Chapter 37 Despicable means, Wu Hu’s smear campaign

Wu Hu heard the news and drove to Hongfeng Cannery.

Wu Hu was stunned as he watched the busy trucks taking away the cans.

"How is it possible?... Are their cans really sold? It's only been a day!"

A younger brother behind Wu Hu said: "Mr. Hu, according to the information I found, all their cans are sold To a foreigner."

Wu Hu couldn't help but scolded: "What the hell! How did they get the deal at this time? They would rather let the foreigner take advantage of it, right? Sell it to me, right?"

The younger brother stumbled and replied, "No...I heard that not only was there no discount, but the price was also...increased!"

Wu Hu was stunned when he heard this ! His eyes widened, he turned around and grabbed the younger brother's collar: "What did you say??? Tell me again how much it costs???"

The younger brother: "18 yuan a can..."

Wu Hu was stunned for a long time, and was deeply Deeply shocked.

"18 yuan...I'm afraid this foreigner has his brain kicked by a donkey...Have they never seen canned food in their country or something? Are you crazy? Yuebao Bookstore

is not good. I can't just watch them take this business." Done, go check the foreigner's contact information for me! Go quickly!"

The younger brother nodded and went to check it immediately.

Mike's identity was not difficult to find, and his contact information was quickly obtained.

Wu Hu returned to his company office and dialed Mike's phone.

After Mike answered the call: "Hello?"

Wu Hu started talking to the phone: "Hi, Mr. Mike, I'm Wu Hu. I heard that you recently purchased a batch of canned yellow peaches. I'm just calling you out of friendship. You may have been deceived by this call. Those canned yellow peaches are not worth that much.

If you are interested, I have high-quality canned yellow peaches that cost only half of theirs!"

Mike replied: "No. I'm sorry, Mr. Wu Hu, I'm not interested in your canned yellow peaches, bye."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Wu Hu couldn't figure it out: "Is this foreigner really stupid? If you don't sell the half-priced one, you have to buy the expensive one!"

He thought for a while and sent an electronic file to Mike.

When Mike opened it, he saw a photo like this.

It is a workshop that produces canned yellow peaches. The sanitary conditions are dirty and messy. Flies are flying everywhere. The workers do not wear gloves and masks. The rotten yellow peaches are piled on the floor, with yellow juice leaking out. There is also a photo showing, There was a dead mouse in a glass bottle of canned yellow peach noodles.

After sending the message, Wu Hu showed a sinister smile and dialed Mike's number again.

"Mr. Mike, those photos you saw are scenes from the Hongfeng can production workshop. Do you still want to buy their cans now?"

A busy signal came from the other end of the phone, and Mike hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Wu Hu showed a proud smile.

He looked out the window, feeling a sense of strategizing rising from the bottom of his heart.

He thought, Mike must be angry, let's be angry, the angrier the better, it would be best to ruin the deal between him and Hongfeng Cannery.

The reality is that after Mike hung up the phone, he directly sent a copy of the photo to Jiehong Ge, and then called Jiehong Ge's mobile phone.

In the office, Jiehong Ge answered the phone: "Mike?"

Mike said on the phone: "Jiehong Ge, I think you have been discredited by your competitor. The other party obviously wants to discredit you through such unfair means. This kind of thing I've seen it a lot, does he think I'll believe it?…"

Jiehong Ge: "Who is it?"

Mike said, "It's a man named

Wu Hu…Okay, I know. " Okay

, bye~" After saying that, Mike hung up the phone.

Jiehong Ge opened the photos on his mobile phone, called Ma Hongfeng over, and looked at the photos with him.

Then Jiehong Ge said: "Wu Hu sent it to Mike. He said this is a photo of our factory."

Ma Hongfeng said angrily: "He is talking nonsense! This is obviously not our workshop at first glance! This machine, this warehouse, this assembly line "How is it similar to us?"

Jiehong Ge smiled, but he didn't expect that business wars in reality would use such despicable methods. It was so childish and different from what he imagined.

He couldn't help but think of a piece of news he had seen before. The chairman climbed over the wall alone to enter the other company's company to secretly take pictures. He was caught by the security guard and made the news... The method was so simple and unpretentious.

Regarding Wu Hu, Jiehong Ge originally wanted to ignore him.

But now...

"Don't blame me for being unjust if you are unkind." Jiehong Ge said to Ma Hongfeng: "Go and find out what business Feihu Trading has now and see if there is anything we can make a fortune from. Come on. It's not disrespectful."

Ma Hongfeng understood, and he liked Mr. Jiehong's temper more and more! He couldn't help but smile: "Okay, I'll check it out right away!"

Ma Hongfeng let Ma Hongfeng check it first. There was nothing going on at the cannery for the time being, so Jiehong Ge drove back to his company. To be precise, the company he works for.

Li Xia was working in the office. Except for the day when he purchased the cannery, Jiehong Ge didn't take Li Xia with him.

After all, those businesses are beyond the scope of this company.

How could Li Xia say that she was only from this company, not Jiehong Ge himself?

Seeing Jiehong Ge coming, Li Xia took the initiative to say hello: "Mr. Jiehong, you are here. By the way, how is the canned matter? Has the negotiation been completed?"

Seeing that she was quite concerned, Jiehong Ge smiled and said, Sitting in his seat: "It's sold out."

Li Xia just took a sip of water and almost spit out: "Is this fast? Is it discounted?"

Jiehong Ge: "No, it was sold at three times the price. ."

Li Xia opened her mouth into an O shape and looked at Jiehong Ge in surprise.

"Three times the price, how much is it?"

Jiehong Ge: "18 yuan per can, a total of 6 million cans."

Li Xia's brain started to work rapidly, and in a moment he got an astonishing fact: "Mr. Jiehong, that is, He said, you made your money back the next day! Not only did you make back your money, you also made an additional 68 million!"

Jiehong Ge smiled and nodded: "You are good at math."

Li Xia looked at Jiehong Ge. , my heart was not only happy for him, but also felt that this man was becoming more and more mysterious...

The next day, Lin Yun came.

She took a taxi and arrived at the previous location, dragging a familiar suitcase with her. She was wrapped tightly in a windbreaker, wearing sunglasses and a sun hat.

She ran directly to Jiehong Ge's rental house and knocked on the door, hoping to give Jiehong Ge a surprise.

After calling for a long time and no one answered, I took out my cell phone and dialed Jiehong Ge's number.

When Jiehong Ge heard that Lin Yun was coming, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Just wait, I'll pick you up!"

A moment later, Jiehong Ge saw Lin Yun.

After not seeing each other for a while, Lin Yun first gave Jiehong Ge a big hug.

He hugged her and didn't want to let go...

Pedestrians came and went on the road, which made Jiehong Ge feel a little embarrassed.

"How about we hug each other when we go home?"

Lin Yun was willing to let go of Jiehong Ge.

After getting in the car, Jiehong Ge took her to his villa.