Firelette Soul

As the moment arrived for many students to receive their mission before the trial, they only knew of the existence of a fugitive but had no other information about them. The mission stated they had to find out for themselves. Now, they finally learned the fugitive's name.

On the third day, over Northern Europe, all the students were shocked by the appearance of a woman.

Huo Xiaoling, the heir of the Huo family from the Dayu Empire, had long fiery red hair that reached her waist. Her beauty was serene and exquisite, like an elf. Her status in the Dayu Empire was even higher than that of Las, for the Huo family was a powerful and extensive clan within the empire.

The moment Huo Xiaoling appeared, more than a dozen students who had been hiding around Northern Europe emerged simultaneously. They had not dared to show themselves out of fear of Qingyu's strength, but now they dared because Huo Xiaoling was a strong practitioner at the Fusion Realm. Although her cultivation was sealed for the trial, her potential still far exceeded that of an Exploration Realm practitioner.

Upon seeing Huo Xiaoling, Qingyu stood up, his eyes gleaming, "Such a delicate woman. I didn't expect there to be such a graceful beauty in the borderlands. Haha."

Huo Xiaoling looked down, seeing Qingyu standing casually. Behind him were twelve bound students, looking exceptionally miserable.

"Seriously injured, unable to fully utilize your Fusion Realm power, you can only intimidate with star energy. Surrender now, Qingyu," Huo Xiaoling said coldly.

Qingyu smirked, "So arrogant, I like women like this," he said, stomping the ground. An iron rod shot out and was casually flung towards Huo Xiaoling, who frowned and dodged it. Behind her, Qingyu appeared out of nowhere, caught the rod, and swung it down. The trajectory of the rod was clear, yet Huo Xiaoling felt it was unavoidable, as if the world around her dimmed.

Sensing danger, Huo Xiaoling's body ignited in flames, transforming into a phoenix cry that soared into the sky, burning everything around. The sight terrified everyone who saw it, melting the snow instantly and turning the sky red.

Qingyu retreated with his rod, surprised and then excited, "Talent, it's actually a fire talent. Woman, you are worthy of following me."

Huo Xiaoling's gaze remained cold as she slowly raised her delicate finger, pointing at Qingyu, "Phoenix Spirit Finger."

In the distance, several students looked at their personal terminals, their faces changing dramatically, "4100 combat power."

Qingyu grinned, "Impressive, this finger could make a typical Fusion Realm practitioner retreat. Unfortunately, you encountered me, Qingyu Baiye." With that, his iron rod spun, creating countless rods that nearly obscured the sky, plunging the world into darkness. Then, a single rod pierced through the fire phoenix, striking Huo Xiaoling on the shoulder, driving her into the ground.

With a bang, the earth shook, the melted snow forming rivers, and Huo Xiaoling fell into one of these rivers.

In the sky, Qingyu stood tall, holding his iron rod, scanning his surroundings.

The observing students immediately fled. If even Huo Xiaoling was defeated, they dared not approach. After all, she was one of the few Fusion Realm practitioners in this trial.

Soon, Huo Xiaoling climbed out of the river, drenched and pale, looking at Qingyu approaching slowly, "Baiye, that surname. Are you from that family?"

Qingyu squatted, hooked her delicate chin with his finger, smiling, "You actually know. It seems you're not completely ignorant. Knowing this, you should understand what this surname represents. You're worthy of being my woman. Think about it, I'll take you away from this region."

Huo Xiaoling slapped his hand away, clutching her shoulder, and gasped through the pain, "Your wanted notice comes from the Inner Universe. If you really belong to that family, who would dare to hunt you down?"

Qingyu grabbed her long hair and lifted her, looking at her angry eyes coldly, "Don't get excited. Break the seal and recover your Fusion Realm power, and you'll be disqualified. Don't you want to join the Tenth Academy of the Stars?"

Huo Xiaoling's heart sank, her massive star energy dwindling.

Qingyu sneered, "Watch, soon this will all be over." He then threw her toward the bound students, "Thirteen now, this one has quite the weight."

Qingyu was right. Huo Xiaoling's capture was significant. As she was caught, Xiken Mardo at the monitoring station almost personally stormed Earth but was stopped by Mira.

