Chaos Battle

Two identical attacks collided in mid-air. Everyone heard a loud bang, the air scattered, and countless gusts shattered walls and crushed bridges. The ground at the point of collision cracked, air currents swept upwards, and then dispersed at a height of a hundred meters.

Willow stared at Lu Yin in surprise. "You can actually use the Rift Palm?"

Lu Yin's gaze remained indifferent. He had heard from Granny that Willow could use the Rift Palm. What surprised him was that Willow's Rift Palm seemed weak because Willow's right palm was trembling—an aftermath of forcing out the Rift Palm.

Baylett was equally astonished, watching Lu Yin. Not everyone could use the Rift Palm. This person was no weaker than Willow.

At the same time, atop the steel city wall, Zhang Ding Tian and Bai Xue simultaneously looked towards the city and leaped into the air, their eyes cold.

Bai Xue's gaze was filled with killing intent. The disaster caused by a battle between celestial-level beings in the city was enormous. These students completely disregarded the lives of Earthlings and had to be killed.

Inside the city, Granny exclaimed, "Zhang Ding Tian is coming, and there's another powerful force with him."

Lu Yin didn't mind. On the other side, Baylett frowned. "Finish this quickly, Zhang Ding Tian is coming."

Willow's eyes narrowed as he covered his body with the ring armor and leaped towards Lu Yin, delivering a swift kick, too fast for an ordinary person to see.

Lu Yin raised his leg and kicked Willow's lower leg. The ground cracked and sank, air waves spread. Willow growled as star energy erupted from his body, crushing towards Lu Yin. The ground trembled; he wanted to settle this with pure star energy.

Lu Yin sneered. He didn't have as much star energy as Willow, but he absorbed it twice as fast. He wasn't afraid of a consumption battle.

Granny retreated quickly, not wanting to endure the impact of the star energy clash.

In the distance, Baylett's eyes turned cold as he charged towards Granny, reaching out to grab her.

Granny gritted her teeth, crushed several flame crystals, and flames burst forth on the ground. "Flame Palm!" she shouted, launching a fiery palm towards Baylett. Baylett, with a cold and arrogant expression, dismissed the attack with a single palm. The gap in their strength was too great.

Granny's flames were too weak for Baylett.

Seeing Granny being grabbed by Baylett, Lu Yin struck out with his right palm. The air visibly rippled, crashing towards Baylett. Baylett turned and shattered the Rift Palm with a punch. "Willow, let's go."

Willow laughed, his figure flickering as he increased his speed and rushed away.

Lu Yin snorted and used his movement technique to chase after Willow. He raised his palm, and stars appeared. Willow's eyes widened, sensing an inexplicable sense of danger. He tried to evade, but the Heavenly Star Palm wasn't easy to avoid. The stars' gravitational pull centered around Lu Yin's palm, drawing everything in that area towards it.

Baylett was shocked. Even he was astonished by Lu Yin's palm strike.

With a loud bang, Willow's desperate Rift Palm was utterly shattered. His body, like a meteor, was slammed into the ground, crushing the broken bridge further and creating a huge crater. In the crater, Willow spat out blood, looking at Lu Yin in disbelief.

He never thought he would be injured by a single strike. That palm was too fierce, even his ring armor was shattered.

Granny was stunned. Willow was the strongest in the academy, yet he was heavily injured by a single strike. Unbelievable.

"Daring to fight in the city, you're courting death!" a loud shout came from afar, followed by a sharp slash descending from the sky, targeting Baylett.

Baylett released Granny and dodged.

The slash cut through the ground, sending countless sharp airwaves.

Baylett quickly donned his ring armor, looking at Zhang Ding Tian with a serious expression.

In the air, Zhang Ding Tian surveyed the area. His gaze passed over Baylett and Granny, landing on Lu Yin standing on the ground and the injured Willow in the crater. His heart sank. He had fought both Baylett and Willow before, knowing their strength. Now one was heavily injured, and there was a new, unfamiliar face who had evidently injured Willow. This person was even stronger.

Troublesome. Even Zhang Ding Tian had this thought. More importantly, there were still four other celestial-level beings who hadn't appeared.

Cough, cough.

Willow, holding his injured body, walked out of the crater, looking at Lu Yin with fear. He walked to Baylett's side, "The situation is unfavorable."

Baylett's eyes narrowed. He took a deep breath, his face becoming calm. "Not necessarily. With three factions fighting, we should try to leave." Then he suddenly rushed towards Granny and, before anyone could react, flung her towards Zhang Ding Tian.

