Chapter 34 Conquering Ma Hongfeng

"What are you talking about??? How much is it???" Ma Hongfeng asked in surprise.

Jiehong Ge: "Forty million, can we sell it or not?"

Ma Hongfeng confirmed doubtfully: "Really? Are you willing to pay 40 million??!!!"

Jiehong Ge looked at him quietly.

Ma Hongfeng didn't understand: "Why?..."

Jiehong Ge: "If you don't want to, then I'll leave."

How could Ma Hongfeng let him go? If he could really sell it for 40 million, he wouldn't be able to do it at all. Don't worry!

Not only can all the arrears be paid back, but workers' arrears of wages will also be paid in time!

All problems were solved at once!

He quickly stopped Jiehong Ge: "Mr. Jiehong, from now on, this factory is yours!"

Let Li Xia handle the formalities, while Jiehong Ge was going to transfer 40 million directly to Ma Hongfeng's account.

By afternoon, the deal was complete.

Ma Hongfeng distributed the money and returned the money to farmers and workers.

In front of the factory, he held Jiehong Ge's hand and cried excitedly.

"Mr. Jiehong...I really thank you so much!..." He was a little incoherent, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

After a while, when he calmed down a little, he asked Jiehong Ge: "Mr. Jiehong, why on earth are you willing to spend 40 million to buy my factory?"

Jiehong Ge shrugged: "Because I love Eat canned yellow peaches?"

Ma Hongfeng looked confused: "Mr. Jiehong, that's not what I meant. You can obviously buy it for less than 20 million, why do you have to pay 40 million? Do you have money and nowhere to spend it..."

Jiehong Ge smiled and was not angry at this sentence. He said to Ma Hongfeng: "Let me tell you something. When I was a child, I was very thin and in poor health. "The doctor said we could eat more beef, but my family was poor at that time. How could I afford beef?"

"My grandma's family grew yellow peaches. At that time, every time the yellow peaches were sold, my grandma would buy a big piece. The beef was delivered to me several miles away. She was willing to buy beef for me, but was reluctant to treat herself..."

The more Ma Hongfeng listened, the more confused she became: "Mr. Jiehong, your grandma... uh... Your grandma is so kind to you, but does this have anything to do with you spending 20 million more?"

Jiehong Ge said seriously to Ma Hongfeng: "My grandma is the epitome of thousands of farmers, 20 million means nothing to me. It's just a number, but for them, it's about whether they have money to buy a piece of beef for their children, and whether they have money to go to the hospital for a checkup if they feel sick. This is their life!"

Ma Hongfeng asked slowly: "It's your life! Grandma..."

Jiehong Ge replied: "She is no longer here."

Ma Hongfeng was silent. He did not expect that Jiehong Ge was such a selfless and loving person. He did not even seek any reputation, but passed the money on. The way it was given to him ended up in the hands of farmers.

Moisturizing things silently.....For

a while, he admired Jiehong Ge very much.

"I didn't expect to see someone like you in this small place, thank you!" Ma Hongfeng bowed to Jiehong Ge solemnly, while Li Xia's eyes turned red as she watched.

She never thought that she could see the simplest human emotions in the business world. This moved her and made her even more curious about Jiehong Ge and wanted to understand his heart...

Jiehong Ge was the first to break the There was a slightly solemn atmosphere and he smiled: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. We still have business to do."

Ma Hongfeng immediately thought that this factory was no longer his, and suddenly felt a little lonely: "Mr. Jiehong, you guys are busy first." , I'll leave first."

Jiehong Ge stopped him and said, "I wonder if you want to stay and serve as the director of the factory?"

Regarding Ma Hongfeng, Jiehong Ge recognized his ability and character. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to build this big factory in just a few years.

Ma Hongfeng was so happy that of course he couldn't bear to leave!

Moreover, he recognized Jiehong Ge's character and was willing to help him start his career!


there was a wry smile on his lips, and he said: "Mr. Jiehong, I have ruined a good factory like this. Are you still willing to let me be the director?"

Jiehong Ge didn't say anything else. He said: "If you are willing to take the job, call all the workers back this afternoon. I want to see the machines start. I didn't buy this factory just for fun. Let me start production at full capacity."

Ma Hongfeng: "Jiehong Boss... Then I will agree to the position of factory director, but... are you sure we can start work now? The warehouse has been stocked with goods for half a year..."

Jiehong Ge: "I heard some rumors, saying that it is Did you cheat me so hard that the cans couldn't be sold?"

Ma Hongfeng nodded: "It was Wu Hu from Feihu Trading. He deceived me."

Jiehong Ge nodded...

at Jiehong Ge's insistence. Next, Ma Hongfeng called his employees back, and the factory's machines started production.

When the workers heard that work could resume, they were very happy to come back to work.

Ma Hongfeng had treated them well before. Although he had been owed wages for several months recently, he had already made up for it and everyone was willing to come back and continue working.

