Chapter 9 Jiehong Ge’s father is back

The box surface is a pearl necklace that is worth a lot at first glance.

A total of 32 pearls are worn together, each one is round and full, without any flaws!

"Oh, I can't accept this, it's too expensive!" Although Jiehong Ge's mother didn't understand, she knew at a glance that some expensive things were valuable.

Lin Yun quickly persuaded: "Auntie, this is my heart, just accept it."

Jiehong Ge's mother refused for a long time, but finally accepted the pearl necklace because of Lin Yun's face.

But the villagers pay attention to courtesy, so she also thought about giving Lin Yun something of similar value.

Jiehong Ge didn't know how much this pearl necklace was worth, so he thought about asking Lin Yun later.

At the east end of the village, Jiehong Ge's father is building a brick wall on scaffolding. In addition to him, there are five or six workers working together. These people are from this village or neighboring villages. The village's house-building project is not large, and five or six people are working together. enough.

Don't underestimate these people. They were once involved in building some high-rise buildings in big cities. Their architectural skills are beyond words. Jiehong Ge's father is one of them. When he was young, he was also a good hand at laying bricks and worked as a contractor. Later, due to physical reasons, he could not support the high-intensity labor, so he chose to return to his hometown to do some odd jobs.

Everyone was chatting casually and laughing while working, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

"I said, Lao Hao, your son Jiehong Ge is already twenty-four or five years old, right? Why aren't you married yet? Look at him, the children would run away!" said one of the workers wearing camouflage uniforms. This man is also from this village. Because his name contains the character for mountain, people call him Laoshan. In local dialect, it has the same pronunciation as Lao San. People also call him Lao San, but the pronunciation is the same.

Jiehong Ge's father shook his head helplessly and smiled, "Twenty-four years old, I can't control Jiehong Ge. He can do whatever he likes. He can find whatever he wants. This child He has such high standards, he has been on blind dates for several times, but he has not been able to win. After all, it is normal for a son to have high standards!"

The people who worked together were speechless for a while, and then they laughed, and Lao Shan said, "What's wrong with you? Do you still want to find someone to be a model? "

Jiehong Ge's father was not angry: "Hey, don't tell me, even if the conditions are poor, there are people who are willing to follow."

Lao Shan said with a smile: "You man. You two are actually thinking of something good!"

The people around them smiled and participated in the discussion.

"Don't tell me, our honest family shouldn't look for someone who is too good-looking when looking for a wife. Didn't you see that the eldest son of the second bald man in Jiangcun Village found a dancer? What's the use of having a good figure? He will be married two weeks ago He ran away with someone else."

"Yes, the second bald man saved his whole life to marry this wife for his son, and he didn't even get a cent of the 180,000 yuan as a gift."

"The second bald man must be even more bald this time when he can't sleep at night.

"Hahaha..." At

this time, Lin Lin's mother trotted over with a smile on her face. There was a happy event at the neighbor's house, and she was really happy.

"Jiehong Ge's father! Stop doing this! Go home quickly. Your son has brought you a daughter-in-law! A big star on TV!"

"Big star?" Jiehong Ge's father looked confused and climbed up from the scaffolding. down.

The workers who were working together stopped what they were doing and looked at it curiously.

Not far away, there were a group of old ladies sitting under the wall. Regardless of their age, nothing happened in the village could escape their ears. When they heard Mother Lin Lin shouting, they also shouted curiously: "Mother Lin Lin, come here. Come over here!"

Lin Lin's mother walked over quickly and started talking to them with excitement.

The news that Jiehong Ge brought back a big star spread in the village.

Jiehong Ge's father said hello to the owner: "Xiao Wu, I'll go back first. Just give me half a day's work today."

The owner who built the house was a few years younger than Jiehong Ge's father. This house was built for his elderly parents. Yes, the former adobe house was too dilapidated and unsafe to live in. He waved to Jiehong Ge's father, "Brother, please go back and see your daughter-in-law! I'll give you a full day's work today!"