"No one may interfere during the trial. This is a decision by the Youth Council of the Universe. General Mardo, do you intend to defy the Council's ruling?" Mira said calmly to Xiken Mardo.

Xiken Mardo's face changed, "Miss Mira, please forgive me, but Huo Xiaoling is the daughter of Captain Huo Qingshan. She cannot be harmed."

Mira narrowed her eyes, "I know, so what? She can break the seal herself. Her current fate is her own choice."

Xiken Mardo took a deep breath, looking at Mira.

The two stared at each other.

Eventually, Xiken Mardo gave up. In front of the Youth Council of the Universe, not even Huo Qingshan or the Dayu Empire could be mentioned. They had destroyed far more powerful forces than one or two. The Dayu Empire did not want to follow in those footsteps.

Mira looked past Xiken Mardo at the screen, especially at Qingyu. That combat skill, it looked familiar.

The local network was already broadcasting the news of Huo Xiaoling's capture. Many students who had been heading excitedly to Northern Europe immediately stopped and began to gather together.

In the capital, Erd was shocked, "Even Huo Xiaoling was captured. How can we complete the mission?"

Lu Yin was puzzled, "Huo Xiaoling? Is she very powerful?"

Erd nodded solemnly, "In terms of combat power, Huo Xiaoling should be the strongest among the students in this trial because she has Fusion Realm strength."

Lu Yin's expression changed, "Fusion Realm?"

"Not only Fusion Realm, but Huo Xiaoling also has the fire talent. Her father is Huo Qingshan, the captain of the fifth team of the thirteen teams of the Dayu Empire's royal court. He is a super powerhouse whose combat power can break ordinary personal terminals. Under such a strong mentor, Huo Xiaoling is an absolute elite among the younger generation of the Dayu Empire. I didn't expect even she would be defeated," Erd continued.

Only Erd and other students like Granni were shocked by Huo Xiaoling's capture. For Lu Yin, although surprised, it felt distant. His current focus was on the few students gradually approaching.

Soon, three students appeared outside the capital. They were the second batch of trial-takers, not from Yutang but from some powerful planets, comparable to or even surpassing Erd. Unfortunately, none of them could escape Lu Yin's grasp. He had captured twenty-eight people, quite a lot.

At that moment, two more people arrived outside the capital, none other than Gules and Balaro, who had been hiding nearby.

Zhang Dingtian was about to make a move but was stopped by Lu Yin, "Why are you here? Your battle armor will be returned after the trial ends," Lu Yin shouted.

Gules forced a smile, "I want to join you."

Lu Yin was puzzled, "What? Join us? What do you mean?"

"Literally, I want to join you," Gules said, raising her head proudly, as if they should feel honored.

Lu Yin pondered, "Why should we take you in?"

Gules was furious, "What do you mean take in? Can't you speak properly? I said cooperate with you."

"Why?" Lu Yin retorted bluntly.

Gules gritted her teeth, "Qingyu has Fusion Realm strength. One or two students can't deal with him. His stuff is in the capital, he's bound to return. We need to join forces to fight him."

Lu Yin thought for a moment. What she said made sense. Qingyu seemed difficult to deal with. If he really returned to the capital, it would be troublesome. More people would provide better security, "Alright, come in. But I warn you, don't try anything funny, or I'll bind you."

Gules snorted and entered the capital with Balaro.

She indeed had no other motives. The pressure Qingyu exerted on all the students was too great. Only by uniting could they resist him. This was also the only way to complete the mission. Many students in Northern Europe had already joined forces. She naturally couldn't fight alone. Cooperating with the locals offered the best benefits.

On the outskirts of the capital, Sharo did not go far. He walked among the corpses, strangely untouched by the zombie horde, as if they couldn't sense him.

He had been here for three days, observing the zombies without change in expression.

After a long while, Sharo stood still and sighed, "Indeed, I can sense their presence. It's troublesome that they are everywhere."

Far to the south of the capital, a beautiful woman with green hair and robes adorned with intricate floral patterns flew north. Everything about her, even her long boots, was green, exuding a refreshing aura.