Chapter 11 - Disaster Shelter 05

As soon as he stepped inside, Aric was greeted by a high-tech area. While marveling at his father's creations, his mind was also filled with various other thoughts.

His smile widened as he thought about his newfound power. Now, he had something that he really needed to show to the world. 

"After this, no one will look down on me again." He gripped his hand, determination in his eyes.

Disaster Shelter 05 had four different entrances: Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western Gates. Aric entered through the Eastern Gate as it was closest to his neighborhood. The shelter had several levels, with the gathering area, the most secured area was located underground.

Each gate had a rather long corridor equipped with several layers of security. Aric still remembered David talking about the shelter's security levels.


"The materials used are not from Earth. They are materials brought back from space. Even your Grandpa would have a hard time demolishing this with his full power," David said with a brimming smile. He was seen as if he was boasting in front of Aric.

"Are you serious, Dad? Grandpa is one of the strongest on Earth," Aric said. He was always looking up to his grandfather, Agustin, even though Aric was treated badly by him.

"Earth is just a small planet in the Universe, Aric. There are still many secrets and wonders out there," David replied. As someone known as the smartest man on Earth, he knew too many things that could not be disclosed to the public. Even to his son.

Aric nodded enthusiastically. He always listened to David's tales about the Universe. David would always coat his sharing as if he was telling a tale about a powerful race on another planet. 

He was seven years old then, just a few months after the battle between David and Agustin. Of course he was excited listening to this kind of thing. 

Aric then asked, "What if monsters manage to get in?"

David smiled, his face full of confidence. "Impossible, Aric. Even if they do get in, this corridor is lined with weapons as powerful as Supreme Novas."

"Whoa! That means they have no chance to cause trouble."

"Correct. To me, human life is very precious. With the intelligence bestowed upon me, I will ensure all humans are protected," David stated.


After passing several layers of security and verification, Aric arrived at the main area housing everyone seeking refuge here. Roughly estimating, there were more than ten thousand people.

The underground space allowed them to maximize the available area, so it wouldn't feel crowded. In the main area, several sections were provided for everyone to shelter and rest. Besides, these sections were made from very hard glass and could be closed if any emergency ever happened. 

Food and drinks were also provided. However, the atmosphere was very gloomy. Many sat hugging themselves in fear. This might be their first time. These people had no appetite to enjoy the delicacies served before them.

However, some seemed calm and composed. Perhaps they had experienced this situation twenty years ago, the last time Rumera City was attacked by monsters. They could enjoy the food while chatting merrily. 

In the main area, Aric didn't see any Novas on duty. He found this situation a bit puzzling. Not even guards and security teams made up of ordinary humans were present. Plus, he remembered that no security systems were installed in this area.

"Maybe the scale of the attack is so large that all Novas are needed," said C99.

Aric nodded in agreement. "But it's quite risky, actually. We don't know the enemy's capabilities."

Aric then walked to a corner to sit. He didn't feel like interacting with others. Let them be in their world, and he in his. Everyone minding their own business was better.

Over thirty minutes had passed. There was no sign they would be allowed to leave yet. "I am able to access the Rumera City security database now," said C99, starting to share.

Aric was amazed at what C99 said. The system was developed by his father. To this day, no one has been able to breach it.

"You must be kidding. That's impressive," praised Aric.

"Humph! Human-built systems are nothing. My creator is ranked as the number one smartest individual in the Universe. So of course, I'm smart too. Humans on Earth? The last time I accessed the rankings, the best was at number three hundred, named David Valen," C99 responded, a bit smug.

"Err… C99."


"David Valen is my father. He created this security system and database. Don't insult him too much," teased Aric.

"..." C99 fell silent. 'His father is smart, but his son?'

If Aric knew what was on C99's mind, it wouldn't be surprising if he coughed up blood. 

C99 lamented her fate for having Aric as a host. All of Aric's attributes were very weak. Not to mention his intellect. That was what made C99 very disappointed.

However, Aric was fortunate to be surrounded by those with power, high-grade powers, and ranks. Only then could he fully utilize his Mimicrion power.

"Why didn't you inherit some of David's wisdom? It would make communication easier," mocked C99.

"What? I'm not that dumb. It just takes me a while to understand what you're saying. Don't worry. The more I talk to you, the smarter I'll become."

If Aric could see C99, she would be pouting at that moment. Suddenly, something crossed C99's mind.

