Face the Enemy with a Broken Blade

That night, Erder was thrown back into the dungeon, replaced by the noble Prince Las.

This person's identity was extraordinary. Students continuously contacted Lu Yin, offering to pay a high price for him, but Lu Yin refused every time. The value of Prince Las was incomparable to mere resource crystals.

Las was roughly thrown to the ground, not far from where the Hua Camp's evolvers were constructing a defensive wall.

"Gloria, you're here too?" Las exclaimed in surprise when he saw the woman in the distance.

Gloria smiled sweetly at Las. "Sorry, Senior Las, I've been captured too."

Las was furious. This girl was lying through her teeth. She didn't look like she had been captured at all. Wait a minute, "You're the one behind this? No wonder they dared to capture me. You've got some nerve. Don't think you're safe just because your brother protects you. My father is Sika."

Gloria blinked her innocent eyes. "Senior Las, don't wrong me. I don't have the power to control them. You can ask around; I've been robbed by them too."

Las didn't believe her at all. He couldn't believe that mere natives would dare to attack him. Although the native's strength was unexpectedly strong, so what? Without a powerful background, even great talent was nothing more than an ant.

"Another student is approaching," Granie exclaimed.

Lu Yin and the others looked into the distance as a figure quickly approached and finally hovered over the capital city, looking down at them.

Seeing the newcomer, Las was overjoyed. "Senior Mono! It's Senior Mono! Senior, I'm here!"

Gloria's face changed. "Why is he here? He actually came."

Lu Yin was curious. "Do you know him?"

Gloria replied solemnly, "Mono, an elite of the Universe Hall. He used to compete with my brother. Although he's no longer on my brother's level, he's still one of the few students in the Universe Hall who has reached the Fusion realm."

Hearing "Fusion realm," everyone felt a chill. Among the second batch of trial students, there were definitely Fusion realm experts. Hu Xiaoling was one of them. Originally, they thought Fusion realm experts would be rare to encounter, but now one appeared here.

Mono looked down at the capital city and saw Las. His eyes lit up. His purpose for coming was to rescue Las. Las's father was Sika. As long as he saved Las, he could hitch a ride on Sika's ship and secure his future in the Great Yu Empire.

"Native, release Prince Las," Mono shouted, his voice shaking the clouds and striking fear into the hearts of countless survivors.

Las was ecstatic.

Lu Yin frowned and was about to make a move. So what if it was a Fusion realm expert? A sealed Fusion realm might not be a match for him.

Just then, Zhang Dingtian stepped out with a determined look in his eyes. "This battle is mine."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed. Since rescuing everyone a few days ago, Zhang Dingtian had rarely taken action. Whenever students arrived, it was Lu Yin who defeated and captured them. Granie, Gloria, and others had their attention focused on Lu Yin. Even Erder and others had almost forgotten about Zhang Dingtian. He was a Transcender, the first of the Seven Saints. He had his pride. The capital city was originally his to protect, but he had been protected by others. Zhang Dingtian had endured long enough. Now that his injuries had healed, he was eager for a fight.

Bai Xue looked at Zhang Dingtian with concern. These alien students had strange combat skills and were far superior in their use of power. Zhang Dingtian could crush ordinary students, but now he was facing a top-tier expert.

Las sneered. If Lu Yin fought, it might be interesting, but a mere native challenging a Fusion realm expert? Even a sealed Fusion realm expert wasn't something an ordinary Probe realm could compare to. Just a mere native.

Lu Yin nodded. "Be careful."

Zhang Dingtian's eyes were resolute. He lifted his long blade and soared into the sky to face Mono.

Gloria's eyes shone. Las and the others didn't know, but the first batch of trial students did. The one who had posed the greatest threat to them in China was not Lu Yin but this Seven Saints' First, a rare Transcender. He had single-handedly guarded the capital city, making even her retreat.

Mono looked down arrogantly at Zhang Dingtian, who was rising into the air. "Native, get lost," he said, waving his hand. A surge of star energy swept forth, not dispersed like ordinary Probe realm practitioners but concentrated in one direction. This was an unconscious display of control, showing how a Fusion realm expert had long mastered the use of star energy.

Zhang Dingtian's eyes were determined. He raised his blade and slashed horizontally. The slash tore through the star energy, directly aiming for Mono.

