
Tang Qing sighed, and to her surprise, she found herself gently caressing the side of her neck, where he had bitten her so forcefully that day.

While the action was not entirely unprovoked, the fact that it came from him made it impossible to be considered innocent.

Tang Qing didn't think she was mistaken but suddenly spoke apologetically, "What's wrong?"

Tang Qing's body was very fair, and this scar was the only mark on her supposedly flawless form, much like Yan Yan's exclusive brand.

He stared at the wound, his expression so focused that it was almost mesmerizing, as if he was not just looking at a scar but gazing intently at her. This concentration was hazy and indistinct.

Tang Yi suddenly said, "In a few days, several experts from the Japanese medical field will come over and ask them to help you take a look."

Tang Qing nodded subconsciously. In truth, she thought, why bother? Tang Qing didn't care.

"Can I go out to find a job?" Tang Qing asked tentatively after seeing that his mood had improved.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be my secretary?" he asked rhetorically, playing with Tang Qing's hair. "I'm not used to it," Tang Qing said. "Okay, I'll pick Qing Qing up when the time comes," Yan agreed.

So, in the next few days, Tang Qing was busy looking for a job. On Friday, Dr. Moriten from Japan came to Yan Yan's home and examined the scars on Tang Qing's neck. As a doctor, he was naturally uncomfortable while he was at work. He would have other thoughts that he shouldn't have, and he would subconsciously blurt out: "Ms. Tang, please pull down your clothes."

Before she could react, she heard the words standing aside suddenly say a few words: "Just look at it like this."

Dr. Sentian turned around and looked at Yan Yan: "This is not easy to treat, Mr. Yan."

Yan looked at him coldly: "I don't care how you treat it, anyway, just look at it this way."

Dr. Sentian lowered his head and was troubled. He couldn't say anything about the man in front of him.

Dr. Sentian turned to Tang Qing and said, "Miss Tang, look..."

Seeing that Tang Qing didn't move and just looked at him, Dr. Sentian had no choice but to pull down the hem of her clothes himself.

As a result, Yan Yan was angered by this action. "Go out and stop looking." Tang Qing was also helpless, saying that he was the one who asked her to see the doctor, and now he is the one who asked the doctor to leave.

Dr. Sentian was also helpless, but he could do nothing about it.

Ultimately, Tang Qing stepped forward and pulled Yan Yan away, trying to defuse the tense situation. "There's no need to be so upset. Dr. Sentian is just trying to do his job and help me."

Yan Yan's expression softened slightly at Tang Qing's words, but he still eyed the doctor warily. "Make it quick then. I don't want him touching you any more than necessary."

Dr. Sentian nodded solemnly and examined the scar professionally and discreetly as possible, offering his assessment. "This will be a difficult case, but I believe we can explore some treatment options that may help reduce the appearance of the scar over time."

Yan listened intently, his gaze never leaving Tang Qing, as if ensuring the doctor kept his word and hands to himself.

It's not good to be injured, especially in a conspicuous place like the neck. Tang Qing occasionally accidentally sees himself in the mirror and always avoids that place subconsciously.

For a man like Yan Yan, many beauties passed by his eyes, but in the end, he refused to let her go.

Tang Qing couldn't help but say: "Actually, I don't mind."

There was no answer to the words.

He just looked at her neck steadily and ran his fingers over the wound.

She only heard a word slipping softly from his lips for a long time.


Hearing this, she slowly raised her head and met his eyes.

Yanyan smiled slightly.

"I made you leave this scar...l

Yanyan leaned over and kissed the scar lightly with his thin lips. Then he raised his head, looked into her eyes, and spoke slowly.

Tang Qing looked at him and felt no sound could come from his throat.

Tang Qing suddenly raised his hand, put his arms around his neck, and hugged him.

"Are you free next week?"

Before he could answer, she begged: "Christmas is coming, please stay with me..."

He thought calmly, saying, "I'm going to a Japanese company next week."

"You stay with me." She buried her head in the crook of his neck, insisting on her previous request. She had never been so timid to him.

Only this time, the lethality is endless.

Yanyan hugged her and heard herself say one word: "...Okay."

Tang Qing immediately laughed.

Tang Qing has been preparing to work in the new company like a hard-working bee in the past few days. On the one hand, he hastily completed the handover at Yanyan Company and said goodbye to Li Xi and Cici.

Li Xi was happy because no one could compete with her anymore, whether it was work or anything else.

"Tang Qing, why are you walking in such a hurry?" Li Xi asked.

Tang Qing smiled and explained, "I plan to try out more in different companies while young."

"Yes, I still very much recognize your ability," Cici said. She had to admit that Tang Qing's learning ability had been in a state of rapid development. He learned everything very quickly. In just a few weeks, everyone who came into contact with Tang Qing had no one dissatisfied.

Cici knocked on her forehead and said, "Don't be so honest when you go to the new company. Otherwise, you will be busy working overtime every day."

"Okay, teacher," Tang Qing made a short salute gesture, "I will always remember the teacher's words."

Cici couldn't help but smile. She liked Tang Qing as an employee.