Chapter 10 - Aric's Power

Aric's heart pounded fiercely. "Power?"

"Yes. I can prove that you have power and that I, as this system, truly exist."

"Go ahead. But I'm very sure that I don't have any power," Aric said, forcing a smile.

But the smile was very faint. Deep down, he hoped for a miracle for himself. He also wanted to have super powers like everyone else.

"Alright. Since I am a system, once you become my host, you can also access this system. For now, many functions are restricted for you," explained C99.

"But don't worry. With this system and your power, there's no problem for you to become the strongest on Earth in no time," C99 continued.

"What do I need to do to access the system you mentioned?" It would be a lie if he said he wasn't excited.

After a while of talking with C99, he started to feel that everything C99 said was true. "Easy. You just need to say 'system'..."

"System!" Aric shouted the word at the top of his lungs. In fact, he was practically yelling.


[Name] Aric Valen

[Species] Human

[Power] Mimicrion

[Grade] S*

[Level] 0

[HP] 250/250

[EP] 250/250

[Attributes] Strength - 5, Endurance - 5, Agility - 5, Vitality - 5, Intelligence - 5

[Free Attribute Points] 20

[Cumulative EXP] 0

"Whoa! What is this?!" Aric could hardly contain his excitement this time. He saw a panel filled with intriguing information. The panel looked like one for a character in a video game.

"Before I explain, let me tell you, you don't need to shout. Just think about it, and the system panel will appear in front of you," C99 scolded.

"In front of you is the system panel displaying basic information. Just as you think, it's inspired by video games. For now, there are only a few panels you can access," C99 further explained.

"Only I can see it or how?"

"Don't worry. Only you and I can see it."

"But what can this system panel give me, and what exactly is my power? Mimicrion..." Aric interrupted. He didn't want to know about anything else. What he most wanted to know now was about his power.

"Patience, Aric. Everything will become clearer for you. To fit in with Earth, I named this system the Novas System," answered C99.

"Novas System? That sounds good."

"With it, you can see several important things like status, missions, and rewards. Actually, there's much more. But you are still weak and not yet eligible to access them."

"Your words sting, C99," Aric said, half-joking.

"But there's so much I need to understand," Aric sighed as his eyes roved over the Novas System panel in front of him.

Aric then tried to interpret what his attributes mean. Then, he concluded, "I'm really weak."

"Yes. With your power, at your age, you should already be able to conquer Earth," replied C99.

"Don't joke around, C99. Besides, I never knew what my power was. The panel says Mimicrion, and my power grade is S*. I've never even heard of that grade."

"Wait. You really don't know what your power is?" This time, it was C99's turn to ask. She was the one who felt very surprised.

"If I knew, why would I ask you?" Aric replied.

"That's true." This time C99's voice sounded like she was chuckling softly.

That's how she was programmed. Her emotions would slowly form, and she would also become more attuned to tone, intonation, words, body language, facial expressions, and more over time. The more she and the host interacted, the faster she learned.

"You were chosen because my creator set a mission to find your power. It is a very unique power. It's a legacy power from billions of years ago. According to records, you are the eleventh individual to inherit this power. It's impossible for there to be two or more individuals with this power at the same time," explained C99.

"Legacy power? Sounds interesting. What can I do?" Aric's smile widened. After seeing the displayed panel, he was convinced that C99 was telling the truth.

"Before I tell you about your power, you need to know who the last wielder of this power was. The last individual with this power appeared a few thousand years ago," explained C99.

"Huh? How come? There were no Novas back then. Humans and other species on Earth only acquired their powers around eight hundred years ago," countered Aric.

"Who said anything about Earth? Your galaxy is very weak, and it's impossible for the wielder of this power to appear here. He came from a very distant, advanced, and powerful galaxy," C99 said proudly.

"Try mentioning his name. Maybe I know him."

"Even though he was an extraordinary individual, it's impossible for the inhabitants of Earth or this galaxy to know him. He was... the Galaxy Conqueror." C99 was very proud when mentioning the title Galaxy Conqueror.

There were beautiful memories inserted into her system about the relationship between the Galaxy Conqueror and her creator. That's why she shared that pride.

"Galaxy Conqueror? Who is that?" Aric asked as he tried to recall if he had ever heard of the individual C99 mentioned. He read a lot of stuff online. That was why he was trying his luck to recall anyone with the title.

"Ugh. I already said Earth's inhabitants wouldn't know," C99 said, annoyed.

"The Galaxy Conqueror is... I'll tell you later. My mission… No. Our mission is related to him too. When the time comes, you'll find out. Now I want to tell you about the unique power of the Galaxy Conqueror, or now, your power, Aric," C99 continued.

Aric's expression turned serious. He adjusted his position on the bed, listening intently. Seeing Aric's reaction, C99 continued, "Your power is very unique. Mimicrion is the power to copy the powers of others."

"Huh? Why does it sound so weak?" Aric made a disappointed face.

'Copy powers? I was hoping to have a power similar to Ryan and Grandpa. Oh. Even a power like Dad's would be fine.' That was what Aric felt at that moment.

