Chapter 10 Taking Lin Yun to dig for earthworms and fish

In the evening, Jiehong Ge's mother called over Jiehong Ge's aunt who was married to the same village and asked her to come and see her niece-in-law.

A large table of dishes was cooked in the evening, and Jiehong Ge's grandparents also came over, and the family sat together to have dinner.

At the dinner table, the family was naturally full of praise for Lin Yun.

"How did you two meet?" Aunt Jiehong Ge asked.

Jiehong Ge was stunned. He really couldn't answer this question.

Lin Yun, who was sitting next to Jiehong Ge, replied: "We met when their company asked me to cooperate."

Jiehong Ge breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the system's functions are quite complete, and he even has the memory of how we met.

Jiehong Ge's company is a relatively well-known cosmetics company. It has several well-known brands, including high-end cosmetics brands. It is not impossible to cooperate with Lin Yun.

But during the cooperation, Jiehong Ge was definitely not present. He was just the lowest salesman in a branch, and he didn't even know when they had cooperated.

"However, due to some reasons, my cooperation with their company was cancelled, but I took this opportunity to get to know Jiehong Ge." Lin Yun continued with a happy smile on her face.

Jiehong Ge's aunt nodded, "Oh, so that's it." She seemed to have something else to say, so she hesitated and started to speak.

"Rexin, you are such a famous star, you must know a lot of outstanding people, why did you fall in love with our Jiehong Ge?" The aunt didn't mean any harm, she just asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

"mom..what are you talking about? Why can't she fall in love with me? Am I that bad..." Jiehong Ge complained helplessly.

Lin Yun gently hugged Jiehong Ge's arm and replied a little shyly: "Jiehong Ge is different from those people. He is very... how should I put it? Anyway, I feel very relaxed when I am with him. I feel very comfortable and safe, which no one else can give me."

Lin Yun continued: "Actually, I really think Jiehong Ge is great! He is very real, not hypocritical at all, and very kind. , Integrity, these are the most precious qualities!"

"Okay, okay, don't praise me. If you praise me again, I will go to heaven." Jiehong Ge joked a little guilty. He didn't even know that he had so many advantages. Having said that, Jiehong Ge felt that what she said was absolutely right. He was very honest with others and never played tricks.

Speaking of kindness, Jiehong Ge even fed sausages to stray dogs! How about it, kind enough?

"There are fewer and fewer kind people like me now." Jiehong Ge thought to himself.

During the meal, Jiehong Ge's family members were all beaming with joy and were so satisfied with Lin Yun that they couldn't find any faults.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Jiehong Ge's mother carefully asked the two of them: "Which room do you two sleep in?" She pointed to Jiehong Ge's room and said, "There is a room over here, and I have tidied up the east room for you. , I have brought new quilts, you can sleep in whichever room you want, okay?"

She was mainly asking Lin Yun. After all, she didn't know where the relationship between the two had progressed, so Two rooms were prepared for the two of them. This is a basic respect for girls.

Lin Yun nodded, "Thank you, auntie, we..."

"Mom, leave it alone, go to bed." Jiehong Ge interrupted.

Jiehong Ge's mother nodded, "Okay, I'm going to bed then. You guys go to bed early."

"Well! Good night, aunt~"

Seeing that the lights in his parents' room were turned off, Jiehong Ge took Lin Yun's hand and turned off the lights in the living room. I walked out of the living room, closed the door behind me, and walked through the yard to the east room.

The east room is usually used to store some things. It has a double bed and can be used as a guest room when necessary.

The east room was very clean today. All the bed sheets and quilts were new and red, making it look like a wedding.

Jiehong Ge pulled Lin Yun and sat on the bed, "Let's sleep in this room tonight. It's far away and no noise will be heard."

The light in the east room is a tungsten filament bulb, which exudes warmth. yellow warm light.

Lin Yun's face became more and more attractive under the light, her face was a little blushing, and she nodded in understanding.

The lights were turned off, and the cool silver-white moonlight outside the window shone in. The rural night was quiet, and

a moist sound of waves hitting the rocks was vaguely heard, and it was vaguely like a nightingale singing, making a melodious sound.

There is the smell of the sea in the air, and a brave petrel shuttles back and forth among the dark clouds. shuttle! shuttle! Shuttle again! Keep going!

Let the storm come more violently!

Wow! .... The heavy rain poured down,

making the brave petrel wet, but the brave petrel continued to shuttle in the storm! .....

The next day, the two of them didn't get up until nine o'clock. After finishing cleaning, Jiehong Ge's mother brought the hot porridge kept warm by the rice cooker to the table.

They also thoughtfully prepared some side dishes.

When the two sat at the table, Jiehong Ge's mother said to Lin Yun: "This porridge is made from this year's new stick noodles. It's delicious! You drink more, it's whole grains and won't make you fat! I saw you eating that yesterday. "Young Master, I feel sorry for you."

Lin Yun showed a happy smile: "Thank you, Auntie!" She happily drank two bowls of cornmeal porridge and ate a small steamed bun. This was because Jiehong Ge's mother knew that she wanted to stay in shape. , I got up early to steam it for her.

In addition, she also dug some wild vegetables in the early morning, and Lin Yun ate them deliciously!

The wild vegetables in spring are really delicious. They are fresh and slightly bitter. They are natural and pollution-free. I heard they can also cure diseases, but you can only eat them for a few days a year.

"Is this for rabbits? I want to eat meat..." Jiehong Ge protested.

"Would you like to eat it?"

The protest was ineffective.

Lin Yun enjoyed the different treatment from Jiehong Ge and her mother, with a happy smile on her face.

After eating, Jiehong Ge took Lin Yun and went out with a shovel.

"What are we going to do?" Lin Yun asked.

"Don't you want to experience your childhood in the countryside? I will take you to experience it. Let's go dig earthworms and fish." Jiehong Ge said.

"Okay!" Lin Yun jumped twice happily.

Next to the vegetable field, Jiehong Ge dug with his shovel and dug out several earthworms. They twisted their bodies and tried to burrow into the soil.

"This is the first time I have seen real earthworms... I have only seen them in textbooks before." Lin Yun bent over and watched the earthworms run away.

Jiehong Ge squatted down, broke apart the soil with his hands, took out the earthworms, put them into a prepared plastic box, and put some soil in to prevent the earthworms from drying out. At the same time, he said to Lin Yun: "You Do you want to help catch me?"

Lin Yun shook her head repeatedly and took a few steps back: "No... don't... I'm afraid..."