Chapter 38 Wild tiger? Jiehong Ge’s bold idea

Lin Yun asked a lot of questions about Jiehong Ge's luxury cars and villas, and Jiehong Ge answered them one by one.

In the garden, Lin Re was as happy as a fairy walking out of the flowers, and said to Jiehong Ge: "So, during the days when I was away, did you do some business to earn this?"

Jiehong Ge smiled and nodded. nod.

Lin Yun asked casually: "You are making money so fast, you won't do anything illegal, right?"

Jiehong Ge laughed and said: "How is that possible? I never do anything illegal."

Lin Yun felt relieved at this .

Jiehong Ge walked over and continued their previous embrace.

Slowly lying on the grass, we had a friendly exchange.

After they were done, the two of them lay on the grass and basked in the sun, so comfortable.

Lin Yun suddenly said: "I want to see tigers." As she said this, she took out her mobile phone and opened a live broadcast software.

Jiehong Ge didn't understand and made a questioning sound: "What?"

Lin Yun entered a live broadcast room, tilted her head and watched with Jiehong Ge.

While looking at her, he said: "This anchor specializes in outdoor adventures to look for traces of wild Siberian tigers. The tiger was really discovered last live broadcast!"

Jiehong Ge was also interested: "You still like to watch live broadcasts."

Lin Yun clicked He nodded: "I don't like to watch anything else, I just like to watch this. It would be great if I could be like him and see tigers in the wild."

Jiehong Ge: "Do you like tigers?"

Lin Yun nodded heavily: "Yeah! My favorite animal is the tiger!"

Jiehong Ge smiled, but he didn't expect Lin Yun to have such a preference, so he asked, "Then I will take you to the zoo to see tigers?"

Lin Yun said. : "I don't like tigers in the zoo. They are not majestic at all. Wild tigers are the prettiest!"

Jiehong Ge: "Why?"

Lin Yun: "Huh?"

Jiehong Ge: "Why do you like tigers?"

Lin Yun replied: "Because tigers are free, they live freely in the mountains and forests, and they are also very powerful! No animal can hurt them."

At this time, Jiehong Ge saw the anchor of the live broadcast room was alone in a deep mountain forest. While marching, he said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Old fellows, I have found tiger excrement here. Let's see if we are lucky enough to see a tiger today!"

The comments in the live broadcast room suddenly started to float.

"Tiger: The takeout I ordered has arrived."

"Can the anchor know how to shovel? Do you dare to go to Tiger? Are you tired of living?"

"People nowadays don't care about anything for traffic, even their lives.

"Anchor, I want to ask, if you really encounter a tiger, how do you plan to run?"

"How can he run as fast as a tiger?"

"Anchor, be careful, this is a wild tiger! " Territory, you are dead!"

"Anchor, I bowed to you, and my mother asked me why I knelt down to watch the live broadcast."

"Anchor, I will obey you if you don't agree with me."

"Don't worry, anchor. I will burn paper for you next year. "


Jiehong Ge looked at Lin Yun who was watching the live broadcast seriously, and thought that in the eyes of others, she was a high-ranking white swan, existing on the most dazzling stage, exuding the most elegant and gorgeous light.

But she didn't expect that in her heart, she actually liked the wild tiger, which was a symbol of wildness and power.

Maybe these are the things she lacks most in her life, so she longs for freedom in her heart.

Looking at Lin Yun, Jiehong Ge couldn't help but feel a pity in his heart and wanted to help her realize her dream.

At the same time, another thought arose in his mind, that is, what if his system capabilities were used on wild tigers! What will happen?

Just thinking about it couldn't help but make him a little excited. This idea was worth a try!

Moreover, there are many wild animals in the wild. Even if you don't try it with tigers, you can try it with other wild animals.

Maybe you will develop a more powerful use of the system.

Li Xia is here in the company, and Ma Hongfeng is in the cannery. I have just expanded a small business territory and made a lot of money. Is there anything wrong with going out to play in the wild for a few days?

He asked Lin Yun: "Do you want to be like this anchor and go there to see it in person?"

Lin Yun's eyes immediately lit up: "Of course I do!"

Jiehong Ge said: "Then let's go, I'll accompany you. You."

Lin Yun immediately said happily: "Really!?" Then, she seemed to have thought of something again, and most of her enthusiasm disappeared: "But we don't even know where he is, and the anchor never mentioned it. "

Jiehong Ge said: "It doesn't matter. In fact, this anchor knows me and we are friends. I will call him later and maybe he can tell me."

Lin Yun's enthusiasm suddenly came back: "Really? ? Great! But... I'm a little afraid of encountering a tiger. What if it eats me? " Jiehong Ge

smiled: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you when the time comes."

You can't beat a tiger."

Jiehong Ge: "But I can feed the tiger, and it won't bite you when it's full."

Lin Yun: "No, it can't even eat you."

Jiehong Ge said. He comforted Lin Yun and said: "It's okay. Let's bring some meat and a torch. Wild animals are most afraid of fire. If we really encounter a tiger, we will light a torch and throw the meat out, so that the tiger will not Bite us."

Lin Yun thought for a while, but finally couldn't resist the desire to find the tiger, and nodded: "Yeah!"

Jiehong Ge stood up and took out his own while going into the house to drink water. The mobile phone entered the live broadcast room.

"System, modify the relationship between me and him to friends."

"Ding~ The character relationship has been modified successfully. The current relationship is: friends."

Afterwards, Jiehong Ge started to send gifts in the live broadcast room and sent a few The barrage said that I am Jiehong Ge, but I don't know if he can see it.

The anchor is a pretty young guy, aged 24 or 25, and his name is Yeye Ah Xun. The friends in the live broadcast room affectionately call him Ah Xun, or Brother Xun, and many people also call him Brother Takeaway... because I am rushing to deliver food to Tiger every day.

No one knows why he is obsessed with looking for wild tigers. They just think that he is brave or has a lack of brains and does crazy things for the sake of traffic.

Ah Xun saw the gift Jiehong Ge brushed in the live broadcast room, and saw his barrage, and immediately said hello in the live broadcast room: "Jiehong Ge, thank you for the gift you gave me, haha... look at my environment. How about it? It's better than the city air."

Jiehong Ge sent a few messages to talk to him. After a while, Ah Xun put the live broadcast phone on a stone, walked aside and called Jiehong Ge.

Jiehong Ge walked out of the room and came to the back garden while answering the phone. {}

"Axun, where are you now? My friend and I want to go on a wild adventure with you to see wild tigers."

Hearing Jiehong Ge's voice on the phone, Lin Yun couldn't help but come over.

The two chatted for a few words, and after a while, the phone was hung up.

Lin Yun heard nothing, and curiously asked Jiehong Ge: "How is it? Did he say it?"

Jiehong Ge looked at Lin Yun and teased her for a while. When Lin Yun couldn't wait any longer, he spoke. : "It seems we are going on a long trip."

"Ah!!!~~~" Lin Yun happily hugged Jiehong Ge and cheered.