Two o'clock

Sorry for the confusion earlier. Here's the continuation and completion of the translation:


Luyin's cold eyes stared at Gules. "Say it again. Help me apply the medicine," he repeated firmly.

Gules clenched his teeth and said slowly, "Fine. Remember, the day will come when I settle this score with you." Finishing his words, he applied the ointment to his hands and pressed it against Luyin's back.

A wave of coolness surged through Luyin. The healing medicine from Tri-Leaf Corporation was indeed effective, and soon his wounds began to scar over.

Gules's small, soft hands, coupled with the cool ointment, made Luyin truly enjoy the moment, and his gaze towards Gules softened slightly.

"Hmph, get up and let's continue robbing," Gules said urgently.

Luyin handed his Void Ring to Gules. "No more robbing. That's enough. Go have your fun."

"No, Erd hasn't shown up yet. We have to rob him," Gules insisted.

Luyin smiled and ignored her. Those people used to underestimate him, thinking one of the strongest in the academy could handle it alone. But now there were seven opponents. Any further robbery would likely encounter such a lineup again—only a fool would go.

Luyin went through the Void Rings of the five students and found two Cube Star Energy Crystals. He gestured to Gules and flew away.

Suddenly, Gules shouted, "Damn it, my armor, my bow and arrows!"

"Let me borrow them for now. I'll return them later," Luyin's voice grew fainter until it was no longer audible.

Gules stomped her feet in frustration. Her armor and bow were what her brother had given her for protection. With them, she could make Erd wary. Now they were stolen by that bastard, that shameless and despicable person.

In the capital city, Zhang Dingtian and his group also saw the battle records on the local network.

Bai Xue was shocked. The students from the stars were all celestial beings, and those who dared to complete the mission were at least in the top three of the academy. Nearly half of them were the strongest in the academy. She had witnessed the strength of the academy's strongest firsthand. Now, seven had been defeated all at once. How had Luyin become so strong in just a few days?

Zhang Dingtian suddenly looked south towards the capital city and smiled rarely. "An old friend is coming."

Bai Xue's eyes lit up. "Is that... Zhou Shan?"

The two immediately flew towards the south of the capital city, but suddenly stopped halfway, looking towards the north. "Another old friend is coming. It seems they all want to wade into this muddy water in the capital city."

Bai Xue exclaimed in joy, "Wu Sheng is here too. That's great."

Zhang Dingtian took a deep breath. "They shouldn't have come. Four of the Seven Saints, plus Luyin, five people are facing dozens of trial students. It's truly a mismatched confrontation."

Far away, Luyin found a secluded mountain village, surrounded it with flame crystals, and crushed a handful of Cube Star Energy Crystals directly. Instantly, surging star energy flowed as Luyin began to absorb it using the Celestial Star Art.

In the west of the capital city, Erd and over a dozen students appeared. "Everyone, get ready. Three days from now, we'll officially attack the capital city. Our opponents are not the natives guarding the capital city, but the second batch of trial participants who are about to appear. According to the rules, even if there are fusion realm experts among the second batch of trial participants, they will be sealed in strength and can only use exploration-level strength. Even so, they are not opponents that ordinary people can contend with. Prepare yourselves."

All the students fell silent.

In the Great Yu Empire's planetary trials, rarely did a second batch of trial participants appear. This time, it was purely because of the Tenth Institute of the Starry Sky. Many unremarkable geniuses temporarily participated in the trial for the sake of results. This was the reason for the second batch of trials. Part of them had come to Earth, and they would soon face these remarkable geniuses.

More and more students approached the capital city.

In the south of China, over a dozen weary students appeared over the sea. "Finally arrived in China. Erd's organizing manpower to seize what the fugitive has, so we're also going to intervene and not let him take the lead."

In the east and north, batches of students appeared similarly, stirring up the situation in China.

When the sun illuminated the earth on the third day, Zhang Dingtian stood on the steel city wall, solemnly looking into the distance where a group of shadows appeared.

