Chapter 39 Wild adventure,

After traveling all the way, Jiehong Ge and Lin Yun finally arrived at where Ah Xun was.

The car that sent them was a van found locally. The car traveled deep into the mountains and stopped in front of a winding mountain road.

The driver was a local resident named Zhang, who was very enthusiastic about people.

After the car stopped, Master Zhang said to the two of them: "The car in front can't drive through, so we have to walk. There is still a long way to go before entering the mountain. There must be more than ten people. You two have to be careful after entering the mountain." , They say there are tigers, blind bears, and a lot of snakes in that mountain. Just call me when you come out, and I will drive to pick you up."

Jiehong Ge nodded and took Lin Re. Xin got out of the car.

Master Zhang turned around and drove away.

Jiehong Ge and Lin Yun were the only two people left on this deserted mountain road.

Jiehong Ge expressed doubts about Lin Yun's physical strength: "It takes only ten people to enter the mountain, can you do it?"

Lin Yun was very excited: "Of course, don't underestimate me." Then he took the lead.

Both of them were wearing outdoor sportswear today, and Lin Yun showed a different kind of beauty. Climbing a mountain with such a beautiful woman made her excited just by looking at her.

Jiehong Ge followed behind and dialed Ah Xun's number.

I don't know where this guy is, so he has to come out to pick them up.

After making the phone call, Ah Xun said he would come out now and asked them to walk forward first.

He said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Brothers, I will go out to pick up someone first. It is a good friend of mine. I will take one of his friends with me. We will look for traces of wild tigers together in a while."

The barrage in the live broadcast room immediately floated to .

"Are you afraid that you won't be able to feed the tiger by yourself?"

"It's okay to organize a group to deliver food, and the tiger will give it a five-star rating."

"What's a friend and I have to pick him up? Isn't this a waste of time?"

"Can you be patient in front of me ? "Isn't it better for a tiger to eat three people than to eat one?"

"That's right!"

Ah Xun was a bit dumbfounded by these barrages, and said to them, "Don't worry, they will be picked up soon."

He said it was very soon . , but it took more than two hours for him to pick up Jiehong Ge and the two of them and return to where he was just now.

The two-hour mountain road almost made Jiehong Ge, who was used to living on the plains, lose his legs.

When Ah Xun first saw Lin Yun, he was almost surprised. This was Lin Yun, the top star today!

Why is she here?

If she appears in her live broadcast room, the popularity of her live broadcast room will skyrocket!

However, Jiehong Ge didn't let him take the photo. The audience only saw the backs of the two of them, but not their faces.

"Why is there a girl?"

"That girl has such a good figure! Just looking at her back makes her my type!"

"There are so many killers from the back these days. Looking at her face might scare a tiger to death."

"The figure . What's the use of being good? Can I outrun a tiger? " Of course it helps to have a good figure, and

the meat is more delicious."

After resting in this position for a while, Ah Xun asked the two of them, "Shall we continue walking?"

Ge and Lin Yun rested for a while, their physical strength recovered a lot, and they both nodded.

The three of them continued to think about going deeper in this primeval forest.

Ah Xun walked in front, pointing the camera forward.

Jiehong Ge and Lin Yun followed a little further behind.

Lin Yun was in a very happy mood. She pointed at the surrounding scenery and kept saying to Jiehong Ge: "Look, there is a mushroom there! It's so beautiful!~"

"Wow!~~This tree is so big and tall!" ..."

"Look, this flower is so beautiful! I've never seen it before!" " Jiehong

Ge! Look, there's a big bird's nest on that tree!"

Ge also likes these very much, thinking that being close to nature can make people feel happy.

But I kept walking and didn't encounter any wild animals, not a single one.

This made Jiehong Ge somewhat dissatisfied. He also wanted to find a wild animal to test the capabilities of his system.

At this time, Ah Xun, who was walking in front, suddenly listened.

He stepped on something and made a squeaking sound.

He squatted down and took a closer look. It turned out that there were several eggs of unknown animals under the leaves that he had trampled on.

The soles of the shoes were stained with a lot of egg liquid.

He pointed the camera at the ground and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "I was wrong, I really didn't see it! This thing is buried under the leaves. What kind of bird can lay eggs on the ground?"

Jiehong Ge and Lin Yun also walked over to see what the eggs were.

At first glance, the egg is white, about the same size as a quail egg, and a bit long.

Jiehong Ge poked it with his hand and found that the eggshell was soft.

Jiehong Ge immediately said: "This is a snake egg, it looks like a snake egg with a soft shell. I have seen it when I was a child."

Lin Yun was immediately frightened and said: "There are snake eggs here, can there be snakes there?" ?"

The three people immediately stood up and looked around. Fortunately, they didn't see any snakes. There were leaves on the ground all around.

Jiehong Ge took a step forward, but stepped on something again. When he opened the leaves, he saw another snake egg.

Jiehong Ge also stepped on a few...

Jiehong Ge immediately took his foot back and said, "Why are there so many snake eggs?"

After saying that, Jiehong Ge decided that something was wrong, and he used his feet to gently push away the snake eggs on the ground in front of him. The leaves revealed many white snake eggs.

"I'll go, how much is this?" Jiehong Ge picked up a branch with his backhand and peeled away more leaves in front, revealing more white snake eggs.

Jiehong Ge: "We're afraid we've stabbed the snake's nest..." As he said this, he wanted to use branches to stir up the leaves and cover the snake eggs again.

Ah Xun, however, held up his mobile phone and took pictures of the snake eggs and said, "Don't cover it up yet. I'll show it to my brothers in the live broadcast room. Look, everyone, we have encountered a snake egg nest. Look, there are so many snake eggs!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also amazed, and some even bought gifts directly.

Some comments also said: "Still filming, these many snake eggs prove that there are many snakes. Aren't anchors afraid of being bitten?"

"Anchors will either die in the hands of snakes or in the mouths of tigers. In fact, it would be okay if they were poisonous snakes. They would die." It's more peaceful than being eaten alive by a tiger! "There 's a snake

under your feet!"

"Anchor, stop filming!!! There's a snake under your feet!!!"

"Oh my God, there's really a snake coming! Anchor, stop filming and run!"

Ah Xun held up his phone and couldn't see the bullet at all. screen.

But Lin Yun discovered the snake.

It was a brown snake with brown spots on its body. It was very inconspicuous hidden on the dead branches and leaves.

It was so close to Ah Xun's ankle that Lin Yun covered her mouth in surprise, not daring to scream at all, her eyes full of horror.

She patted Ah Xun on the shoulder and pointed to her feet.

Ah Xun lowered his head and saw the snake, and Jiehong Ge also saw it.

The snake had already assumed an attacking posture, and Ah Xun's legs were in danger...

Jiehong Ge immediately thought of using his own system's ability to control the snake, so that Ah Xun could stabilize himself and not panic.

But when Ah Xun saw the snake, he suddenly let out a scream and instinctively kicked towards the snake.