Rob together

Here is the translation of the passage:


Listening to Gu Leisi's words, Lu Yin raised an eyebrow, looking at her with a smile that was not quite a smile, "You want to divide it?"

Gu Leisi raised her eyebrows, "You don't want to divide it?"

The two looked at each other.

Balalora pulled Gu Leisi aside and whispered, "We can't be seen. If it gets to the academy, your brother won't be pleased."

Gu Leisi nodded and said to Lu Yin, "You can play by yourself; we'll hide." With that, she and Balalora concealed themselves.

Lu Yin didn't object. He wasn't comfortable having those two around, so their hiding was convenient.

In the distance, two figures slowly appeared.

Ten minutes later, a notification spread across the local network: two more people had been defeated.

Five days later, many students originally thought that the Starry Sky Thief had stopped, but unexpectedly, it resurfaced without warning.

Gu Leisi looked excitedly at Lu Yin. "Quick, how much did you loot? Let's split the spoils."

Lu Yin looked at Gu Leisi. "Are you sure?"

Gu Leisi stared at Lu Yin and murmured, "You don't intend to hog it all shamelessly, do you?"

Lu Yin thought for a moment, then tossed a star energy crystal to Gu Leisi. "Take it."

Gu Leisi became angry and snapped at Lu Yin, "Damn, stingy."

Lu Yin smiled. "It's because you didn't want it yourself. Don't blame me." He had long noticed that this woman had a problematic character. She helped with the robbery because she wasn't happy herself. Even if he didn't give her a star energy crystal, she would still help. Lu Yin wasn't worried at all that she would quit halfway.

With the help of Gu Leisi as a mole, Lu Yin's path of robbery went smoothly. In a few days, he robbed several groups of people and managed to gather enough five cubic star energy crystals. Even Gu Leisi looked envious.

Four days remained until the arrival of the second batch of challengers. Lu Yin encountered a real crisis for the first time since Doomsday. He was surrounded—seven students in total, including three of the strongest in the academy.

On the rooftop of an abandoned county supermarket, Lu Yin scanned the group. Gu Leisi had found through her personal terminal that there were only two here, but suddenly seven appeared. The other five didn't have personal terminals like him; they were also hiding.

These people were willing to invest heavily to capture him, even throwing away their personal terminals.

"Are you the Starry Sky Thief? With a combat power of 2100, it seems your combat skills are impressive," a rough-looking student, one of the academy's strongest, said sharply.

Beside him, an ordinary-looking but hot-bodied woman chuckled. "Many people obtain star energy crystals not for cultivation but for honing their combat skills. Junior, are you one of them? Tell Senior what your combat skills are, okay?"

Lu Yin looked at the woman, his lips curling up. "Curious? Come and try."

The woman chuckled and raised her hand, aiming an energy gun at Lu Yin. "Junior, do you know that sometimes in battle, you don't necessarily rely on yourself; external objects are also important."

At the same time, several others also took out energy guns and aimed at Lu Yin.

These energy guns could harm explorers. Earlier, before his death, Tres had pierced Grane's shoulder with one shot, indicating their power.

Lu Yin stared at the people around him. Suddenly, he took out a flame crystal from his Void Ring and smashed it on the ground, igniting a fierce flame that burned the building, obscuring their vision. Several people fired their guns simultaneously. Lu Yin used his agile steps to dodge, casually throwing out several other supernatural energy crystals—ice and fierce wind wrapped in flames—shrouding the surroundings in white mist, obscuring everyone's vision.

These crystals had been obtained from those robbed students and were now used by Lu Yin to block their sight.

Lu Yin's agile steps were extremely fast, leaving only afterimages in place. He appeared in front of one of the academy's strongest students, and the Sky Palm was not hesitant, hitting the student's ring armor, which was instantly shattered, and the body was knocked down, and then Lu Yin's body rotated, and the sky palm extended along the body, crushing the floors of the building and dispersing the void, four of the remaining six students were severely injured, and the two remaining ones tore the palm of the gap to attack Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's eyes were stern, and he struck out with both hands, and at the same time, he appeared to show the stars. slammed out of one palm.

Here is the translation of the passage into English:


In situ, completely shattered, the three plummeted vertically, crushing the earth beneath them, and the abandoned supermarket was split in half by the force.

