Crimson Lotus Demon Bow

Mila laughed, "That's good. Actually, I shouldn't have appeared in the trial of the Great Yu Empire, but unfortunately, the Youth Council of the Great Yu Empire was disbanded. I was the one who announced the notice, so I had to do it. After all, the trial cannot be without the presence of the Youth Council. What do you think, General Mardo?"

Siken Mardo nodded faintly, "Thank you for your hard work, Miss Mila."

Mila smiled faintly and looked at the screen, "He's a good person. I hope he does well." With that, Mila left the control room, leaving behind a hint of fragrance.

After Mila left, everyone took a deep breath. The woman was too terrifying, her strength definitely surpassed anyone present. She was just a student, albeit from the Inner Universe, but why was she so strong?

Toroana said solemnly, "Mila, a member of the Cosmic Youth Council, a student of the Sixth Academy of the Starfield, known as the Red Lotus Fiendish Bow. I didn't expect her to be so powerful."

Siken Mardo breathed out a sigh and did not discuss Mila with Toroana. Instead, he looked at the screen again. This young man was saved by Mila. If he could perform even better, perhaps he could receive help from Mila and rise to success. He was a lucky young man.

Shaloshu's eyes were cold and filled with anger. He had been intimidated by a woman, and he felt a surge of boundless rage in his heart.

Toroana sneered at him and said, "Even if you're angry, would you dare to make a move against Mila? Regardless of strength, behind Mila is the Cosmic Youth Council, which has ten monsters."

Meanwhile, outside the capital of Earth, Charllo left without saying much to Luyin and the others. He walked away from the city, heading towards the roaming horde of zombies.

Luyin and others thoroughly looted Las and another man. It was undeniable that Las lived up to his reputation, as he was wealthy. Inside his dimensional ring, Luyin found nearly twelve cubic meters of star energy crystals and many other natural crystals, which shocked Grane and the others.

Las glared at Luyin furiously and collapsed onto the ground. "You're dead. Everything about me is monitored by the Empire Monitoring Station. You're doomed. My father already knows, and after the trial, you will be judged. I will make you beg for life and wish for death."

Luyin smiled faintly, "I'm looking forward to it."

Las's eyes flashed with anger. This savage was actually able to control three forms of the Beast Claw. If he had just released five forms of the Beast Claw, could Las have also controlled them? Thinking of this, Las felt a chill. This kind of person had to be eliminated.

With Luyin's help, the city had captured 25 students, including Las, a powerful and elite participant, which sent shockwaves throughout the local network.

Grane glanced at the network and said, "The second group of participants consists of a total of sixty-two people, of which fifteen have descended to Huaxia."

Although the number of the second group of participants was much smaller than the first group, the quality was completely different. Even the weakest participant possessed the pinnacle of discovery power. Only the top three participants could fight agaist them, and might not necessarily win. If they encountered someone like Las, even the group's leader, Zhanting, was not sure of an easy victory. Sometimes, martial arts could bridge a significant gap.

Many martial skills' might was impossible for martial power numbers to truly reflect.

In the far and snowy North, the peaceful and picturesque landscape was blanketed with snow. Countless zombies were frozen, and the whole of Northern Europe was silent, devoid of bloodshed, like a paradise.

Several meteors fell into Northern Europe. One of them crashed onto Otto Island, an island located within the bay of North Nia, which was now frozen in ice. Around a hundred miles away from Otto Island, there was no sign of human presence.

A spaceship crashed into the island, creating a conical pit in the ground. As the hatch opened, a young man walked out, exhaling deeply. White gas formed and fell from mid-air to the ground as snow.

Cursing, the man said, "The random transport has thrown me into a terrible place. It's so cold. Could this be the coldest place on this planet?" After saying this, the man walked out of the pit and looked around, continuing to curse.

After opening his personal terminal, the man's expression changed as he noticed a display of battle power a few kilometers away. He immediately flew over. As he did so, he saw a person sitting on a snowy peak, gazing into the high sky with a puzzled look on his face.

The man stood in the air and asked, "Hey, where is this?"

The person below looked at the man and replied, "I don't know."

The man said coldly, "What did you say? You don't know? How did you end up here?"

"Hiding from people," the figure replied calmly.

The man landed and stood behind the figure, asking, "Your combat power is not weak. Two thousand three. No personal terminal. Are you a native?"

The figure turned around and looked at the man. "Can you do me a favor? Publish a message in the local network for me."

The man was puzzled and asked, "What message?"

The figure smiled, "Just say you've seen the fugitive. 'What?' the man exclaimed. He immediately made a move, but the next moment, he felt his strength leaving his body. The figure, who originally only had a combat power of two thousand three, suddenly erupted with an incomparable strength, overwhelming him. This was Earth Realm power, and the man's personal terminal continuously rang.

"Thank you," the figure said calmly before turning to look into the distance.

