopped his movements and immediately smiled meaningfully.

Qingqing is lying to me.

Yanyan leaned down, gently biting her earlobe, and said, "It was my fault yesterday, Qingqing. I won't make you uncomfortable today." Tang Qing didn't understand his meaning, so she watched his actions.

Suddenly, Tang Yi picked her up.

"Hey, what are you-" Yanyan carried Tang Qing and walked towards the bathroom, his movements forceful and not allowing her to resist.

"Don't mess around." Although Yanyan was usually very measured in his words and actions, he seemed less so in his treatment of her.

In the bathtub, Tang Qing stretched out her legs, hugging herself as she sat naked. Her body was so stiff that she found it impossible to speak. Apart from this moment, she had never been so physically close to any man before he came into her life.

The water in the full bathtub suddenly began to sway, ripples appearing on the surface.

Tang Qing knew that he had joined her in the tub.

Before she could react, he had already put his arm around her shoulders from behind.

His sexy voice, tinged with water vapor, carried a question that floated from his lips.

"Don't be afraid, Qingqing."

After hearing his words, Tang Qing felt a chill sweep over her body despite the warm water surrounding them. In his presence, she felt transparent, unable to hide any secrets from him.

She had never denied being guarded around him, knowing she could not best him. So she had never acted in vain, neither quibbling nor denying - it was simply her way of protecting herself.

She smiled and said, "I'm not afraid." Yet her trembling body betrayed her.

Without a word, a deep light burned in his eyes as they locked onto her.

A feeling of oppression swept through her body in an instant, and his hands gently touched Tang Qing's chest.

"Don't be afraid, Qingqing," he suddenly called her name softly.

"Does it feel comfortable for me to touch you like this, Qingqing?" Yanyan asked.

She dared not look at him, instead glancing down at the water. "Well, it's okay," she replied.

Yanyan didn't say anything. Instead, he raised his left hand and reached toward her lower body, touching her delicate, intimate areas.

Tang Qing was a little stunned by this action.

She turned her head slightly to look at him.

"Tang Yi..."

There was a tremor in her voice, a hint of fear.

He suddenly smiled a gentle expression and leaned forward to kiss her deeply.

"Does Qingqing like this?" His movements slowly began to speed up.

As he kissed her deeply, Tang Qing quietly opened her eyes. When she saw his gentle profile, she was startled once more. It was undeniable that Yanyan possessed great skills in matters of intimacy.

As Tang Qing neared her climax, Yanyan suddenly lifted his hand, as if teasing her. She thought he was purposely tormenting her, but unexpectedly, he said, "Qingqing, remember the feeling I've given you." Then he resumed the movements of his hand, bringing her to the heights of pleasure. Tang Qing couldn't help but groaned, but was silenced by Yan Yan's deep kiss. Yan Yan's tongue seemed to leave footprints in every corner of Tang Qing's mouth, and he kissed Tang Qing wantonly.

Afterwards, it was as if nothing had transpired. Yanyan was as calm as a frozen lake in winter, without a trace of ripples. He simply took the towel nearby and quietly wiped her entire body in the water with a gentle, unhurried gesture. However, Tang Qing could not ignore the state of his own physical condition.

Tang Qing was at a loss, unable to decipher Yanyan's thoughts. His actions had left her perplexed and unsure.

Tang Qing was still blushing until she was carried out of the bathroom by Yan Yan. She covered her face with the quilt, trying to hide her embarrassment. Although she covered her face, she could hear Yan Yan's patient laughter. And the feeling of his chest shaking when he laughed. He was very close to Tang Qing, very, very close.

"Qingqing, you won't be able to breathe like this." Yan Yan said this, but still could not suppress his smile.