It's pandemonium at home

Trinity soaked in the bath for a long time, unable to figure things out, and eventually left the bathroom on her own.

She surveyed the living room but didn't spot that jerk anywhere. "Forget him," she thought. Exhausted now, knowing she had work tomorrow, she needed a good rest to perform well.

However, as she pushed open the bedroom door, her heart sank. There he was, sprawled out comfortably on her bed, sleeping peacefully.

Trinity's anger surged. She marched over and yanked her blanket off, only to find him shamelessly clad in just a pair of briefs.

"Get up, you jerk! Get up!" She grabbed her pillow and hurled it at Lambert.

The pillow wasn't heavy, feeling more like a massage as it hit Lambert's back.

Ignoring Trinity's mood, he simply pulled her into his arms and mumbled, "Shh, stop fussing, sleep."

Trinity briefly felt a strange illusion that this was a real person before snapping out of it. She pushed him away and kicked him with her foot.

"Get out, this is my bedroom!" Trinity asserted without a hint of compromise.

Lambert was fully awakened by her kick. He looked at her with deep eyes and sneered, "Pfft, I didn't even mind your looks, yet you mind me being here."

"I'd prefer you mind me!" Trinity scoffed. She didn't care for a robot's opinion; they lacked thoughts and likely had no standards for judging people. She felt beautiful, after all!

"If it's about ownership, I'll reluctantly oblige," Lambert replied, lying back down.

"This is my bed, Lambert, get out!" Trinity became increasingly irritated when he lay back down.

Lambert, indifferent, retorted, "I've already slept with you; what's wrong with sleeping in your bed now?"

Trinity was momentarily speechless. His words made some sense, but they felt awkward. Remembering how Lambert had teased her before, Trinity's temper flared once more.



"I'm still going to hold you accountable!" She stood up straight, hands on hips. "You..."

"So what? I'll take responsibility if needed," Lambert interrupted calmly.

"Responsibility? Ha! Are you the one whose brain's malfunctioning, or is it mine?" Trinity retorted as if hearing a ridiculous joke.

"Definitely yours, it's completely useless!" Lambert didn't give an inch, following her lead.

Trinity pointed angrily at him but decided not to continue speaking. She resolved not to engage with this shameless person any longer.

Seeing her silence, Lambert wasn't bothered. He knew women's little tricks well enough and continued lying down to sleep.

Trinity initially thought of taking her blanket and sleeping on the sofa for the night. But then she remembered this was her home; she was the mistress here.

If anyone found out she'd been forced by a robot to sleep on the sofa, they'd probably laugh their heads off!

"Hmph, who cares!" She tightly wrapped herself in the blanket, huffing as she lay on the other side of the big bed.

Ah! Her own bed was indeed comfortable. She hadn't felt secure at all last night at Lucy's place. Only the familiar scent could help her sleep well.

Maybe it was the familiar smell of the bed or perhaps the recent physical activity that drained her. Trinity soon drifted off to sleep, snug as a bug in a rug.

The next morning, Trinity woke up naturally. She blinked groggily and realized she was actually in a man's embrace. After a moment of thought, she sat up abruptly and looked at the person beside her. This wasn't a man at all! He wasn't human!

But the touch just now had been quite nice... She couldn't help but admire the company's CEO for creating such a realistic being, surely at a hefty cost.

Out of habit, Trinity grabbed her phone to check the time. "What!" she screamed, "It's eleven o'clock!"

"What's with the noise? Do you want to sleep or not?" The looming figure next to her reached out and pulled Trinity back into his embrace. "Sleep!"

"Sleep my foot!" Trinity slammed her fist on Lambert's head, eliciting a faint "hiss" sound.

"Do you know what time it is? How come my alarm didn't go off because you were sleeping here?" Trinity gritted her teeth, blaming everything on this "Harley Comet" of a robot.

Lambert looked amused at Trinity's frustration. "Too loud, so I turned it off."

"Do you... do you know I have to go to work?" Trinity's hand shook with anger as she pointed at him.

"I know, so I took leave for you," Lambert said innocently.

Leave? What nonsense! She hadn't asked for leave at all. Did he know her perfect attendance bonus would be ruined because of his leave?

"What reason did you give?"



Soon after, Trinity, holding a chicken feather blanket, chased Lambert, who was only wearing briefs, around the room, creating chaos and disorder everywhere.

"You, running away? Do you believe I'll beat you to death?" Trinity panted heavily, pointing at Lambert, who was two meters away.

"I don't believe it. With those short legs of yours, you couldn't catch up to me even if you tried!" Lambert scoffed disdainfully.

"That's because my legs were sore from all the nonsense yesterday!"

"Your legs have never been agile anyway!" Lambert added, provokingly.

Trinity instantly regained her energy. Her chicken feather blanket caught up again. "I'll teach you a lesson. You think I'm easy to bully."

But before she could catch Lambert, who was sitting casually on the edge of the bed, she heard him say leisurely, "When my battery runs out, remember to recharge me!"

That statement hit Trinity like a lightning bolt, freezing her in place. Why didn't he warn her earlier? She had wasted so much energy.

Then she heard his voice again, a masculine tone this time. "I'm hungry. Hurry up and make me some food. Hunger drains the battery the most."

Trinity's fiery determination instantly deflated upon hearing this. What kind of mess had she gotten herself into? She thought she was the victim, suffering from a terrible beginning, only to face an even worse ending.

Resigned, she walked into the kitchen. As she did, she heard a sentence that made her want to scream: "If the food doesn't suit my taste, the battery..."