Mono, who had initially disregarded Zhang Dingtian, had his expression change. He raised his hand, and with a claw, he shattered the slash. "Interesting. A mere native has the strength comparable to an ordinary Universe Hall member. No, it's slightly above ordinary members. Are you a Transcender?"

Faced with Mono's increasingly surprised expression, Zhang Dingtian raised his blade for another slash, but Mono shattered it again. Zhang Dingtian possessed Transcender-level combat power, stronger than Erder and capable of matching Las. However, against Mono, a sealed Fusion realm expert, his attacks were ineffective. Mono was a true Fusion realm expert. Even with his power sealed, his control over star energy and combat skills remained unmatched, beyond what Zhang Dingtian could contend with.

With a loud clang, Mono's palm turned into a claw, striking Zhang Dingtian's blade, causing a crack to appear. The force traveled through the blade, shattering Zhang Dingtian's sleeve.

Originally, Mono intended to shatter the blade, but at the critical moment, Zhang Dingtian miraculously diverted part of the force, saving both the blade and himself from heavier injuries.

Zhang Dingtian spat out blood and retreated. He raised his blade high, shouting fiercely. His terrifying slash wavered, and his body mysteriously vanished, leaving only an afterimage.

"Flowing Step?" Lu Yin was surprised. Zhang Dingtian had actually learned the Flowing Step.

Everyone watched in awe as two Zhang Dingtian figures appeared in the sky.

Las was stunned. No way, a mere native was fighting on par with Mono? Mono had even used Beast Claw and still hadn't defeated him. How could this be? When did natives become so formidable? A Transcender? This native planet had Transcenders.

In the sky, Mono's eyes turned cold. He waved his hand, dispersing the afterimages. He turned and kicked, unleashing a fierce wind that twisted the air. The shockwave shattered the ground below. At that moment, Zhang Dingtian appeared beside Mono, slashing with his blade. In everyone's eyes, he struck Mono.

Countless people held their breath, watching the scene in shock, including Gloria and the others. This was the power of a Transcender, capable of challenging Mono. Zhang Dingtian was truly defying the odds.

The blade passed through without any sensation. Zhang Dingtian's pupils contracted. The figure of Mono disappeared. Instinctively, he placed the blade behind him. With a loud clang, the blade shattered, and a terrifying force struck Zhang Dingtian, sending him crashing into the ground.

Everyone fell silent. In the sky, Mono appeared with a grim expression. A mere native had forced him to use his Beast Claw and even his step technique. Unbelievable.

Everyone looked at the ground outside the city, where a plume of dust shot into the sky.

Gloria let out a breath. This was more like it. If that native had defeated Mono, it would have upended their worldview. Natives, no matter what, couldn't be that extraordinary, right?

"Your turn," Gloria said to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin pointed to the city outskirts. "It's not over yet."

"Are you trying to get him killed? Natives can't defeat Mono. They can't even injure him," Gloria said.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed. "I really don't like the word 'natives.'"

"Hmph," Gloria turned away.

Zhou Shan and Wu Sheng also appeared, looking worriedly at the outskirts.

Bai Xue clenched her fists, cold air radiating from her.

Las stared at Bai Xue blankly. Earlier, he had noticed this woman. She was stunning. He had planned to take her back as a maid, but what was this? Cold air? Ice? A talent? Damn it, what kind of native planet was this? Even talented practitioners appeared, along with Transcenders and that freak who defeated him. Everything imaginable was here.

At this moment, the dust cleared, revealing Zhang Dingtian holding a broken blade. He was covered in wounds but standing firm, looking up at the sky, slowly rising.

Mono raised an eyebrow. "You've got guts. What's your name?"

"Zhang Dingtian."

Mono smiled appreciatively. "Follow me. I'll take you to the Universe Hall. You're qualified. How about it?"

"Not interested," Zhang Dingtian replied coldly, gripping his broken blade.

Mono laughed. "You think you can fight me with that broken blade? Let me tell you, the gap between us is insurmountable. Facing me, you can only fail."

"That's not necessarily true. Zhang Dingtian, I

 have something for you," Lu Yin shouted, throwing Gloria's ring armor to him. Zhang Dingtian instinctively caught it, looking at Lu Yin in confusion.

Lu Yin said, "Your fight was unfair to begin with. He's Fusion realm; you're Probe realm. Don't be stubborn."

Zhang Dingtian's eyes flashed. He put on the ring armor, and in the next moment, it covered his entire body, sparking with lightning.