strange stone

In the capital city, Ras felt utterly defeated. Even Mono had lost, and no one could save him now; his trial was destined to end in failure.

Glannie stared at Lu Yin in disbelief, recalling the first time she saw him. He was just a hopeful at that time, and now he seemed almost invincible among explorers. What was his background? Yata, Tata Planet Academy? Was his grandfather the headmaster? Could his grandfather be a peerless expert?

Mono was very famous among the trial students. When the news of his defeat in the capital spread on the intranet, it shocked all the students. Their first reaction was disbelief, but the intranet doesn't lie.

Then, Grays confirmed the news, making many students take the forces guarding the capital seriously.

Now, the revealed experts were Fire Xiao Ling and Mono, and both had lost. This trial was indeed extraordinary.

Not long after, several more students were captured by Qing Yu.

Lu Yin calculated, "Seventeen, that fugitive captured seventeen students."

Snow White looked at him curiously, "Why are you counting?"

Lu Yin's expression darkened, "He's snatching our captures."

Everyone was speechless.

Lu Yin took a deep breath, "This guy is not stupid; he had the same thought as us, to use the students for some kind of compromise. Unfortunately, our positions are different. He is a fugitive, and we are just natives. He is destined to be judged, no matter how many students he captures."

"That's fine, it has nothing to do with you," Grays said, blinking.

Lu Yin looked at her, "The more students he captures, the fewer we capture. The less bargaining power we will have in future negotiations."

Grays widened her eyes, "You really plan to use the students to negotiate with the Empire? That's impossible."

Lu Yin replied matter-of-factly, "Nothing is impossible. Students who dare to participate in the trial are elites and are very important to the Empire."

Grays sneered, "Do you know how many students the Empire has participating in trials? Let me tell you, this planet is just one of many trial planets. Even if all the trial students died, it would not affect the Empire. Do you think the Empire will compromise with natives for these students? Keep dreaming."

Hearing Grays' words, Snow White, Zhou Shan, and others' expressions changed. The Great Yu Empire was too large, with too many students and countless academies. The students trialing on Earth were just a small part, and trying to negotiate with the Empire was indeed impossible.

"Not necessarily," Lu Yin said, grabbing Ras. "This guy's identity is enough for us to get some promises."

Ras was furious, "Let go of me."

Lu Yin released him, smiling, "The deputy minister of finance of the Empire, a very high position. I heard he has connections with the Royal Court's Twelfth Team. Even better, the bigger his background, the higher our chances of successful negotiations, right?"

Grays pondered, looking at Ras. This made sense. This guy was the only son of Sika, and for this son, Sika might go to any lengths.

Ras glared at Lu Yin in rage. This bastard was using him to threaten the Empire. Whether successful or not, he would become a laughingstock among the young generation of the Empire. Bastard!

In Northern Europe, a group of students was equally furious.

More than twenty students gathered from around the world and found Qing Yu. The leader was Yan Gang, not from the Great Yu Empire but a young expert from the Flame Refining Star in the Canglan Domain.

The Flame Refining Star was a powerful force on par with the Great Yu Empire. Though just a star, it was extremely vast, and its surface burned with a sea of fire. It was said that all beings on the Flame Refining Star had great resistance to fire and could use powerful flame-wielding battle techniques. It was a terrifying force.

Yan Gang, like Fire Xiao Ling, was an explorer. Even though his power was sealed, many students believed he was stronger than Fire Xiao Ling.

"Qing Yu, release Fire Xiao Ling," Yan Gang stood high in the sky, glaring coldly below. His body was dark red, emitting scorching heat even in the cold Northern Europe, melting the snow on the ground.

Qing Yu leisurely sat on the ground, with seventeen captured students behind him, including Fire Xiao Ling.

"There are quite a few of you. Boy, do you think you can snatch them from me?" Qing Yu taunted, looking at Yan Gang with contempt. He was once an explorer who roamed the starry sky and didn't take mere students seriously.

Yan Gang said coldly, "I warn you, Fire Xiao Ling is the fiancée of the Flame Refining Star's Yan Feng young clan leader. If you dare harm her, you will face the wrath of the Flame Refining Star."

