Chapter 9 - The System and C99

After two days at the Medical Center, Aric was allowed to go home. Now he was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling of his room. Too many questions were swirling in his mind at the moment.

'Why do they want me?'

According to what David had reported from Ryan's team members, those three mysterious individuals had intended to take Aric. Aric still wondered what their purpose was.

If they wanted to threaten Agustin or the Valen Family, he held no value at all. If their target was his family, that made some sense. 'Or is it related to the object I saw the other day?'

During the two days he spent there, he spent most of his time in Ryan's ward. Seeing Ryan's condition pained his chest deeply. Based on the reports, it was clear that he was the cause of all this.

If he hadn't gone to Rumera Hill, none of this would have happened. Without realizing it, he began to blame himself for all of this. He wanted revenge, but what could he do? He had no power.

"It's really hard to catch you alone," remarked a voice.

It was a girl's voice. Soft yet firm. But who? Right now, he was the only one in his room.

If someone had managed to break in, the security system in his house would have detected it. This system was developed by David himself.

It could detect and prevent the entry of anyone, even those ranked as Supreme Nova. So, if someone had managed to break in, there were only two possibilities:

Stronger than Supreme Nova or smarter than David!

"Who are you?" Aric asked, full of caution. He was ready to activate the security system using his mind at any moment. This was also a special feature of David's system.

"Forget about what you're thinking. You won't be able to activate the security system," the voice replied.

"You can read my mind?" Aric tried to remain calm in this situation. He knew David, Elis, and Eliza were at home. They could surely handle anyone.

"I don't just read minds. I'm in your mind, Aric."

Aric didn't want to take any risks. He immediately repeated the emergency code in his mind. However, nothing happened.

"Even if you manage to activate the security system, what can it do? Can it detect me? Can it eliminate me?" The voice seemed to laugh mischievously at Aric's anxiety.

"Can't it?"

Aric looked around. He had seen his father demonstrate the system to the family. A force field would appear to restrict the movement of everyone except their family. Destructive weapons would emerge from various corners of the house and target the intruder. But none of what he had seen was happening now.

"I told you. You didn't believe me," the girl's voice said casually.

Aric's forehead was now sweating heavily. He felt a bit anxious. If what the voice said was true, he was in danger.

"Relax. I don't intend to harm you."

"Then what's your purpose?"

"I told you to relax. You must want to know what happened to you the other day and you must want to know… about the 'process' you heard?" teased the girl's voice.

This offer made Aric pause. He thought for a long time. He was sure no one knew what really happened during the incident the other day. Especially about the 'process' that took place. He was the only one who heard it.

If this voice knew something, he was ready to cooperate.

Aric sat on his bed. He crossed his arms over his chest, ready to listen, "Alright. Let's hear what you have to say first. Then I'll decide if what you're telling is true or a lie."

"It would've been easier if you were like this from the start. My head hurts listening to you shout the emergency code repeatedly in your mind," the girl teased.

"Enough. Don't tease me. Just get on with it."

"Alright. Before I tell you what happened to you, I have to tell you about myself first." 

"About you? Well, it's about time. Suddenly showing up in my house."

The girl seemed to groan in frustration at Aric's remark. She immediately said, "You're lucky. Earthlings aren't worthy of knowing me. Your galaxy, the Milky Way, is the same. None of you are worthy."

"That's bragging, not storytelling," Aric interrupted, laughing.

Perhaps because the voice belonged to a girl, he didn't feel threatened by it. It seemed more amusing at this point.

"Ugh. I'm just starting my introduction. Be patient," the girl scolded.

"My name… For now, it's best you know me as C99. This name was given by my creator." C99's voice sounded somewhat sad. She recalled something that had happened not long ago.

"Oh. He is the smartest being in the entire universe. For you on Earth, you might call me a system. But I am just like you. I'm also alive. However, for now, I can only live inside a host, and Aric… You are my host," C99 continued.

Aric's reaction? His forehead furrowed deeper. His eyes narrowed further. Who knows what he was thinking now. However, he chose not to interrupt or cut off C99's speech. He wanted to listen until the end first.

"Besides me, there are 98 other similar systems. The time gap between me and them ranges from tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, to millions of years. They all have their own hosts."

Aric began to connect the story told by C99. Even though it sounded like the fantasy and sci-fi novels he often read in his spare time, nothing was impossible on Earth now.

"What worries me is that most systems and their hosts have reached a level beyond what Earthlings can achieve. I will explain further why this is so important for you to know. It is just that it is not the time yet," C99's voice became a bit grave.

"Wait. What I understand now is that you systems and hosts don't have a good relationship?" Aric asked.

"It's all fate, Aric," C99 replied.

"I sense that my life will be in danger after this? Correct me if I'm wrong," Aric guessed.

C99 remained silent for a long time. Aric knew she was choosing her words carefully. "Yes. I won't lie to you. You will be in danger, but your life will change. There's a reward for you."

"Moreover, I am the latest and the last system ever created and the best that has ever existed in the Universe. So, you're very lucky," said C99, concluding her introduction proudly.