He was actually a bit disappointed with the power C99 informed him about. Honestly, Aric had high hopes but lacked enough knowledge about his power.

"Heh. You underestimate your power? You're wrong, Aric. You're very wrong."

If C99 had a face, she would be smirking. To her, Aric was gravely mistaken for underestimating the power once held by the Galaxy Conqueror.

"Okay. If it's so great, and if I really have that power, try explaining how it works. Because I've never felt like I've copied any power," Aric replied.

"You know what? I already said your power is a legacy power. It's impossible for you to activate your power that easily—"

Suddenly, warning sirens blared in Rumera City. The area outside their residential neighborhood and the entire city descended into chaos. Reminders about the sounds and meanings of each siren were always played on television. So, they knew exactly what this siren signified. Monster attack!

"Aric!" his mother called from outside his room.

Aric rushed out to his mother. "What's happening, Mom?"

Aric's question sounded a bit foolish at the moment because there was no other reason for such sirens to sound. Perhaps he was a bit disappointed that his power explanation was interrupted.

"Don't worry too much. This might be an opportunity for you to test your powers," said C99.

Just as C99 mentioned, Elis couldn't hear the conversation between Aric and C99. Only the two of them could.

Eliza and David also quickly joined Aric. They chose to get Aric first because he was an ordinary human. He was in the category of those who needed protection.

"Hurry! Follow me. I will take you and our neighbors to Disaster Shelter 05!" Elis ordered.

"But…" Aric was just about to share with his family what C99 had told him. "Not the time yet, Aric," C99 warned from within his mind.

"Alright," Aric conceded quietly.

Before he could step out with Elis, C99 informed him of something that made him smile broadly.

He immediately held his mother's hand tightly as she used her Aerokinesis power to fly them both out of the house. David and Eliza rushed to the location designated by the Novas Union of Rumera for all Novas to neutralize any attacks and control the situation, as well as rescue civilians.

"Mr. Roshi! Mrs. Bulma!" Elis called out to the couple who were their neighbors.

Both of them were ordinary humans. So, Elis chose to bring them along with Aric to Disaster Shelter 05.

The couple waved at Elis from their yard. It was clear from their faces that they were frightened. Their bodies were slightly trembling in fear.

"Don't worry. Everyone will be safe," Elis reassured the couple.

Elis then looked at Aric and was puzzled because Aric appeared calm… or more precisely, excited.

Elis didn't think much of it because she needed to get to her duty station quickly. She used her power to fly them all to Disaster Shelter 05.

As a Supreme Nova, Elis had a very high level of control over her powers. As an Aerokinesis user, she could manipulate the wind to lift them all and then fly together.

With Elis's speed, it took less than five minutes to reach Disaster Shelter 05. However, along the way, they saw several areas attacked by Therians, the land monsters.

Various species of Therians were attacking their city at that moment. Monsters had grades to determine their strength, ranging from grade F, the weakest, to grade SSS, the strongest.


"What is it, Aric?" C99 asked.

"How could Therians enter the city and settlements without being detected by the Novas on duty?"

C99 was thinking the same thing. There were a few possibilities. First, some Novas betrayed and allowed the Therians to cause chaos. Second, there might be a method like teleportation portals or technology used by the monsters that humans were unaware of.

"Madam!" saluted a group of six Specialist Novas led by an Expert Nova.

They were tasked with overseeing the zone where Elis and the others had just landed. This wasn't surprising since Elis was also a well-known Nova and David's wife.

"Please. Make sure all who are sheltering here are safe. Especially Aric," Elis requested without conversing much with them. She still had tasks to complete as soon as possible.

George, the Expert Nova leading the group, nodded. "Don't worry, Madam. We will ensure everyone here is safe."

"Moreover, all Disaster Shelters in Rumera City were built and reinforced with technology developed by Sir David. It's impossible for anyone to penetrate them," George added confidently.

"I know. But please… you know what happened to Ryan," Elis replied.

Everyone nodded weakly. Who didn't know what had happened recently? Expert Nova Ryan was severely injured and still unconscious in the hospital.

Since that day, security in Rumera City had been tightened. However, the enemy still managed to break in today.

"Aric, take care. Follow all given instructions. I will be back soon, okay?" Elis said, patting her youngest son's head.

Aric just nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed to be treated like that in front of everyone. At that moment, a few eyes looked disapprovingly at what they saw.

"I'm going now." Elis didn't linger. She fully activated her Aerokinesis.

She chose to use her wind control to run faster along the streets. Her goal was to help anyone in trouble or eliminate any Therians that appeared along the way.

As soon as Elis left, the atmosphere and the faces of the Novas changed immediately. "Quickly get inside! Don't hinder the Novas outside!"

George's tone changed so quickly after Elis left. Such was human nature, two-faced. They bow to the powerful and oppress the weak.

Aric was well-known not for his power but for his status as 'trash' in the Valen family. Aric didn't mind because that's how people usually treated him.

From school days until now. Be it peers, relatives, or neighbors. But things would not stay the same anymore.