Chapter 8 Shocked Jiangge’s mother

"What's the matter?" Jiehong Ge asked with confusion.

Lin Yun said seriously: "I forgot to prepare gifts for my uncle and aunt!"

"It's all your fault. I left in such a hurry. I even forgot this important thing!" Lin Yun's tone was slightly complaining. It could be seen that she really cared about what Jiehong Ge's parents thought of her, for fear that they would be dissatisfied.

Jiehong Ge gently patted Lin Yun's back and comforted him: "It's okay. They are already very happy if you can go."

"That's not possible, you have to give a gift!" Lin Yun said a little stubbornly: "This is our first meeting. I have to behave well and not leave a bad impression on my uncle and aunt, otherwise..."

"What else?" Jiehong Ge asked.

Lin Yun's expression was a little shy, "What if there is a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future?"

Jiehong Ge was stunned, "You are thinking too far!"

"How far? Have you never considered marrying me?" Lin Yun Xin feigned anger.

"No, no, no..." Jiehong Ge aroused a strong desire to live, "Have I never thought about taking you home to meet my parents?"

"Humph~ That's more like it." Lin Yun suddenly revealed a smile face smile.

Then she was a little worried again, "What about the gifts?"

Jiehong Ge replied casually: "How about going to the supermarket in town to buy some."

Originally, Lin Yun felt that it was not very good, because there was nothing in the supermarket in town. It's high-end stuff, but after Jiehong Ge's persuasion, I still agreed.

The tricycle drove all the way and came to the largest supermarket in the town.

Lin Yun asked Jiehong Ge's opinion and knew that Jiehong Ge's father liked to drink. The most expensive wine sold in the supermarket was Wuliangye. Lin Yun bought six bottles at once, asked the salesperson to put them all in gift bags, and bought some more Fruit and milk, after all, these are the only things in the supermarket in town, nothing special.

As for Jiehong Ge's mother, it's embarrassing to say that Jiehong Ge didn't know what her hobbies were.

Lin Yun said mysteriously that there was no need to buy it. There were suitable gifts in her suitcase.

Jiehong Ge didn't know what it was. He felt that taking such a daughter-in-law back would be the greatest good news for his parents. Gifts or whatever were not important.

After buying the gifts, the tricycle drove into the village along the tree-lined path. When it arrived in front of his house, the door was open. Jiehong Ge rode the tricycle directly into the yard,

but he did not notice that there was a silver car far away. Parked far away from his house, the people in the car watched the tricycle enter the gate.

A khaki dog in the yard was very happy when he saw Jiehong Ge's car and ran over wagging his tail. The chickens in the yard were frightened and ran away.

"Mom, I'm back!" Jiehong Ge opened the car door and took Lin Yun out of the car. The dog kept sniffing around Lin Yun.

"Go, let's go!" Jiehong Ge gently pushed the dog away, and walked to the door of the house with Lin Yun carrying large and small bags.

"Mom?" Jiehong Ge looked into the room and found that Lin Lin's mother next door was also there. The two were chatting. No wonder they didn't hear him calling.

"Your family, Jiehong Ge, is honest and a good boy. Unlike our family, Lin Lin, who is careless all day and night. There are still girls pursuing him, and he doesn't know Tush. Look, this is not This new girl I'm talking to also gave me a bracelet!" Lin Lin's mother said she was disgusted, but actually rolled up her sleeves and showed the low-quality jade bracelet to Jiehong Ge's mother fiercely.

Jiehong Ge's mother looked envious, "Your family Lin Lin is still capable! You will be blessed with a wife like this in the future! Our Jiehong Ge is honest and practical, but today's society does not accept this. Hey! ...."

Jiehong Ge walked into the room and interrupted their conversation, "Auntie is here too, Mom, stop talking now! Didn't I tell you to bring my girlfriend back this afternoon? Why don't you make any preparations? " When Jiehong Ge

's mother heard this, she immediately asked: "Is your girlfriend real?"

Lin Yun walked in behind Jiehong Ge and said politely, "Hello, auntie!

When Lin Lin's mother saw such a beautiful woman like Lin Yun, she was stunned.

After a while, Jiehong Ge broke the situation and said, "Mom, I'm calling you, why don't you agree?"

