
Upon seeing this, Gules went berserk, glaring viciously at Lu Yin. "Bastard! How dare you give my clothes to someone else? You shameless, despicable scoundrel!"

Lu Yin waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry, I'll return them to you."

Gules was furious. "I don't want them back! They're all sweaty and disgusting. Just keep them as your burial clothes."

Lu Yin ignored her.

High above, Zhang Dingtian, feeling the thunder enveloping his body, sensed a surge of power. He recalled that a few days ago, Lu Yin had used this armor to capture many students, demonstrating its formidable defense.

Opposite them, Mono's face darkened. "Gurbach's gear," he said, casting a cold glance at Gules and narrowing his eyes. "Gurbach's sister is here too. Perfect, a lesson for her," he said, abruptly charging downward.

Zhang Dingtian snorted coldly, slashing out with his broken blade. Although the blade was broken, it didn't affect his strike.

The fierce slash cut off Mono's path. Enraged, Mono shouted, "You seek death!" He struck at Zhang Dingtian with his claw, the roar of a void beast resounding, making the air tremble. This claw contained seven forms, surpassing Las's Heavenly Beast Claw, and was enough to kill Zhang Dingtian under normal circumstances.

Facing such a terrifying technique, Zhang Dingtian roared, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. The broken blade trembled rapidly, the air distorted, and a strange force gathered along the blade. The sky felt oppressively heavy as Zhang Dingtian slashed out, colliding with the Heavenly Beast Claw.


The sky quaked, and a massive shockwave swept through the capital, tearing the ground apart. A slash extended from the city wall, cutting into the earth for an unknown depth.

Scarlet blood sprayed through the air, splattering on the ruins below.

Zhang Dingtian's armor shattered, and his body was sent crashing toward the ground, but Lu Yin caught him at the critical moment.

Even so, Zhang Dingtian was severely injured, unable to fight, and his broken blade was completely destroyed.

Yet, at that moment, no one dared to underestimate Zhang Dingtian because he had wounded Mono with a single slash.

High above, Mono looked at Zhang Dingtian in shock, blood dripping from his right arm, his fingers trembling. He, a dignified Fusion Realm elite of the Yu Hall, who had once contended with figures like Gurbach, was actually injured by a native and even forced back a hundred meters. This was inconceivable. Even with his sealed cultivation, it seemed impossible. No one would believe it, but it was true. His seven-form Heavenly Beast Claw hadn't killed that native.

On the ground, Lu Yin was equally shocked. Zhang Dingtian had survived that claw, and his strike had incorporated the Wave Palm, making him a genius. His slash could rival Lu Yin's full-powered Heavenly Star Palm.

When Lu Yin first met Zhang Dingtian, his Heavenly Star Palm could utilize two stars, slightly weaker than Zhang Dingtian. But after mastering three stars, Lu Yin had surpassed him. Three-star Heavenly Star Palm equaled Las's five-form Heavenly Beast Claw. Mono's claw was clearly stronger than Las's, so Zhang Dingtian surviving was sheer luck, largely thanks to the armor.

Las was stunned, wondering where this freakish native had come from.

Bai Xue and others quickly took Zhang Dingtian away for treatment. For him to fight to such an extent was remarkable, given that the opponent was an elite from the Great Yu Empire, while they had only trained for a short time.

Lu Yin rose into the air, staring at Mono. "Next, your opponent is me."

Mono fixed his icy gaze on Lu Yin, intending to reclaim his lost honor from this native.

Outside Earth, in the control room of a massive spaceship, everyone was equally shocked watching the screen. They knew who Mono was. In this planetary evolution trial, there were only a few who had reached the Fusion Realm, and Mono was one of the strongest. Yet, he was injured by a native. Their shock was no less than Mono's.

Bang! A loud noise drew everyone's attention. It was West Ken Maldo, who looked excited. "A cross-boundary combatant. I didn't expect such a person on this planet. If not for the lack of combat skills, he could fight Mono even better. We need him in our army, haha."

Beside him, Sharo Shu licked his lips. "Sorry, General Maldo, but our Royal Twelve Squad needs him."

West Ken Maldo retorted angrily, "The Royal Twelve Squad's main task isn't combat. This person clearly has a high combat talent, short-term skill imitation, and integrating Wave Palm into the blade. He's a combat genius."