A few minutes later, the Earth's local network exploded with activity. All received a message stating that the fugitive was hiding in Northern Europe and possessed Earth Realm powers, urging for help.

At first, many people did not believe the message since who would publicly expose a fugitive's whereabouts, especially for a mission. However, after a detailed description of the fugitive's appearance, the message was confirmed. After all, Erde and his people had clashed with the fugitive previously in the waters of the Mediterranean, so this changed the game. Many students immediately flew to Northern Europe.

In the State of Qin City, Luyin and others were surprised. "The fugitive is hiding in Northern Europe, and his whereabouts are public? Something doesn't seem right," Luyin said.

Grani said, "Not all students care about the trial mission. Anything that happens during the trial can affect the final score. For example, someone's defeat, or someone's victory can influence the results. This student believes he cannot defeat the fugitive, so he made the fugitive's whereabouts public to gain credits."

Luyin looked at Erde and asked, "You've fought with the fugitive. How strong is he?"

Following Luyin's arrest of Las, Erde had become much more honest. He replied, "Very strong. Even if weak, the discovery of combat skills and the use of star energy are formidable. We surrounded him with over a dozen students, and he killed five of us in an instant before fleeing."

Grani asked, "Is it true that the fugitive has Earth Realm power?"

Erde said, "He didn't have it when we fought him, or else we would not dare to approach him."

Luyin pondered for a moment. He felt that something was off. How could someone who had escaped from the Inner Universe to the Outer Universe be easily discovered by students and then exposed?

"Look, students are getting close to Northern Europe!" Grani exclaimed. Everyone turned their attention to the local network.

In Northern Europe, three students approached, two from the first group of participants and one from the second group. It was apparent that the students from the second group were far stronger than those from the first group. The two from the first group hesitated to get close to the fugitive.

The third-year student shouted out, "Where is the fugitive?"

The other two students were also searching when suddenly they felt their bodies weaken and fell to the ground. The third-year student fell to the ground as well. Not far away, a man walked over, his steps gentle but emanating an indescribable pressure, shaking the three students.

Landing, the third-year student called out, "Where is the fugitive?" God's be, what message?" The figure smiled, "Just say that you've seen the fugitive. "What?" The man exclaimed. He immediately made a move, but the next moment, he felt his strength leaving his body. The figure, who originally only had a combat power of two thousand three, suddenly erupted with an incomparable strength, overwhelming him. This was Earth Realm power, and the man's personal terminal continuously rang.

"Thank you," the figure said calmly before turning to look into the distance.

A few minutes later, the Earth's local network exploded with activity. All received a message stating that the fugitive was hiding in Northern Europe and possessed Earth Realm powers, urging for help.

At first, many people did not believe the message since who would publicly expose a fugitive's whereabouts, especially for a mission. However, after a detailed description of the fugitive's appearance, the message was confirmed. After all, Erde and his people had clashed with the fugitive previously in the waters of the Mediterranean, so this changed the game. Many students immediately flew to Northern Europe.

In the State of Qin City, Luyin and others were surprised. "The fugitive is hiding in Northern Europe, and his whereabouts are public? Something doesn't seem right," Luyin said.

Grani said, "Not all students care about the trial mission. Anything that happens during the trial can affect the final score. For example, someone's defeat, or someone's victory can influence the results. This student believes he cannot defeat the fugitive, so he made the fugitive's whereabouts public to gain credits."

Luyin looked at Erde and asked, "You've fought with the fugitive. How strong is he?"

Following Luyin's arrest of Las, Erde had become much more honest. He replied, "Very strong. Even if weak, the discovery of combat skills and the use of star energy are formidable. We surrounded him with over a dozen students, and he killed five of us in an instant before fleeing."

Grani asked, "Is it true that the fugitive has Earth Realm power?"

Erde said, "He didn't have it when we fought him, or else we would not dare to approach him."

Luyin pondered for a moment. He felt that something was off. How could someone who had escaped from the Inner Universe to the Outer Universe be easily discovered by students and then exposed?

"Look, students are getting close to Northern Europe!" Grani exclaimed. Everyone turned their attention to the local network.

In Northern Europe, three students approached, two from the first group of participants and one from the second group. It was apparent that the students from the second group were far stronger than those from the first group. The two from the first group hesitated to get close to the fugitive.

The third-year student shouted out, "Where is the fugitive?"

The other two students were also searching when suddenly they felt their bodies weaken and fell to the ground. The third-year student fell to the ground as well. Not far away, a man walked over, his steps gentle but emanating an indescribable pressure, shaking the three students.

Landing, the third-year student called out, "Where is the fugitive?"

The man in the ring armor looked down at them with disdain in his eyes, his face covered in a strange mix of black hair and white hair, giving him a sinister appearance.

His name was Ching Yu, and he announced, "I am the one you call a fugitive."

The reality of the situation is that many students were captured by the fugitive in the next two days. They learned the name of the fugitive for the first time--Ching Yu.