At the same time, in the distance, Luyin opened his eyes. In these three days, he had absorbed five Cube Star Energy Crystals, expelled impurities, and his body was now filled with boiling star energy, much stronger than before. This was energy suppression. The more star energy absorbed into the body, the higher the energy intensity. His current strength had definitely reached the peak of exploration. In terms of combat power, it should be around 3,000.

During these days, Luyin had robbed a total of seven Cube Star Energy Crystals, used up five, and now he was left with two. Unable to resist the temptation, Luyin took out the dice and rubbed his hands. "Come on, let's gamble. Hopefully, I won't get just a little this time. It's almost impossible to steal something good."

Sweating nervously, Luyin stared at the dice as they rapidly changed on their dull surface, eventually shining with starlight.

Swallowing hard, he extended his finger and lightly tapped the dice. The dice spun quickly, and Luyin stared intently. His eyes widened as the dice finally stopped spinning, showing only one face—two dots.

Excited, Luyin focused on the two dots, unfamiliar numbers. His mind suddenly filled with a purpose, "Decompose? Break down everything?" Luyin was surprised. What did that mean?

Staring at the slowly spinning black hole under the dice, Luyin pondered for a moment and casually threw in a piece of scrap iron. In an instant, the scrap iron fell through the black hole and emerged transformed—not scrap iron anymore, but a small, smooth, and hard iron block, much smaller in volume.

Luyin looked at the iron block and understood the meaning of "decompose." Any dead object thrown in would be broken down into its initial materials.

"This function is quite useful," Luyin muttered to himself, tossing in a Void Ring that he had stolen from a student. He hadn't returned several students' Void Rings because they had gone too far.

The Void Ring passed through the black hole and dropped a fingernail-sized dark red metal. Luyin was thrilled. This was Chiujin, the metal used to make Void Rings, and it was a precious ore.

Collecting the Chiujin, Luyin threw all the stolen Void Rings into the black hole. In total, he got Chiujin the size of a thumb. Luyin thought for a moment and threw the Chiujin into the black hole again. With a snap, a glittering dark golden metal with a shining golden glow fell out. Luyin widened his eyes. This was Chiujin Essence, far more valuable than Chiujin itself, and an essential ingredient for making large-scale Void Rings. Its price was exorbitant.

Carefully storing the Chiujin Essence, Luyin's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Should I find a junkyard to specialize in decomposing things from now on?"

Five minutes later, the black hole disappeared.

The time the black hole existed was equivalent to the time-stopped space, which could also be exchanged for Cube Star Energy Crystals. Luyin guessed the exchange rate was probably the same. He was quite worried. He felt that no matter how many Cube Star Energy Crystals he had, it would not be enough.

"Forget it. I'll think of a solution later," Luyin muttered to himself, moved his body, made a crackling sound, looked up towards the direction of the capital city, "It's time to go back," he said, and then flew away with a bang.

Luyin headed towards the capital city, which was already in chaos. Millions of survivors looked up in fear at the sky, where disaster struck from time to time.

Erd, together with more than twenty students, attacked the capital city. By the time this news spread, the war had already begun.

The steel city wall was destroyed for the first time, and Bai Xue stood outside the ruins of the city wall, panting heavily. In front of her was the proud-looking Heidian and two students.

"Such natives think they can stop us, but they're overestimating their abilities," one student sneered, his eyes blazing as he stared at Bai Xue. This woman was too beautiful and could only match the strongest in the academy, challenging three was unrealistic.

In the distance, Zhou Shan roared angrily and landed at the same time as a student. His strength barely managed to deal with one person.

Ten figures floated in the sky, coldly watching below. They were never worried about failure; it was just a city of natives.

"Wasting time, let's get started," one of the students said arrogantly, pressing his hand toward the capital city. Atmospheric pressure descended from the sky, and countless people were crushed and spewed blood, despairing as they looked up at the high sky