Targeting the Eastern Capital

Here is the English translation of the text you provided:


Ye Gao smiled and said, "I know more than you do. I can barely pick up some news from that circle. Wilo, the strongest in our academy, along with Parise and Byle, have formed an alliance. They should be investigating the origin of the evolution of this planet now. Perhaps they have already gone to the Eastern Capital, a place we cannot set foot in. I just need to occupy a territory and find a mineral deposit; there's no need to compete with those monsters."

"Byle? Byle from the third gravity planet?" Granny exclaimed, her face turning pale.

Ye Gao's gaze turned serious. "Exactly, Byle, the rising star of the Grand Universe Empire's younger generation. He almost joined the Council of Youngsters of the Grand Universe. His combat power is at 3,000, at the pinnacle of exploration."

Lu Yin was surprised. He hadn't expected this group of students to be unprepared. They had long since silently allocated tasks, with only the top-level strong ones going to complete missions. Asta and Odun belong to the lowest level, while Granny barely counts as Tres and Ye Gao are on another level entirely. The top-level strong ones are not even in the Su Province but closer to the Eastern Capital, where the trials are most brutal.

"As far as I know, in the Huaxia region of this planet, there are three top teams. One is Byle's team, and the other two I'm not sure about, but they definitely consist of the top strongmen from major academies. They are monsters who can compete head-on with the second batch of trial students who are about to arrive. Their goal is not the planetary trial but the legendary Territory Trial. Right now, this can only be considered a warm-up," Ye Gao said seriously.

Granny fell silent. She realized she knew too little and was of too low a rank.

"Alright, I've told you all that needs to be told. It's time," Ye Gao suddenly said.

"What time?" Granny asked, puzzled.

Ye Gao grinned mischievously. "The time to make you happy."

Seeing Ye Gao's smile, Granny's heart sank. She looked at her teacup. "Did you poison the tea?"

"Of course not. Poisoning isn't that easy. Personal terminals can detect substances to a certain extent. I've added something good—Strong Qi Powder," Ye Gao said, taking out a crystal bottle from his spatial ring with three emerald-colored leaves on it.

Granny exclaimed, "Strong Qi Powder from Trifoliate Corporation. What does it do?"

Ye Gao smirked proudly. "You can try to drive your internal energy."

Lu Yin placed a hand on Granny's shoulder. "Don't act recklessly," he said, then turned to Ye Gao. "Strong Qi Powder is used by fusion boundary experts to instantly control all star energy in their bodies to unleash powerful forces. Using it in exploration will deplete star energy and lead to severe injuries from backlash. Am I wrong?"

Ye Gao was surprised. "You know about this? Oh right, you mentioned your grandfather is the principal? Seems like you have some background."

Lu Yin's eyes turned cold. "Those below the fusion boundary who use Strong Qi Powder cannot manipulate star energy. What do you intend to achieve by consuming it at such a high cost?"

Ye Gao put away the crystal bottle defiantly. "Jinling is a good place. Holding onto Jinling will make my achievements shine brighter. Besides," he said greedily, eyeing Granny, "I've been wanting to taste the beauty of the Imperial Military Academy."

Granny stepped back, her face pale. "Despicable."

Ye Gao laughed. "Despicable? How can you say that? I gave you a tonic. It's your fault for not taking it."

In the corner, the two students from the Blue Mountain Academy continued to twist and emit clanking sounds.

Ye Gao swept his gaze over and frowned. "Useless. They even need me to save them," he said, then waved his hand, and a strong wind tore open the iron chains binding the two students.

The two shouted, "Senior Brother, be careful!"

Ye Gao turned his head, his gaze narrowing. A strong impact hit his abdomen, violently compressing his entire body, and he was blasted out of the military camp, landing directly in a wasteland behind the camp. Lu Yin leaped out, creating ripples in the air as he pressed down with a single palm, sending a terrifying wave of energy crashing into the ground. Ye Gao struggled to raise his hands to defend himself but was still blasted underground. His arms shattered, blood sprayed into the sky, and he fainted directly.

Lu Yin landed on the ground, looking coldly at Ye Gao. Waves and rifts only required physical strength to emit, without needing to use star energy.

Countless evolvers outside the camp surrounded them, shocked at Ye Gao's half-dead state, afraid to move.

Lu Yin glanced coldly at them, then looked at the two Blue Mountain Academy students. Their faces turned pale, and they obediently stayed in place.