At home, Jiehong Ge, Lin Yun, and Jiehong Ge's mother were chatting together, Jiehong Ge Mom filled the coffee table with cut fruits, melon seeds, sugar, and peanuts. This was already the highest treatment for guests at home, which showed how satisfied she was with her daughter-in-law.

At this moment, Jiehong Ge's mother was telling an embarrassing story about Jiehong Ge when he was a child. He was wearing cotton trousers in the winter, and fell into an ice hole and got a cotton trouser leg wet. He didn't dare to go home, so he could only roast the cotton on the fire with his bare legs. pants, making Lin Yun giggle.

"Mom, can you say something nice about me?" Jiehong Ge protested.

Jiehong Ge's mother said, "Did you ever do anything good when you were a child? You stole the peaches planted by an old lady. You picked them from a tree. All the trees were plucked by others. The old lady was so angry that she found a home. Come on, do you hate people? Also, there are saplings planted by your family on your way to school. You pull them out and replant them every day on your way to and from school. The whole row of saplings are ruined. Are you still wondering? , How come all the good saplings are dead? Is it your fault? And the street lamp in our village, you took a slingshot and broke the lamp and the lampshade, and then a bird came to live in front of it."

Jiehong Ge listened for a while. Silently, "God, I want to strangle my childhood self after hearing this."

Lin Yun looked at Jiehong Ge in shock, with a suppressed smile on her lips, "I didn't know you were so wicked when you were a child... ..You are able to grow up this big, not only thanks to your aunt for raising you, but also for your kindness in not killing."

Jiehong Ge laughed a little ashamedly.

I thought to myself, this is really my mother, she talks about her dark history without any reservations! Wouldn't this really ruin her image in Lin Yun's heart?

Fortunately, Lin Yun looked at Jiehong Ge from time to time, with smiles and admiration in her eyes, which made Jiehong Ge feel relieved.

"What are you talking about? I'm so happy." Jiehong Ge's father walked into the house.

"Come back." Because of some things that happened to Jiehong Ge's father when he was drunk, Jiehong Ge didn't like to call him dad very much, so his dad kept saying that he was an unfilial son who didn't even call him dad.

"Hello, uncle!" Lin Yun immediately stood up and greeted Jiehong Ge's father politely.

Jiehong Ge's father was also shocked: "He is really a star!"

"Uncle, did you know me before?" Lin Yun asked.

"We know each other! Don't look at me. I don't watch TV very much, but I often watch short videos on my mobile phone. I haven't seen the videos you took yourself, but there is a TV series with you in the advertisement, right? I will watch it from time to time. I came across that advertisement video."

"Ah, yes..." Lin Yun smiled sheepishly, "I'm sorry, uncle, my advertisement affected your viewing of the video..."

"Hahaha... no. "Influence, that advertisement was also invested by your company, not by you personally," Jiehong Ge's father said.

Lin Yun nodded, "Yes, uncle, do you also know something about this field?"

Jiehong Ge's father began to speak in plain language again, "Even though I am not in your industry, these things are pretty much the same."

"Yes, yes . , That's right!" Lin Yun responded with a smile.

Seeing that his father was about to start talking nonsense again, Jiehong Ge quickly stopped him and said, "Would you like melon seeds?"

Jiehong Ge's father waved his hand: "I won't eat them, you can eat them! I You just came back from work and haven't washed your hands yet. You guys chat first while I wash my hands."

Lin Yun behaved like a good daughter-in-law and said with concern, "Uncle, please slow down and come over to eat after washing your hands. Order melon seeds and fruits."

"Okay!" Jiehong Ge's father turned around and went out to wash his hands.

Jiehong Ge complained about his father to Lin Yun, "My father loves to talk nonsense."

Lin Yun touched Jiehong Ge's head, "How can you talk about your father like this? I think it's pretty good. He's much more approachable than my dad! Anyway, I love chatting with my uncle!"