Chance Encounter

Paris suddenly felt her heart tighten and a chill run down her spine. She spun around abruptly, and in her view stood an extraordinarily beautiful woman, calmly gazing at her. The woman's red boots pressed into the dark red ground, she wore a snow-white simple dress, and her blue hair flowed down to her waist. Her face was indifferent.

"Who are you?" Paris asked in shock. How could someone get so close without her noticing? Was it the aftermath of her injuries?

The beautiful woman looked at Paris indifferently. "Did you cause this beast tide?"

Paris stared at the woman, jealousy flashing in her eyes. This woman was too beautiful. Among all the people she had seen, only the Star Picking Girl could compare. Such beauty was free of worldly impurities, pure and flawless. How could such a person exist?

"I'm asking you again, did you cause the beast tide?" the beautiful woman repeated.

"Who are you?" Paris demanded, her eyes wary.

The beautiful woman looked at Paris. "My name is Snow White."

"One of the Seven Saints, the Snow Saint Bai Xue?" Paris was shocked.

Bai Xue's gaze moved past Paris, looking at the blood-stained battlefield with icy eyes. "What are you trying to achieve by causing the beast tide?"

Paris sneered. "A mere native has no right to talk to me. Wait until I catch you and tear your face apart." As she spoke, she reached out to grab Bai Xue, her hand emitting a beastly roar that made one's scalp tingle.

Bai Xue retreated, layers of thick ice appearing before her, but Paris shattered them effortlessly. "You think ice from plants can stop me? A native is just a native."

Bai Xue stopped and raised her hand to strike Paris. Paris sneered, "Seeking death," and met Bai Xue's palm. A frigid airflow swept in all directions, freezing the ground. Bai Xue's ice spread towards Paris.

Paris was unconcerned. Although she was still injured, she didn't take Bai Xue seriously at all. "I told you, cold from plants is useless," Paris growled. The ice shattered, even tearing Bai Xue's sleeve, and several small, icy grasses fell, identical to the ones Zhao Yu had. These grasses emitted a cold that allowed Zhao Yu to use Ice Palm, just like flame crystals.

Paris arrogantly looked at Bai Xue, wanting to see her expression of despair.

However, the next moment, an extreme cold enveloped the area, freezing the ground instantly. A layer of white ice suddenly appeared, freezing the air itself.

Paris's pupils contracted sharply, the color draining from her face. "Impossible, this... this is a talent, an ice talent. You have a talent?"

Bai Xue's expression remained unchanged. The endless cold enveloped Paris again, quickly freezing her right arm.

Paris screamed and tried to retreat, but it was too late. Within two seconds, her entire body was frozen and then shattered.

The strongest of Blue Mountain Academy—dead.

With Paris's death, the beast tide on the blood-stained battlefield regained clarity, and many began to retreat.

Bai Xue exhaled. This woman was very strong. If not for her injuries, she might have escaped. She underestimated herself, but even so, she forced Bai Xue to use her ice talent.

In the city, Willo and Baylett searched Zhang Dingtian's residence and former office but found nothing.

Lu Yin and Granny arrived outside the capital, then crossed the battlefield and entered the city.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the capital was heavy but not chaotic. Although the survivors were terrified, they still maintained faith in the Hua Camp.

No matter how prosperous a city was in peacetime, it was the same after the apocalypse.

Bridges were broken, buildings abandoned, houses collapsed. Having a place to stay was already fortunate.

Lu Yin found a map of the capital and headed directly to Zhang Dingtian's residence with Granny. Like Willo and the others, he believed that if anyone in the capital knew the whereabouts of that body, it would be Zhang Dingtian.

On the steel city wall, Zhang Dingtian looked towards the distant white rise in the sky. It was frost, Bai Xue's frost.

"Hua Saint, look," someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked into the distance. On the battlefield, countless mutated beasts and zombies fought, staining the ground red. But at this moment, a patch of white appeared, freezing the ground. An extraordinarily beautiful woman walked calmly across the battlefield, freezing everything in her path, be it mutated beast or zombie.

"It's the Snow Saint, Bai Xue!" someone shouted joyfully, followed by cheers from many.

