Chapter 35: Sold now? Triple the price!

In the car, someone asked Wu Hu.

"Mr. Hu, are we leaving now?"

Wu Hu snorted coldly: "Like I said, without me, he wouldn't be able to sell a single can. Due to the strong entry of squirrel cans, several nearby markets The canned food market is already saturated, so where can he sell it? We have a way to sell it to other places.

Mr. Jiehong is so young, I'm afraid he hasn't suffered a loss yet, so I'll give him a lesson this time! When we find that the cans really can't be sold, we'll come back!

I said, when he begged me."

After they left, Ma Hongfeng was a little worried.

In the office of the cannery, Jiehong Ge sat in front of the computer, and Li Xia thoughtfully helped Jiehong Ge make a cup of tea.

Seeing Jiehong Ge's calm demeanor, Ma Hongfeng felt a little uneasy and asked, "Mr. Jiehong, have you found sales outlets in advance? You don't look anxious at all..."

Jiehong Ge He picked up the tea and took a sip: "There is no market for it. Good tea, Li Xia, your tea-making skills are getting better and better."

Li Xia smiled softly: "Thank you, Mr. Jiehong, for the compliment."

Ma Hongfeng: "?? ? "

Is this the point?

At this time Jiehong Ge said: "You guys go out first and let me think about sales."

Ma Hongfeng said in her heart that you are only thinking about it now... I really have you.

He and Li Xia walked out, and Li Xia closed the door for Jiehong Ge.

Jiehong Ge turned on the computer and began to search for some keywords.

Ten minutes later, the computer screen showed a picture of a person, who turned out to be a foreigner.

Jiehong Ge nodded silently: "That's him."

This man's name is Mike, and he runs a multinational trading company. Its business categories include food, clothing, agricultural products, daily necessities, automotive supplies... various categories.

Annual sales reach tens of billions.

The reason why I chose him is because this foreigner is very interesting. There is a report that he is looking for some sources of agricultural products across the country, with the purpose of helping domestic farmers sell agricultural products to foreign countries.

"System, modify the relationship between me and him to friends."

"Ding~ The character relationship has been modified successfully. The current relationship is: friend."

Jiehong Ge took out his mobile phone and put it on the table, leaning on the chair and closing his eyes to relax.

After a while, the phone rang. Jiehong Ge opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar number, which was a domestic number.

Jiehong Ge answered the phone: "Hello?"

On the phone, a foreign man's voice came from speaking Chinese: "Hi, Jiehong Ge! I'm Mike! I miss you my friend! How have you been lately?"

Listen Receiving this warm greeting, Jiehong Ge smiled and replied: "Very good. I also saw reports about you on the Internet. Are you looking for some sources of goods?"

Mike: "Haha~ Yes! I have found some so far. Rice, my God, I guarantee that the rice grown in this black land is the most delicious rice in the world! I will make a lot of money from it!"

Jiehong Ge asked with interest: "Why are you so dedicated ? What about agricultural products?"

Mike replied: "Should I be honest, my friend? This is a business strategy of our company, of course, to make money! Haha... It also includes establishing a positive image of our company."

Listen . Upon hearing this answer, Jiehong Ge smiled and got down to business: "Are you interested in canned yellow peaches? Yellow peaches grow on trees and are considered agricultural products, right?"

Mike replied: "Of course. I like it. Canned yellow peaches. This product is very durable and not as perishable as fresh fruits. It is very suitable for transoceanic transportation. And it is delicious. Almost everyone doesn't like canned yellow peaches. Hahaha... What, you? Are you introducing the supply to me?"

Jiehong Ge didn't mince words and answered directly and affirmatively: "Yes, I have a batch of very good quality canned yellow peaches."

Mike: "I think I'm very interested in going over to take a look. Look."

Jiehong Ge: "Okay."

Jiehong Ge told him the address.

The next day, Mike arrived directly at the factory.

After some tasting and appraisal, Mike was very satisfied with the quality of the canned yellow peaches in the factory.

In the office, Jiehong Ge and the others sat down with Mike and started discussing.

Mike was the first to speak: "I want these canned yellow peaches. For the sake of my friendship with Jiehong Ge, I will give a good price."

Ma Hongfeng felt a little nervous and asked: "How much?"

Mike said: " I want to hear your ex-factory price first."

Ma Hongfeng hesitated and looked at Jiehong Ge with questioning eyes.

Jiehong Ge said, "Just say it directly."

Ma Hongfengxin said, is this how people talk about business nowadays? This candor?

However, he still told the price: "Our general selling price is 6 yuan per can, and now there are nearly 6 million cans in the warehouse, worth about 36 million."

Mike shook his head: "6 yuan? No, no, no, 6 yuan is too low. You know that in some countries, these cans can be sold for at least 30 yuan per can, and 40 yuan is not impossible, and some can even be as high as 100 yuan or more. The main thing is that you have to be good at publicity

. , I would say it is the mysterious canned dragon yellow peach produced in the land of longevity in the far eastern country of China. It is made in the oldest way and does not contain any additives. Its vitamin content is several times that of apples. If you eat it regularly, you will become as smart as an Oriental...and with the brand effect...those consumers will be happy to pay for it."

Ma Hongfeng was stunned for a moment and said to himself. What is it for? Are you going to take the initiative to raise the price?

Sure enough, after Mike finished speaking, he took the initiative to quote a price: "Jiehong Ge, we are friends, right. Friends should have friends' prices. I will pay 18 yuan per can for these canned yellow peaches. What do you think?"

Jiehong Ge ? Ge said: "You won't lose money for this high, right?"

Mike shrugged: "No, at least make a little profit."

Jiehong Ge reached over and shook hands with Mike: "Deal."

Ma Hongfeng stood silently On the side, I thought to myself, I don't understand...

Why is this selling for 18 yuan a can? ? ? ? ? ? Triple the price! ! ! Even if this foreigner goes to the supermarket to buy a can, it is cheaper than this!

What's going on lately? ? ? ? Reversed? ? ? ? Everyone has too much money to spend? ? ? ?

He didn't react until Jiehong Ge called him.

Jiehong Ge said to him: "Director Ma, go ask the workers to prepare. Mike's car will start shipping this afternoon when it arrives."

Ma Hongfeng immediately nodded: "Okay, Mr. Jiehong!"

The sales problem has finally been solved, and Ma Hongfeng is very happy!

In the afternoon, trucks lined up one by one to start loading cans. These cans will be transported to a freighter and transported out to sea along with other cargo of Mike Company.

Mike directly paid the payment to Jiehong Ge's account, 6 million cans, 18 yuan per can, a total of 108 million.

Jiehong Ge looked at the money in the account. He didn't expect that the business would pay back its original cost so quickly. He only spent 40 million to buy the factory, and this batch of goods made back his original investment. Not only did he make back his initial investment, he also made an additional 68 million. ! It only took one day.

The main reason is that the system's friend relationship is so easy to use!

But this is not enough.