'If David is the person, he might know something about the Mimicrion power and who performed the ritual for Aric to inherit this power.'

Inherited powers require two phases. The first phase is the ritual to inherit power. The second phase is the ritual to activate the power. Only then can it be used by the new wielder.

"C99?" called Aric.

He had been calling C99 several times, but there was no response.

"What?" C99's tone seemed a bit annoyed. She was thinking about something, but Aric interrupted.

"Don't be mad. I actually have something to ask," said Aric, scratching his head that wasn't itchy and grinning.

The people around Aric found his behavior odd. Aric was conversing with C99 in his mind. So, what Aric did really made people have various opinions about him.

"Ask," said C99. This time her voice and tone sounded softer.

"Why is everything about my status suddenly different?"

Aric was examining his Novas System panel. It was no longer the same as before.


[Name] Aric Valen

[Species] Human

[Power] Mimicrion (Aerokinesis)

[Grade] S* (S)

[Level] 0 + 9 (9)

[HP] 250/250 (4000/4000)

[EP] 250/250 (4500/4500)

[Attributes] Strength - 5 (75), Endurance - 5 (75), Agility - 5 (95), Vitality - 5 (80), Intelligence - 5 (90)

[Free Attribute Points] 20

[Cumulative EXP] 0

"Oh. I didn't have the time to explain further about your power. So, let's continue before I touch on Attributes." C99 realized her mistake. After the siren sounded earlier, she completely forgot to inform Aric.

C99 then explained the two phases involved in inherited powers. Aric nodded in understanding. Then, C99 said, "I tried to access your memory. However, some memories are blocked for anyone, including yourself, from accessing."

"Ritual?" Aric frowned. He couldn't remember any ritual being performed on him. Or maybe his memories were indeed locked?

"When we merged, I still needed about forty-eight hours to activate your power from within. That's why I happened to finish it just now and immediately alerted you," C99 continued.

Aric nodded repeatedly even though all the information he received today seemed too heavy for him to digest. "Okay. Back to my question earlier, why did my Attributes suddenly increase?"

"Earlier, I instructed you to copy Elis's power, didn't I?" asked C99.

Aric nodded. That was what made Aric smile brightly when his mother took him and their neighbors here. He had touched and copied his mother's power! It was a very simple process. He just needed to say the word 'copy' and the power was copied.

That was also why he felt excited throughout the journey here.

"If you touch anything from your target, literally anything, you will be able to copy its power. Since you're below Level 10, you can only copy one percent of your target's full power and attributes," explained C99.

"One percent?" Aric's tone sounded a bit disappointed.

C99 felt frustrated because Aric seemed to underestimate the power he had.

"You're lucky because you've now copied Elis's power. She's at Level 90 Supreme Nova. But all this leveling system was not known to any other Novas on Earth. The way they came up with the ranking is based on the Novas physical abilities, the number and grades of the mission and a few other factors."

"I see. So it means that only me could see their actual level. Anyways, Mom is amazing." All this time, he never knew his mother had reached such a high level. Aric always thought his mother was just an ordinary Nova. But his perception changed after seeing the attributes copied from his mother.

If one percent already gave him such attribute boosts, he couldn't imagine his mother's full power. No wonder she achieved the rank of Supreme Nova. Not just relying on her status as the Valen family's daughter-in-law.

"Oh! That's why I'm at Level 9 now and why my attributes are so different," said Aric. He was beginning to understand how his power worked.

"Yeah, genius."

"But, doesn't this mean I don't need to increase my own level? I just need to copy the powers of the strong, right?" Aric asked.

"Your level is still low, Aric. There are many restrictions on your power. The level you copy will be added to your original level, as will the attributes. If you have high original attributes and they're added with those you copied, you will become exponentially stronger," explained C99.

She then continued, "For instance, currently, you can only copy one power, one percent of the full power, and it lasts for only twenty-four hours," C99 explained seriously. She didn't want Aric to take this lightly.

"Imagine if you were captured by enemies. Without your own strength, how would you fight? Similarly, if you're trapped in a remote place without any other living beings to copy their powers. What could you do?" C99 gave many examples. She wanted to emphasize how important it was for the owner of this power to focus on self-improvement too.

"Oh… Now I understand. I agree with you. The power I copied is only temporary. But this is good too. It will always remind me that I'm always weak," said Aric.