From another side, Tolo Ona said, "General Maldo is right. This person is indeed a combat genius. Our Ona family is willing to reshape his body. He should be with our Ninth Squad."

Soon, the debate grew louder.

Everyone looked enviously at the injured yet determined man on the screen. If he survived the trial, his future would be bright. A cross-boundary combatant was a genius. If they remembered correctly, there was another with an ice talent among them, along with the mysterious person who captured Las. This group wasn't simple!

As the three argued, Mila focused on the screen where Lu Yin and Mono had started fighting.

Mono, wounded by Zhang Dingtian's outburst, was like a beast trying to vent all his rage on the natives, with Lu Yin being the first. He used the seven-form Heavenly Beast Claw, expecting an easy victory. But Lu Yin's performance was even more monstrous than Zhang Dingtian's—he dodged it.

The Heavenly Beast Claw covered a wide area, and even with only seven forms, it was impossible for an Explorer to evade. But Lu Yin did so effortlessly.

Mono looked at Lu Yin in surprise. This guy was even tougher than the previous one.

Lu Yin's eyes were focused as he activated the Heavenly Star Technique. Mono attacked again, disappearing from sight. Lu Yin immediately used the Wandering Step and disappeared as well. In an instant, claw shadows surrounded him, forcing him out. The Heavenly Beast Claw descended, barely twenty centimeters from Lu Yin.

Feeling the power of the Heavenly Beast Claw, Lu Yin observed all its changes. His body shifted, dodging again, while delivering a Palm of the Void. Mono didn't bother to avoid it, confident the Heavenly Beast Claw would tear it apart. He struck again, but Lu Yin's eyes widened. Three times was enough. He struck out again, and Mono initially thought it was another Palm of the Void. For an Explorer to use it so skillfully was rare, but such a technique couldn't hurt him. Suddenly, a huge sense of danger arose.

Mono's scalp tingled, pupils contracted. Before him, Lu Yin's palm turned into a claw—the seven-form Heavenly Beast Claw.


Mono fell like a meteor, blood spraying through the air and staining the ground. Everyone stared in shock—Mono was severely injured.

Las felt a chill. He had forgotten that native could mimic the Heavenly Beast Claw.

Bai Xue and others were stunned, watching Lu Yin in awe. He grew stronger when facing stronger opponents.

On the ground, Mono's face was pale, eyes filled with shock. Blood spread across his abdomen, staining his clothes, but his focus wasn't on his injury. It was on the technique. No doubt about it, that was the seven-form Heavenly Beast Claw.

"How can you use the Heavenly Beast Claw?" Mono shouted, staring at Lu Yin.

Landing on the ground, Lu Yin replied calmly, "I learned it from you."

"Impossible! No one can learn the Heavenly Beast Claw so quickly. I spent nine months in the Yu Hall to master the seven forms. How could you learn it so fast?" Mono demanded. "Who are you? Where did you steal the Heavenly Beast Claw?"

"I told you already. If you don't believe me, that's your problem," Lu Yin responded nonchalantly, leaping at Mono again. The seven-form Heavenly Beast Claw descended, the void beast's roar shaking the air. Mono gritted his teeth. With his cultivation sealed, the seven forms were his strongest attack. It should be invincible, but he faced the same technique. More importantly, his attack didn't affect this person, who could dodge easily. This fight was unwinnable.


The ground trembled, a massive claw mark embedding deep into the earth. Mono flew away, conceding. Unless he broke the seal and restored his Fusion Realm strength, he couldn't defeat this person. This guy also had cross-boundary combat power. These monstrous natives—or not. This person couldn't be a native. No native could use the Palm of the Void. Who was he?

Lu Yin stood on the ground, watching Mono fly away, and sighed in relief. Fusion Realm experts were immensely pressuring. If pushed too hard, Mono could break the seal and seriously injure or kill him in an instant. Even if expelled from the trial, it wouldn't bring Lu Yin back to life. He didn't want to push such people too far.

Today's biggest gain was the seven-form Heavenly Beast Claw. This technique from the Yu Hall was powerful. A total of 108 forms? He wondered how strong it would be to master them all. Lu Yin looked forward to it.