Suddenly, intense pain shot through Lu Yin's back as the student who had been knocked down earlier thrust a sword into his body. Blood stained his garment crimson. Lu Yin's Heavenly Star Palm burst forth, driving back the two assailants. He then turned, grabbed the student's arm, drew his short sword, and slashed out. The student's pupils contracted as he released the hilt and dodged back. Lu Yin's sword struck empty air, but he swung the short sword backward, its blade grazing the cheek of one of the students, splattering blood on the wall. The short sword pierced through a dozen buildings, embedding itself in an armored vehicle.

The ruined building swayed unsteadily, surrounded by swirling dust and smoke.

Gasping for breath, Lu Yin's intense back pain left him mentally on edge. These three academy elites were almost on par with the Bailie standard, slightly stronger than Willo. They encircled him, leaving him with nowhere to hide.

From afar, Gelais and Bararo watched, their eyes flickering.

"Do you think we should take advantage of the situation and attack him?" Gelais eagerly suggested.

Bararo pondered, "We could, but let's wait until he's seriously injured."

Gelais smirked triumphantly, "Fortunately, that bastard Ede isn't stupid. He anticipated this ambush, or I would've wasted my efforts."

Bararo was surprised, "You knew this was a trap?"

"Fool, of course I didn't know. But Ede wouldn't be dumb enough not to set traps. I can use this idiot to rob him, and Ede can turn the tables on me in return. None of us are fools," Gelais retorted, glaring at Bararo.

"With three academy elites rivaling Bailie, even Ede himself would find it difficult to escape. This guy is finished, hehe," Gelais chuckled gleefully, feeling vindicated.

Of the seven assailants, only three posed a real threat to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin exhaled deeply, retrieving something from his Void Ring, causing the expressions of the three attackers to change dramatically. "What's this?"

From a distance, Gelais froze, his face turning red with anger. "This despicable bastard!"

Lu Yin smirked, adorned in a delicate ring armor that shimmered with thunder. Indeed, it was Gelais's armor, said to have been given to her by her brother for protection. Her Void Ring had been confiscated by Lu Yin, naturally taking this too, including the uniquely styled bow and arrow.

"The Gelais Armor," a burly man seethed in rage, glaring at Lu Yin. "You dare steal from Gelais? You're insane! Her brother is Guelbah."

Lu Yin sneered, "I don't care who he is. Robbery has its targets, and you're out of your mind," he said, unleashing a palm strike. The Spatial Palm ruthlessly pounded the burly man, who gritted his teeth and resisted, but was blasted back over ten meters, crashing into a supermarket pillar. In an instant, the entire supermarket collapsed, countless rubble falling.

With a bang, Lu Yin and the others rushed out of the ruins. One of them crushed a crystal, and a violent wind surged, transforming into a green blade aimed at Lu Yin. Lu Yin charged towards the green blade, thunder flickering across his body. The green blade had no effect on him at all. Lu Yin crossed over the green blade and appeared in front of the man. A single Heavenly Star Palm knocked him hard to the ground, nearly causing him to vomit his internal organs and faint.

The other two immediately retreated upon seeing this.

Lu Yin's armor was impenetrable to them. Initially, even Lu Yin himself had to exert all his strength to break through the thunder defense.

Seven attackers, two fled, five defeated. When this achievement was publicly announced on the LAN, all the students fell silent, including Ede.

He considered himself the strongest among the first group of trialists, but achieving this feat was also difficult. Immediately, all united students received a notice from Ede, abandoning the pursuit of the Sky Pirate and launching an attack on the capital three days later.

Lu Yin casually sat on the ground, his gaze fixed in the distance. "Come out."

Gelais and Bararo looked at Lu Yin in shock. This man had become famous in a single battle today. Among the indigenous people, the strongest was Zhandingtian, who possessed transcendent combat power. Initially, he had driven away the four, including Ede, with a single blow. That combat power shook Gelais to the core. Now, Lu Yin's strength also astonished her. A single palm severely wounded the academy's strongest. What kind of martial skill was this?

Lu Yin tossed a healing potion to Gelais. "Help me apply it."

Gelais narrowed her eyes and pointed at herself. "What did you say? You want me to apply ointment to you?"

"Is it hard to understand?" Lu Yin said lightly.

Gelais was furious. "You must be dreaming. I'm pure and have never touched a man's body. How dare you defile me?"

Lu Yin stared coldly at her. "Don't think I don't know what you were thinking. If I had lost just now, you wouldn't be so polite now. Apply the ointment immediately."

"I'll do it," Bararo interjected.

Lu Yin snorted. "No, your hands are dirty."

Bararo became exasperated.