Chapter 22

Graviton could only laugh as Fury's vision blurred and the pressure increased, causing him immense pain. 'This is it,' Fury thought grimly, just as he felt he might pass out. Suddenly, Gojo appeared, his eyes blazing with intensity. With a massive ripple of his telekinetic power, Gojo countered Graviton's force with his own telekinetic force.

'Holy shit!!!!! This is fucking heavy,' Gojo thought, creating a protective barrier around Fury. Graviton was shocked by the opposing force, his expression turning from glee to confusion.

"Who are you?" Graviton demanded, his voice tinged with anger as he fully turned to face Gojo. "Are you one of Fury's men?"

Gojo met his gaze calmly. "I am with no one, you need to stop. Your power is affecting the nearby city."

Graviton laughed maniacally. "No, I will not be stopped until Fury is nothing but red paste on the floor!"

As Graviton prepared to attack again, a booming sound echoed through the sky, breaking the speed barrier. Graviton glanced up just in time to see a woman flying right at him, firing energy beams that struck him in the stomach. The impact made him lose his concentration, and he was knocked away.

'Finally, a moment to breathe,' Gojo thought, relieved as he turned his attention to Fury. "No time for small talk. We've gotta move." Without waiting for a response, he teleported Fury to where he sensed Sharon and the other agents on the platform, preparing to take off in the helicopter.

In an instant, Gojo materialized in front of them. The agents, startled, pointed their weapons in fright. Gojo ignored them, focusing on Sharon. "Get everyone off this platform now," he ordered.

Fury, disoriented by the teleportation, vomited. "Motherfucker, that was weird," he muttered, wiping his mouth as he climbed into the helicopter. Sharon approached, giving him a quick status report.

"The area is secured, but we've got major damage control to handle," Sharon said, her tone brisk.

Fury nodded, then turned to Gojo. "The Avengers are almost here. Can you hold Graviton and assist Ms. Marvel until reinforcements arrive?"

Gojo nodded without hesitation. " I'll try my best on that!!." With that, he blinked out of existence, teleporting back to join Carol Danvers against Graviton.

Seeing Gojo teleport away Fury took the comms from Sharon and issued an order, "S.H.I.E.L.D. Command, this is Director Nick Fury. I am declaring an omega level emergency. Every S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, every Hulk Buster unit, the US Armed Forces are now all under my direct control, secure the city and evacuate all civilians from the immediate vicinity NOW."

Graviton, recovering from the impact of Ms. Marvel's energy beams, hovered in the air with renewed fury. Carol Danvers floated nearby, her eyes locked on the villain. "You're not getting away with this," she declared, her hands glowing with energy.

Graviton snarled. "You think you can stop me?"

Before he could react, Gojo reappeared beside Carol, his expression steely. Graviton looked at them both in anger before unleashing a wave of oppressive gravitational force that crashed into the two of them. The massive force made Carol drop down, crashing into the Raft and creating a crater. Gojo also crashed down, feeling the intense pressure. The force was so great it started to sink the Raft itself, spreading outwards toward the city.

'This feels so fucking heavy,' Gojo thought, as he unleashed his own telekinetic force in attempt to counter the crushing gravity. The ground rippled and crashes in as Gojo's power staved off the force pushing them down, allowing Ms. Marvel to stand up. Her body and eyes glowed with energy before she fired a massive energy beam at Graviton. Surprised by the opposing force, Graviton could only watch as the yellow energy beam smashed into him, sending him crashing into the ocean.

The oppressive force ceased, giving Gojo room to breathe. 'I had to use so much force just to keep him at bay,' he thought, turning to see Ms. Marvel approaching.

"Are you good?" she asked.

Gojo took a few deep breaths. "Yeah, but that won't keep him down for long. He's coming back." He tried something new, wrapping a massive amount of telekinetic force around himself to reduce his gravity. 'Telekinesis can influence gravity by altering the mass distribution and force vectors, well at least that and to stop or reduce his force around my space, let's just hope it works,'he reasoned.

Suddenly, Graviton rose out of the water, recovered from Carol's attack, and glared at them both. He began to levitate a massive amount of water, cubic miles of it, sending it crashing into them and increasing the gravity again making the water ten times heavier. The enormous volume of water hit the Raft, and Graviton lost sight of the two heroes.

As he scanned the area, Gojo suddenly materialized behind him, attempting to teleport Graviton along with him. Wrapping Graviton in his telekinetic hold, Gojo tried to teleport away with him, but it felt like trying to carry a city. 'Shit, this feels like trying to carry a fucking city,' he thought, before quickly teleporting out of the way as Graviton sent projectiles made from broken parts of the Raft flying at him.

Gojo reappeared at Graviton's side, using Cleave on him. The force of the slash was so strong that it sent Graviton crashing into the ocean again, just as another energy beam from Carol exploded against him. Graviton screamed in pain as he was sent deeper into the ocean, while Gojo kept sending innumerable telekinetic slashes at him. The slashes affected the water, parting it and honing in on Graviton. 'Shit, he's protecting himself with a force field,' Gojo thought.

Graviton's POV

Under the ocean, Graviton endured the continuous telekinetic slashes while resisting the massive pressure. 'This isn't gravity,' he thought, suppressing his anger. 'No, it's more of a kinetic force than gravity. This is telekinesis.' His scientific mind raced as he analyzed Gojo's powers. 'Telekinesis allows the manipulation of matter and energy by applying external forces without direct physical interaction. It seems that white haired kid is using this to create highly focused kinetic energy slashes, if I wasn't on the receiving end I would be impressed by his control of his power but...'

The slashes cleaved through most of the ocean creatures in their path, scarring the ocean floor with massive gashes. Anger surged through Graviton again, his eyes beginning to glow with power. He exerted his force once more, causing the water at the surface to churn, twist, and turn violently.

Gojo's POV

Gojo, observing Graviton with his enhanced vision, saw his eyes begin to glow. 'Oh fuck,' he thought, immediately telekinetically grabbing Carol and teleporting both of them away. The area they had occupied twisted under Graviton's power, the space collapsing in on itself. They reappeared a mile away, just in time to see Graviton explode out of the water, breaking the sound barrier as he launched toward them with a maddening expression.

Gojo exerted his telekinesis to a whole new level, attempting to influence the space in front of Graviton to slow him down. Carol shot upward, blasting another beam of energy at him. The energy did nothing, the opposing forces rendering it useless by bending the energy redirecting it to the ocean which caused a massive splash. Gojo began to sweat from the exertion.

A sound of thunder echoed, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Graviton looked up just in time to see a hammer flying right at him. The impact hit him in the back, making him lose concentration and drop back into the waters with a resounding boom.