Trial Level

Ye Ge smiled and said, "Of course not. I just asked them to see if there were any classmates nearby. What? Did they ambush you? Don't worry, I'll give them a good lesson."

"No need. They've already paid the price," Glennie replied coldly.

Lu Yin walked to Glennie's side and looked at Ye Ge.

Ye Ge wasn't surprised to see Lu Yin. "You must be the Hidden Saint of Jinling? You probably come from the stars too, otherwise Glennie wouldn't cooperate with you."

Lu Yin said calmly, "My name is Yata, a student of Tata Planet Academy. My grandfather is the principal."

Glennie's face twitched. She hated that statement. It was because of this sentence that she had let her guard down around this jerk.

Ye Ge was taken aback. "What are you trying to say?"

Lu Yin showed a hint of arrogance. "I'm rich. Release my people, and I can give you plenty of resources."

Ye Ge laughed. "Tata Planet? Never heard of it. I don't care who you are. I only wanted to cooperate with you."

"Cooperate?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Ye Ge said seriously, "I discovered a Gale Crystal mine nearby, but it's occupied by a group of mutant beasts. These mutant beasts have all reached the Explorer Realm and are difficult to deal with. I need help."

"How much?" Glennie asked.

Ye Ge shook his head. "I'm not sure, but conservatively, there should be several dozen cubic meters."

Glennie's eyes burned with excitement. Several dozen cubic meters of Gale Crystals were quite a lot. On most planets, such crystals usually only amounted to a few cubic meters. Glennie wanted to agree but instead looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin said indifferently, "I'm rich. I don't care."

Ye Ge was stunned. He hadn't expected any student to refuse. After all, several dozen cubic meters of Gale Crystals could be exchanged for at least a hundred cubic meters of star energy crystals, enough to help someone become quite proficient in a combat technique and accelerate cultivation to the Integration Realm. It was a considerable resource.

Glennie glared at Lu Yin. She wanted to go.

"Although I'm rich, no one dislikes having more money. Alright, we'll find you in a couple of days, but don't touch anyone from my penal camp," Lu Yin said, changing the topic.

Ye Ge nodded. "Alright, I'll bring my two juniors along too. The more people, the easier it will be."

Lu Yin agreed, and Glennie immediately ended the call.

"Is this Ye Ge the expert those two people mentioned, on par with Trace?" Lu Yin asked.

Glennie nodded. "I've heard his name. He's one of the top three experts at Blue Mountain Academy, possibly even stronger than Trace."

"What's his family background?" Lu Yin asked.

Glennie was taken aback. "Family background? I don't know."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. He wasn't going there for the Gale Crystals. No matter how many such crystals he collected, they couldn't be exchanged for star energy crystals on Earth. They would probably all end up in the hands of the Great Yu Empire. What he needed now was star energy crystals, and Ye Ge likely had some.

The journey from Jinling to Yuxiang wasn't far. Lu Yin had Glennie drag the two Blue Mountain Academy students, and they arrived after half a day's flight.

In Yuxiang, tens of thousands of evolvers were trapped in the camp, their weapons confiscated, and were being watched by another group of evolvers.

Lu Yin saw Feng Hong, the pitiful centurion, hanging from a tree.

A powerful energy wave emanated from the entire camp. When Lu Yin and Glennie arrived, the energy swept out, causing the sky to tremble.

Lu Yin knew this was Ye Ge's show of force and also a test of his own strength.

In fact, such a show of force was not only useless but also exposed one's own strength. Ye Ge's energy wave was very powerful, even slightly stronger than Trace's, but Lu Yin didn't care. A barking dog doesn't bite. Only someone like the silver-haired man, whose methods were deadly, was truly terrifying.

Glennie stepped forward, her energy rippling outward to block Ye Ge's energy wave. The air twisted, and an invisible crack appeared on the ground, neatly dividing the camp from Lu Yin and the others.

Feng Hong and several other centurions looked up, seeing Lu Yin, their eyes filled with shame.

Lu Yin ignored them and instead watched as Ye Ge slowly rose into the air.

Clap clap clap

"Impressive, truly impressive. Glennie, the flower of the Military Academy, your strength is astounding," Ye Ge praised, his eyes filled with undisguised greed.

