Chapter 33

Down in the Danger Room, Hank addresses Gojo over the mic. "Ok Gojo, I have fitted sensors throughout the room. First off, I would like to check your speed, running speed that is. So when you're ready, I want you to start running slowly and then work your way up to your maximum."

As Gojo made his way to the treadmill, he thought, 'Hmm, last time I checked, I could fly at speeds of Mach 4, but I haven't tried running with my natural body's power without enhancing myself with Telekinesis. I also haven't really pushed my new limits since then, seeing as I can just teleport wherever I want. But my strength on the other hand…'

He started off at a normal-paced jog before gradually accelerating. Up in the control room, Hank watched the readings of Gojo's speed as he passed 40 mph. As Gojo continued to speed up, his form and outfit began to blur, reminding everyone of what Quicksilver looked like when he was moving. Gojo hit a hundred mph and was still accelerating. Everyone watched the numbers spiral upward. 100. 150. 175. 200. 215...220...230...250...288...318.

"Is that really how fast he is going?" Rogue asked with disbelief evident in her voice as she watched the blur of color with interest.

"Yes," Hank confirmed. It seemed Gojo had hit his maximum without his telekinetic enhancements.

"Man. I wonder who is faster between him and Quicksilver," Kurt remarked.

"Imagine a fight between the two of them, huh? I'd bet on Gojo," Bobby said.

"With his power set, he'd definitely win against that quick shot," Scott added.

Hank allowed Gojo to continue running for about 5 minutes before activating the PA. "Alright Gojo. That is enough."

Gojo came to a stop, his form regaining shape again. 'Wow, I didn't know I could move that fast!' he thought in excitement. 'I'm not even winded.'

"How are you feeling?" Hank asked.

"Great, actually," Gojo replied back.

Hank checked the readings of the sensors they placed on Gojo before they started. "Incredible."

"What is it, Hank?" Charles asked.

"Gojo's heart rate and breathing never increased once. Despite him running flat out, it took no effort on his part to maintain that velocity. When we have more time, I would like to see how long he could have kept that up." However, Hank had a feeling that Gojo could keep up that pace for hours if he wanted to.

"So what's next?" Jean asked with interest.

"We are going to test his strength," Hank informed Jean. He then activated a program, and part of the roof dropped down on hydraulic pumps. He spoke into the PA once more, instructing Gojo on what they were going to do, testing his powers with and without telekinesis, and to stand under it. Gojo did so, placing his hands on the underside. Hank turned to the professor. "Do you know how much he can lift?"

"I am not sure. From what I have seen from Tony's memories, he's only keen on using his telekinesis, but I am sure he classes at tons."

"Whoa. Tons?" Kitty exclaimed in disbelief.

Hank slowly increased the pressure to simulate a few tons to start with. Gojo stood there showing no sign of strain at all. "Ok Gojo, I'm going to increase it slowly. When it becomes too much, just shout and we'll stop," Hank told him.

Gojo's hands came in contact with the pump and he thought, 'Well then, let's see how much Ethan improved this body, shall we?'

Hank increased the pressure. It passed 5 tons and Gojo still showed no signs of effort. Hank continued to increase the weight. It passed 20...35...50...67...83 tons. Hank began to wonder whether Gojo would cap at a hundred tons or if he'd move past it. Its maximum was 1,000,000 tons, and by now, Gojo had surpassed 100 tons of force.

"Man, this is insane," Evan muttered in disbelief. No one they knew, short of the Juggernaut, was this strong.

Logan, on the other hand, could see the first signs of stress on the kid's face. The reading reached 160 tons and Gojo was definitely starting to struggle. At 190, he looked on the verge of collapse. "That's enough, Hank," Logan and Ororo said. Hank stopped it, and Gojo almost dropped to his knees as he bent, trying to catch his breath. 'Man, that felt like trying to carry a section of the city again,' he thought.

The team, while concerned for Gojo, were also quite amazed at just how much he lifted.

Hank asked Gojo if he was alright. Gojo got back up. That was a little draining, but he felt ok. "I feel good, so how much did I lift exactly?"

Hank looked down at the reading at the point he stopped it at. 202 tons. Almost unbelievable. "Are you ok to continue?" Hank asked, and Gojo confirmed that he was.

"Maybe you should wait before going in again," Ororo suggested.

"Nah, I'm good," Gojo replied with a confident smile.

Gojo went back under the pump, ready to test how much he could telekinetically carry now. 'When I first reincarnated, I could only carry 30 tons, and after three months, it improved to 600. Hmm, probably because of how much I strained myself,' he thought. 'My power improves after straining myself, which might be why I was able to temporarily lift a section of the city. I can now lift thousands.'

Hank then said, "Ok, ready when you are."

Gojo nodded, and Hank started from 500 tons as Gojo looked up, releasing his telekinesis and stopping the pump. 'Huh, I can't feel anything,' he thought. He looked at the observation room and said, "Double it till I say stop, Hank."

The students showed concern, but Charles said, "Do it," and Hank increased the weight to 1000...2000...4000...10000...30000 tons.

"Unreal. How is the kid able to lift that much?" Logan said.

Jean thought with slight envy, 'He's this advanced?.'

Rogue kept looking with interest and thought, 'How the hell is he that powerful?'

Bobby and Evan started talking about how impossible this was. "Can you believe this? How is he doing it?" Bobby said.

"Maybe he's got some secret training or something," Evan replied.

The numbers kept increasing, and Jubilee then said, "He's using an arm now." They all focused back on Gojo, who now had an arm extended with his palm opened facing the pump, his face a bit squinted up. The numbers read 134,000...176,000...198,000 tons.

In the Danger Room, Gojo now had both hands out, facing upwards with a tight frown on his face, thinking, 'Heavy!' He started to feel the strain but continued to release his telekinetic might to the fullest, causing the ground to groan as it started to dent inwards beneath his feet, causing him to float up a few inches. The weight kept increasing, and Gojo started to sweat. 222,000...256,000...277,000 tons.

Ororo watched as Gojo started to grit his teeth and began to bend as the weight became too much for him to handle. She thought, 'It's starting to get too much for him.'

'FUUUCK THIS IS HEAVY,' Gojo thought, telekinetically shouting, "STOP HANK I CAN'T HOLD ON ANYMORE."

His voice shocked everyone inside their head. "Turn it off, he can't handle it!" Rogue shouted.

Hank turned off the machine, causing Gojo to fall on his back, panting and sweating up a storm. 'Holy shit, that was too damn heavy,'.

The professor and Ororo looked at the final number showing on the monitor. "292,554 tons," Ororo said in disbelief.

The team went down to meet Gojo. Bobby threw a bottle of water at Gojo, and the water stopped midair. Gojo sluggishly took the water from the air and instantly downed it in one go.

"That was unreal," Kurt said.

"It's unbelievable. The only person we know capable of lifting that much is..." Scott began.

"...Magneto," Kitty finished for him.

"Are you ok, bro?" Evan asked.

Gojo nodded while sitting up, feeling much better now. He would feel even better if he rejected his fatigue, but he didn't want to reveal that just yet.

Gojo got up. "You sure you want to continue, sugah?" Rogue asked.

"Yeah, maybe you should take a break," Jean suggested.

Gojo agreed to take a break before the next test.