The Seven Saints were the guardians of the apocalypse, and Bai Xue was their representative. She was the only female among the Seven Saints and also the most beautiful woman in China. Her appearance made countless evolutionary soldiers excited as if they had been injected with adrenaline.

Beauty was a power that could stimulate potential and make people ignore physical pain and hardship. Bai Xue undoubtedly possessed this power.

When Bai Xue appeared on the city wall, everyone in Hua Camp roared, frightening countless mutated beasts on the battlefield.

Zhang Dingtian calmly watched the battlefield, gripping his long knife.

Bai Xue walked to Zhang Dingtian's side. "I've dealt with the person who caused the beast tide. It was an alien student."

"Thank you," Zhang Dingtian replied calmly.

Bai Xue said coldly, "You're too merciful. Even if you don't kill them, you should capture them. These people don't see us as humans at all."

Zhang Dingtian said in a deep voice, "I killed five. These few are difficult."

Bai Xue was surprised. "Difficult? Even you can't kill them?"

Zhang Dingtian looked at Bai Xue. "The Seven Saints are divided into the upper three saints and the lower four saints, and alien students are naturally also divided. The one you just killed wasn't simple, right?"

Bai Xue was silent. That woman forced her to use her talent, which even the lower four saints couldn't do. That woman had the strength to fight the upper three saints.

"You said 'a few,' meaning there are multiple alien students this time? Where are the others?" Bai Xue suddenly asked.

Zhang Dingtian narrowed his eyes. "I don't know."

Bai Xue took out a stolen personal terminal and clicked a few times. The screen emitted beeping sounds. "Eight. There are eight heavenly-level powerhouses in the city," Bai Xue was surprised.

Zhang Dingtian's eyes widened in anger. The sudden appearance of eight heavenly-level powerhouses was enough to destroy the capital completely. "They're courting death."

Elsewhere, as Lu Yin and Granny approached Zhang Dingtian's residence a few kilometers away, Granny suddenly stopped, staring ahead in surprise.

Lu Yin followed her gaze and immediately saw two men, one tall and one short. They were too conspicuous. Few survivors could dress so cleanly. Most importantly, the short man was very peculiar, about one meter tall with a stout build, instantly recognizable on the street.

These two were Willo and Baylett. They had just left Zhang Dingtian's residence, having found nothing, and were about to go elsewhere when they encountered Lu Yin and Granny.

Willo and Baylett were conspicuous, and so were Lu Yin and Granny, especially Granny. Many women struggled to survive in the apocalypse, let alone maintain their appearance. Granny's beauty made her stand out like a beacon, immediately catching Willo's attention and recognition.

"Willo," Granny exclaimed, instinctively moving closer to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed. Willo? He had heard this name several times, the strongest of the Empire's First Military Academy, a top figure qualified to complete tasks. What a coincidence to meet here.

Willo was also surprised to see Granny. The capital was a necessary place for investigation tasks. Could Granny also be here to complete a task? Willo couldn't help but smile, glancing at Lu Yin with a hint of disdain. He could sense Lu Yin had just broken through. Just trash.

"Do you know her?" Baylett asked in a deep voice.

Willo replied, "Same academy."

"Take her with us. We need more people," Baylett said.

Willo nodded and shouted at Granny, "Come here, follow us."

Granny's eyes showed a hint of fear as she looked at Lu Yin.

In the trial, everyone was a potential enemy unless they were friends or family, even those from the same academy. To Granny, although Lu Yin controlled her, he didn't threaten her life. Willo was different; people from the stars were more ruthless.

"I said come here, didn't you hear?" Willo shouted, attracting the attention of many people.

Baylett frowned. "Keep it down."

Willo coldly stared at Granny, his gaze icy.

Lu Yin took a few steps forward, looking at Willo calmly. "Who are you talking to? It's very loud, you know."

Willo was taken aback, probably not expecting Lu Yin to say that. He sneered, "I don't know which academy you're from, but today, you'll be removed from the roster." With that, he pressed his palm down, the air trembling, sending ripples across the ground, pushing many survivors away.

Lu Yin raised an eyebrow. Split Air Palm? Watching, he also pressed his palm down, then struck out with a palm.

At the same time, Willo also struck out with a palm.