Glennie snorted. "Is this how Blue Mountain Academy treats guests?"

Ye Ge laughed. "I was being reckless. I apologize." He then looked at Lu Yin, a hint of contempt in his eyes. Lu Yin had just broken through to the Explorer Realm, and his energy wasn't strong enough to attract Ye Ge's attention.

"Is it time to release my two juniors?" Ye Ge looked at Glennie, thinking she was the leader of the two.

The two captured Blue Mountain Academy students wanted to speak, but their mouths were sealed. They could only frantically signal with their eyes, trying to warn Ye Ge of Lu Yin's strength, but Ye Ge didn't understand.

"Whether we release them or not depends on your sincerity," Glennie said coldly.

Ye Ge shrugged. "Fine, please, let's discuss this in the camp."

Soon, they entered the camp.

Ye Ge spread out a map and pointed to a mountain a hundred kilometers away from Yuxiang. "The Gale Crystals are there, but they're surrounded by a group of mutant birds. There are at least five birds with Explorer Realm strength, which the natives call 'Heavenly Level,' and many more with Watcher Realm strength."

"What do you plan to do?" Glennie glanced at Lu Yin, then asked Ye Ge.

Ye Ge said, "The five of us can handle the birds, but it'll be exhausting. I have an idea to have the natives draw the birds out, then use this planet's thermal weapons to blast them away. Quick and easy."

Lu Yin's eyes turned cold, and Glennie was shocked. "Doing that would doom the natives."

Ye Ge smiled. "The natives' lives don't matter. The point is we'll be relaxed."

"We can succeed even without sacrificing these natives," Lu Yin said coldly.

Ye Ge looked at Lu Yin amusingly. "Brother Yata, the lives of these natives are meaningless. Once the trial ends, the evolved natives will be sent to the battlefield. Some with talent might become slaves to some noble students. The beautiful ones might become maids. The rest are just cannon fodder. Don't worry about them. In fact, dying here would be a blessing. They might even thank us, haha."

Lu Yin didn't respond. The fate of Earth was already sealed. From the moment the trial began, all Earthlings were under the observation of the Great Yu Empire and the Cosmic Youth Council. Only a few with talent could receive slightly fairer treatment. The rest were cannon fodder. Ye Ge was right.

"Alright, I've shown my sincerity. Can you release them now?" Ye Ge looked at Glennie.

Glennie looked at Lu Yin. Lu Yin said calmly, "Wait a moment. I have a question."

Ye Ge's eyes flashed with coldness. "What question?"

Lu Yin looked at Ye Ge. "As one of the top experts at Blue Mountain Academy, why aren't you completing tasks but staying here instead?"

Ye Ge was surprised. He looked at Lu Yin, then at Glennie, and laughed. "I almost forgot. It's normal for people at your level not to know certain information. Fine, I'll educate you a bit." He then sat down and had someone bring over a few cups of tea.

Lu Yin and Glennie also sat down, took the tea, and looked at Ye Ge.

Ye Ge took a sip of tea and said seriously, "Students are divided into three tiers. The first tier is like my two juniors. Their trial goal is just to show off to certain people, equivalent to getting a gilded experience. As long as they survive the trial, it's a bright future. The second tier is us."

"Us?" Glennie was surprised. She thought Ye Ge, as a top expert of Blue Mountain Academy, wouldn't be in the same tier as her.

Ye Ge nodded. "You, me, and even your Military Academy's Trace are in this tier. Our goal is to achieve some accomplishments, such as occupying territories and marking them blue, or discovering valuable resources. Glennie, has anyone approached you to complete a task together since the trial began?"

Glennie shook her head, her face serious.

Ye Ge laughed. "That's because we're not qualified. Only one type of person is qualified: the strongest in your academy, like Willow in your academy and Paris in ours."

"The strongest in the academy?" Glennie was surprised.

Ye Ge nodded seriously. "There is no fairness in this universe. The trial information is something we need to be informed about, but for them, they've known about it long ago. Each academy's strongest has contact methods. This is their circle, beyond our reach. They already allied before the trial began to complete tasks. Willow isn't in this area, is he?"

Glennie's eyes showed a bitter look. "I haven't seen him since the trial began."