Qing Yu scoffed, "Just a barbaric border domain, do you really think you're that impressive? But I can give you a chance to take her away, let's see if you can do it."

"Speak," Yan Gang demanded.

Qing Yu grinned, "Go to the capital of Huaxia and bring me my items. Exchange them for the woman."

Yan Gang's eyes flickered, "Release Fire Xiao Ling first, then I'll bring the items."

Qing Yu laughed, "Are you an idiot or do you think I'm an idiot? Release her first? Are you out of your mind?"

Yan Gang was furious, clenching his fists, the air around him burning and distorting, "Fine, I will bring the items, but you must promise not to harm Fire Xiao Ling."

Qing Yu shrugged, "That depends on how long you take to get the items. I can't guarantee anything if it takes too long. The woman is quite beautiful."

Yan Gang was enraged, "Fire Xiao Ling is an explorer. If you dare touch her, we will break our seals and kill you."

"Doing so, you won't be able to join the Tenth Academy in the Starry Sky, right? You can't even handle the explorer trial task. The Starry Sky War College won't accept such failures. How will you explain to your young clan leader?" Qing Yu taunted, looking at Yan Gang.

Yan Gang snorted, turning to the students behind him, "Keep an eye on him, I'm going to Huaxia."

"Can you handle it alone? Mono just fled from Huaxia," a student asked. He was from the Huo family and cared about Fire Xiao Ling.

Yan Gang scoffed, "Don't compare me to that loser." With that, he flew away, the air distorting into a white ribbon.

From Northern Europe to the capital of Huaxia, it would take at least two days for an explorer to fly, assuming no mutant beasts blocked the way. If they encountered powerful mutant beasts, the time could not be estimated.

In the dark capital, only a few places had lights, fearing the attraction of mutant creatures.

Lu Yin arrived at the underground technology institute. Guided by Director Lian, he saw the item left by the fugitive Qing Yu: a stone the size of a human head.

The stone was roughly round but had sixteen smooth, flat surfaces. There were indecipherable symbols in the middle, and the whole stone exuded an ancient, timeworn aura, as if from ancient times.

Snow White stood beside Lu Yin. She had suggested that Lu Yin be allowed to see the stone this time. Initially, she strongly opposed Lu Yin touching the fugitive's items, saying it required the consent of the Seven Saints. But now, there was no need. The entire capital was under Lu Yin's protection.

Lu Yin curiously looked at the stone placed in the glass case, "Just a stone, but it feels extraordinary."

Director Lian said, "Can you guess its age?"

Lu Yin shook his head.

Director Lian marveled, "It's undeterminable."

"Undeterminable?" Lu Yin was surprised. With Earth's current technology unable to determine the age of a stone, it was incredible.

Director Lian explained, "This stone has gone through too many changes over an unfathomable amount of time. Its age marks keep changing, making it impossible to measure. We've studied it many times but can't learn anything from it."

Snow White added, "According to the information we've gathered, the fugitive Qing Yu fled here from the depths of the universe, a very long distance. Even so, he was still pursued without any information leaking. There's only one possibility: the item he carried was too valuable, and it's likely this stone."

"When you captured him from Neptune, was there anything else besides this stone?" Lu Yin asked.

Snow White looked at Director Lian, who replied, "A battle knife, dozens of crystals, actually star energy crystals, and a chip with cultivation methods, but it's mostly damaged and unreadable."

"The battle knife was given to Zhang Dingtian. As for the star energy crystals, we absorbed them long ago. At the beginning of the apocalypse, we were already close to the Heavenly Level, that is, the explorer level," Snow White added.

Lu Yin looked at the stone, "So, this stone and that battle knife are the only things Qing Yu left behind?"

"We've studied the battle knife. Its material is extremely hard, far surpassing any metal on Earth, including mutated metals. But this stone, we have no clue about it," Director Lian said.

Lu Yin said calmly, "Can I study it?"

Director Lian didn't mind, "Suit yourself."