The factory became busy, and Ma Hongfeng and Jiehong Ge came to the warehouse.

While guarding the mountain of cans, Jiehong Ge asked Ma Hongfeng to explain what was going on.

Ma Hongfeng began to tell: "Feihu Trading was originally our partner, and we have always cooperated very well. Their boss is called Wu Hu, who is very capable. From the beginning, we opened up sales in the four cities around us through him.

But one time, he told me that a big company was going to enter the market, that is, squirrel cans, and wanted to seize our market. He told me not to be afraid, there would be a tough battle next, and he asked me to collect more yellow peaches and open them. Produce at full capacity and stock up on more goods for promotion when the time comes. As long as we hold on to the first few waves of impact, Squirrel Canned Food is very likely to withdraw from these markets....

I believed it, and it ended up like this....

It turned out that Wu Hu had lied to me from the beginning. His purpose was to buy my batch of cans and my factory at a very low price when I finally couldn't bear it anymore. In this way, not only could he make a huge profit at once, but We can also turn Hongfeng Cannery into an asset of their Feihu Trading.

In fact, I felt something was wrong for a long time. I tried to find a way to sell it on my own, but it was the period when Squirrel Canned Products entered the market strongly, which hit both sides. That's why I ended up like this."

Jiehong Ge nodded, this is really a shopping mall story, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, either you die or I live, this makes him excited.

He also knew about canned squirrel and had even eaten it. It was a brand owned by a well-known large company in the country. It was really difficult for Ma Hongfeng to compete with them for the market under those circumstances.

However, it can be said that it is not difficult at all for Jiehong Ge to open a market and sell these cans.

Just as Jiehong Ge was thinking about the specific implementation method, a black Mercedes-Benz luxury car drove in from the factory.

Ma Hongfeng knew who it was as soon as he saw the license plate.

"It's Wu Hu's car."

"Wu Hu is here?" Jiehong Ge looked at the car and said, "Let's go over and have a look."

Several people walked over, and the black car stopped slowly, and a few people got out of the car. personal.

One of them, a bald man wearing a patterned suit and sunglasses, walked in front and walked towards them with a gloating smile.

Ma Hongfeng stood behind Jiehong Ge and whispered: "He is Wu Hu."

Jiehong Ge nodded silently.

After Wu Hu led the people in, he took off his sunglasses. Hearing the movement outside the factory, he suddenly laughed: "Ma Hongfeng, are you crazy? When are you still producing? Are these cans not enough for you? Hahaha. ..."

Several people brought by Wu Hu laughed, which was obvious ridicule.

Ma Hongfeng said calmly: "This factory now belongs to Mr. Jiehong. If Mr. Jiehong says we can start work, we will start work."

Wu Hu: "Mr. Jiehong? Which Mr. Jiehong? Is there anyone who dares to take over your mess now?"

Ma Hongfeng did not answer . .

Jiehong Ge said: "I took over."

Wu Hu was stunned for a moment, looked at Jiehong Ge carefully, and then couldn't help laughing: "....Which noble son is this? How could he be fooled into taking over? This mess? Ma Hongfeng, have you explained the situation clearly to others, be careful of me coming to you, haha..."

Jiehong Ge just looked at him indifferently, and Ma Hongfeng did not answer. {}

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Wu Hu asked Jiehong Ge: "How much did you spend?"

Jiehong Ge didn't like Wu Hu's style, so he said to him: "How much I spent has nothing to do with you. It's okay. " Please come back and don't affect our work."

Wu Hu was a little confused. He thought for a while and said to Ma Hongfeng, "Do you want to act for me? I'm here to give you one last chance, Ma Hongfeng. , 15 million in cash, to sell or not?"

Seeing that he still didn't give up, Jiehong Ge said to Li Xia: "Show him the contract and let him leave after reading it."

Li Xia nodded: " Okay , Mr. Jiehong."

When he saw the contract, he shouted: "Forty million! ??"

Ma Hongfeng said, "And it's cash.

Hu looked at Jiehong Ge with a look that looked like you're not sick.

Jiehong Gecai didn't have time to argue with him, so he turned around and walked towards the office building.

Ma Hongfeng also followed. After Li Xia took the contract, she turned around and followed.

Wu Hu was a little at a loss. He realized that his plan had been broken by this inexplicable Mr. Jiehong! This made him very angry.

Originally, he was going to make a lot of money from this! It's all this Jiehong Ge's fault!

He kicked the ground hard and shouted at Jiehong Ge's back: "What a madman! I'll see how you sell these cans! Without me, Wu Hu, you wouldn't be able to sell a single can of yours." Sell it! If you ask me again, I won't give you 15 million! I don't think you'll pay for it! Just tell me, canned food has a shelf life! !"

After shouting, Wu Hu angrily got into the car and drove away from the factory when he saw that Jiehong Ge didn't care about him at all.