Instinctively, Zhang Ding Tian slashed with his blade. Granny's face turned pale with fright.

Lu Yin leaped, pushing Granny aside and meeting Zhang Ding Tian's slash with a palm strike. The Rift Palm clashed with the slash in the air, distorting it. Feeling the immense collision force, Lu Yin was forced to land, his feet sinking deep into the ground. He was shocked—this was Zhang Ding Tian's power.

Baylett took the opportunity to leave, and Willow followed. One Zhang Ding Tian was already difficult to deal with, and now there was another inexplicable enemy. Although they were confident, they weren't foolish.

However, Zhang Ding Tian wasn't foolish either. After slashing at Granny, he immediately aimed another slash at Baylett, almost without any interval. Baylett had barely taken a few steps when he was hit, barely dodging with a grim face. "We don't want to fight. Let us go."

Zhang Ding Tian charged at Baylett. "None of you are leaving," he said, slashing with his blade. The oppressive close-range attack enraged Baylett. "Heavy Punch," Baylett shouted, his right fist clenched, sending ripples through the air as he punched out.


The ground shook. Baylett had expected his punch to injure Zhang Ding Tian, but the result shocked him. Zhang Ding Tian wasn't injured and pressed forward more fiercely, pushing Baylett into the ground. The air waves swept in all directions, completely destroying everything within a kilometer.

Willow had no choice but to attack, launching a Rift Palm at Zhang Ding Tian.

Zhang Ding Tian effortlessly tore through the Rift Palm with a backhanded slash, his blade once again aiming at Baylett. He was fighting both of them alone.

Lu Yin was about to attack Willow when ice suddenly appeared under his feet. Not far away, Granny's legs were frozen. Bai Xue emerged from behind her, coldly staring at Lu Yin. "Don't move."

Lu Yin looked at Bai Xue, momentarily stunned by her beauty. There was actually such a beautiful woman.

"Are you Luo Saint Bai Xue?" Lu Yin guessed.

Bai Xue's voice was cold. "It seems you alien students have done your research."

Lu Yin responded calmly, "Zhou Shan told me. She said your beauty is unforgettable."

Bai Xue's gaze turned icy. "Did you harm Zhou Shan?"

Lu Yin was about to explain when a slash came his way. Zhang Ding Tian tried to pull him into the battle. Lu Yin dodged, his eyes sweeping over Bai Xue as she froze Granny. He frowned and used his movement technique to appear beside Granny, grabbing Bai Xue's hand. It felt smooth but cold. "Are you trying to kill her?"

Bai Xue's voice was cold. "So what?" she said as intense cold radiated from her body.

Lu Yin's eyes changed. "An innate ability. You have the ice ability."

Bai Xue didn't respond. The hand Lu Yin was holding began to freeze, spreading to his arm. She wanted to freeze both Lu Yin and Granny.

Lu Yin's eyes turned stern as star energy erupted from his frozen hand. Stars could vaguely be seen spinning, and with a slight exertion of his Heavenly Star Palm, he shattered the ice and pushed Bai Xue back several meters.

Bai Xue's arm ached, her heart shaken. It was the first time someone had so easily shattered her ice.

Perhaps seeing Bai Xue being repelled, Zhang Ding Tian abandoned Baylett and Willow, slashing at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin, annoyed, dodged the slash and took out Zhou Shan's ID, throwing it to him. "I'm a friend of Zhou Shan, not an alien."

Zhang Ding Tian caught the ID, surprised. "You're from Earth?"

Lu Yin nodded, his eyes sweeping around, his face changing. "Not good, those two are escaping. Chase them!" he said, using his movement technique to pursue Willow, who was closest to him.

Zhang Ding Tian didn't hesitate, slashing at Baylett.

Among the few present, Zhang Ding Tian was the strongest. Even Baylett fell to his attacks. Although Lu Yin's Heavenly Star Palm was powerful, it still hadn't pushed him to the transcendent level of combat power. This was because his overall power was low, only slightly over a thousand, and he could only operate two stars with his Heavenly Star Palm. If he could operate three, perhaps he could reach transcendent combat power.

Willow, initially no match for Lu Yin and now heavily injured from the fight with Zhang Ding Tian, was easily captured by Lu Yin.

Baylett also fell to Zhang Ding Tian's relentless attacks, slashed in the chest and falling.