"Are you done? Maybe you can stop pranking me now." Aric's words were followed by loud laughter. He was genuinely amused. He almost rolled over on the bed, laughing.

"You don't believe me?"

"Your story is interesting, but if you're just trying to prank me, I'm sorry and I ask you to stop all this."

"Why is it so hard for you to believe?" C99's tone sounded disappointed and sulky.

"I'm not done telling my story," C99 continued.

"Alright, alright. Go on," said Aric, wiping his eyes. There were tears from his earlier laughter.

C99, full of innocence, continued, "A tragedy occurred right after I was successfully created. My creator's lab was attacked by an organization gathering individuals with extraordinary powers."

Aric was increasingly enjoying C99's story. Even if all this was just a prank, at least it was entertaining him today.

"Do you know how strong the weakest individual in this organization is?" C99 asked, trying to pique Aric's interest.

Aric shook his head.

"Five times stronger than the Supreme Novas on Earth."

"Wait. You mean there are other life forms besides on Earth?"

"Of course. Do you think humans are the only beings created by God in the entire Universe?"

"Impossible. Even more impossible for there to be those stronger than Supreme Novas."

C99 seemed increasingly frustrated. She understood that Earthlings didn't yet have extensive knowledge about the Universe. If any did, it might only be a few individuals or those ranked higher among the Novas.

"Why did they attack your creator?" This time Aric chose to question everything he didn't understand to ensure he fully grasped what C99 was telling him.

"Just like on Earth, there are parties trying to prevent or overcome an apocalypse. This organization wants to prevent an apocalypse from happening to them."

C99's last sentence left Aric more confused. "Wait. What kind of apocalypse would only befall them?"

"That... You will understand when the time comes. For now, my system doesn't allow me to provide you with that information."

"Alright. Even though your story is getting more interesting and would be even more so if you didn't keep secrets, I have one more question," said Aric.

"What's your question?"

"What's the purpose of you or this system coming here and choosing me as a host?"

"Like the 98 systems before me, I am also tasked with important missions that I must carry out with my host. Before the lab was attacked, the creator inputted a new series of missions, starting with finding you as the host, Aric."

"Why me?" Aric found it strange. If what C99 said was true, it was impossible for him to be the choice. He had no powers and was a nobody.

"I chose you because of your powers... No. Because of your power, Aric," replied C99.

Once again, Aric couldn't hold back his laughter. "C99, who hired you to mess with me? How much did they pay you? I can pay five times as much. But on one condition. Don't bother me anymore," said Aric.

"What do you mean?" It was clear that C99 was confused by Aric's questions and statements.

"I don't have any power. What you're doing now, I've experienced many times before. What power are you using? Telepathy?" Aric sighed.

Since childhood, he had been repeatedly teased, laughed at, taunted, and bullied by peers with powers. Name a power, and Aric had faced it.

His pants were once soaked by friends with Hydrokinesis, the ability to control water. They targeted the crotch area of his pants and loudly claimed that Aric had wet himself.

He had been levitated and slammed repeatedly by those with Telekinesis.

Once, he was badly burned by someone with Pyrokinesis, the ability to control fire. He was only ten at the time. Coincidentally, when the school called his mother to inform her of the incident, Ryan, who was eighteen, was at home.

As soon as Ryan found out, he stormed to Aric's school and dragged the bully to the Family Head of the bully's family.

The Family Head at the time was an Elite Nova. Ryan, at that time, was a Specialist Nova. Out of sheer anger, Ryan seemed possessed by demons.

His power erupted many times over. Not only the Family Head, but the Family Elders were also severely beaten by Ryan, leaving them seriously injured.

The family tried to take legal action against Ryan. But who could touch Agustin's beloved grandson? Agustin decided to intervene.

With just one sentence, "Do or die," the family immediately chose to disband. Who would dare to be an enemy of the Paragon Nova? 

Some parties tried to tarnish the Valen Family's reputation. However, after learning the truth, they sided with the Valen Family. 

There was nothing wrong with Ryan avenging his brother, an ordinary human severely bullied by Novas. Nor was it wrong for Agustin to defend his family.

Remembering Ryan's sacrifice and heroism, Aric said, "I'm in a bad mood today. If you want to know, what happened the other day has left my brother critical now. So, please. Don't make me angry."

"You mean you don't believe what I'm saying?" C99's tone this time was like a sulking child.

Aric's heart was slightly touched by that tone.

"I'm sorry. But I know you're playing with me. Stop it." Aric stood and stretched before continuing, "Please, get out of my mind."

C99 remained silent for a long time. Perhaps she finally understood what Aric had gone through and logically, it was impossible for anyone to easily believe what she was saying.

Maybe to C99, all of this was logical and reasonable. But to the beings on Earth, even with extraordinary powers, they had only had these abilities and knowledge for a few hundred years.

Not like her, who had all the information about the Universe, billions of years old.

"Alright. If I can prove you have power, will you believe me?" asked C99.