Granny breathed a sigh of relief but was even more shocked. Although she knew the power of rift palms, she hadn't expected Lu Yin to crush Ye Gao so completely. Lu Yin's physical strength alone was enough to contend with the top three strongmen from major academies.

"I ask you, is the Gale Crystal real or not?" Lu Yin asked the two students. He had asked before they arrived, and their answers were similar to Ye Gao's, but Lu Yin no longer believed them.

The two glanced at each other and whispered, "The Gale Crystal does exist, but the mutant bird flock is not easy to provoke. There is a giant bird that may have reached the fusion boundary. One of our classmates died under its claws."

Granny glared angrily at Ye Gao. She didn't want to provoke a fusion boundary expert.

"In half an hour, the effects of the medicine in your bodies will dissipate. By then, bring these people back to Jinling," Lu Yin said to Granny, then walked out of the camp.

Feng Hong and several centurions were already waiting outside. A group of evolvers under control came from Anhui, those controlled by Ye Gao. They were relieved rather than saddened by Ye Gao's condition, as Ye Gao's rule over them was entirely based on strength.

"Release them. Those willing to join the penitentiary stay; those unwilling, let them leave," Lu Yin said.

Feng Hong nodded and immediately made arrangements.

Soon, Feng Hong returned and whispered, "I'm sorry, Saint Yin. We still need you to save us."

Lu Yin smiled. "The opponent is a celestial-level expert. There's no help for it. Tell me about the cleanup around the area."

"Yes, from Jinling to Yuxiang, most of the zombies have been cleared out, as well as a batch of mutant beasts. However, we couldn't clear them all. The mutant beasts are very strong, and we can only mark some of their territories on the map as a warning. Further west is Anhui, where the celestial-level expert came from..." Feng Hong reported.

Lu Yin listened for a while, then sent Feng Hong away.

He realized he had made a mistake. The bombing of the city with thermal weapons, where he saw Liu Tian's eyes filled with strong ambition. Before the students arrived, Liu Tian did not understand the starry sky. His ambition could only be aimed at this vast land, but now, with the arrival of students becoming more frequent, he understood the situation of the starry sky. Would his gaze still be limited to the earth?

Lu Yin could be sure that someone like Liu Tian would not easily submit to others. The fact that Wucheng was marked as blue 90% was probably similar to Jinling. He suppressed the students, understood everything about the starry sky, and certainly had no desire for Huaxia, or Earth. His ambition would shift to the starry sky, and he still wanted to use the penitentiary to attack his Wucheng. It was too narrow.

The penitentiary wants to spend too much time passing through Anhui to Hubei Wucheng, and the sacrifice must be very large, and at that time, everything has changed, the second batch of trial students has come, and there has been a huge change, and Liu Tian Song may not be able to resist the second batch of trial students.

Lu Yin exhaled and looked to the west, and he decided to temporarily let down the hatred of Liu Tian, put the focus on the dead, and the tasks of the head.

To accomplish the mission, the students' tasks can also be considered tasks for Earthlings. Once he completes the mission, combined with past arrangements, entering the Tenth Institute of the stars is not entirely impossible.

Half an hour later, Granny dragged Ye Gao and the others out. The two students were bound again, while Ye Gao was in worse condition, his organs severely injured by Lu Yin's attack, making movement difficult.

Lu Yin unceremoniously took off Ye Gao's spatial ring, using his bloodline password to unlock it and empty its contents.

Ye Gao, just a student, didn't have much valuable. There were only a few Gale Crystals, some unidentified potions, and dozens of star energy crystals. Lu Yin gathered all the useful items and said, "Let's go, back to Jinling."

Granny nodded and obediently followed Lu Yin as they left.

Most of the arrivals around Jinling were students from the First Military Academy of the Grand Universe Empire and the Blue Mountain War Academy. Either they died or were captured, with one being recaptured by Lu Yin. Before the second batch of trial participants arrived, Jinling should be relatively safe.

The only thing Lu Yin worried about was the silver-haired man, the one who made Lu Yin experience true danger for the first time and was the first person to completely block the Celestial Palm. His strength far surpassed Ye Gao and Tres.

Lu Yin tried to find out if Granny knew this person, but she was clueless.

In Jinling, Lu Yin officially proposed to Zhou Shan that he wanted to go to the Eastern Capital.