"Oh, oh! Oops... Come in, come in." Jiehong Ge's mother suddenly looked a little a little worried. Looking at a loss, he greeted Lin Yun into the house with a face full of joy.

The enthusiastic look is more intimate than meeting your own daughter.

After entering the room, several people sat on the sofa. Jiehong Ge and Lin Yun sat on one side, and Jiehong Ge's mother and Lin Lin's mother sat on the other side. However, the two of them seemed to only have eyes for Lin Yun, as if Jiehong Ge did not exist. .

"Ahem... let me introduce to you, this is my mother." Jiehong Ge introduced Lin Lin's mother again and said: "This is the aunt next door, you can just call me aunt."

Then he introduced Lin Yun, "She is my girlfriend, her name is Lin Yun."

"Hello, aunt," Lin Yun greeted politely again.

Lin Lin's mother's eyes were full of envy, and she couldn't stop praising her, "Hello, hello! What a good girl! She looks like a TV star! This is much more beautiful than the girlfriend Lin Lin found! Your Jiehong Ge is really capable of talking about such a good girlfriend!"

Seeing Lin Lin's mother like this, Jiehong Ge's mother felt greatly satisfied.

She looked at Lin Yun, and the more she looked, the more surprised she felt. After a moment, she asked cautiously: "Girl, I think you look more and more like the one on TV... What's the name of that idol drama?... .."

Jiehong Ge laughed a little when he heard this, but he didn't expect his mother to watch idol dramas.

"My name is Mu Xueqing!" Jiehong Ge's mother finally remembered, "Is it you?"

Lin Yun nodded sheepishly: "Auntie, I played Mu Xueqing."

Suddenly, Jiehong Ge's mother and Lin Lin's mother My eyes were filled with shock again! {}

Lin Lin's mother widened her eyes and said in disbelief: "You...are you really a big star? Jiehong Ge actually has a celebrity girlfriend!"

Jiehong Ge's mother stood up with joy on her face, "It's really true It's you! Oh my god! I love your performance as Mu Xueqing! She's so honest and kind!"

"Auntie, I can't believe it." Rexin suddenly became less nervous, and Jiehong Ge's mother seemed to have turned into a little fan girl.

Lin Yun was secretly happy: "My future mother-in-law will be my fan, so there won't be any conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future, right?"

Jiehong Ge was also confused about this, and he didn't know that his mother was actually a fan of Lin Yun.

However, rural women are not as crazy about chasing stars. They simply like a character or an actor. Sometimes they don't even know the person's name, but they just love to watch that person and won't change the channel when they see it.

"Where's my dad? Are you playing cards again?" Jiehong Ge commented that his father has bad habits. He smokes, drinks, plays cards, brags, watches videos very loudly, and doesn't like to wash his feet! Other children regard their father as a role model. He has regarded his father as a negative example since junior high school. Therefore, Jiehong Ge still does not smoke, drink or play cards. It is only occasionally. He also pays attention to foot hygiene. Watching videos never affects others.

So it has to be said that his father really played a key role in his growth.

"Your dad, there is a house builder in the east. Your dad went to help them. I will call him back right now and don't let him do it." Jiehong Ge's mother answered, just about to walk out.

Lin Lin's mother took a step forward: "There is a guest at your house. Get ready. I will help you call his father."

"Okay!" Jiehong Ge's mother sent Lin Lin's mother out of the house, and then walked toward the domestic chickens. She walked over and saw that she was raising these chickens. She would only kill a few during the New Year. She would eat one at home for the New Year's Eve dinner and use the rest to entertain relatives.

The chickens raised at home eat vegetables and grains every day and are much more delicious than the chickens bought from outside. Jiehong Ge is usually so greedy that Jiehong Ge's mother is reluctant to kill them.

But today, she wanted to kill a chicken to entertain Lin Yun.

Lin Yun walked towards Jiehong Ge's mother with something in hand,

"Auntie, this is the first time I see you. This is a small gift prepared for you. It is a little bit of my heart. I hope you like it!"

Then Lin Yun said Rexin handed the box to Jiehong Ge's mother.

Jiehong Ge's mother took it and opened it, her face immediately filled with shock.