Chapter 34

Half an hour later, the next varying targets popped up. Each one was made of a different material to test Gojo's heat vision. Hank also had sensors to see whether it was what its name implied and to see how hot it could get, whether it was infra-red radiation. As Gojo melted down each one, Hank watched the monitors that displayed Gojo in wavelengths beyond the visible. As Gojo destroyed each target, Hank could see the beams leave his eyes.

"So what? Is he just shooting laser beams from his eyes?" Jubilee asked.

"It seems Gojo's eye beams are just as they seem. It's literally a concentrated beam of infra-red radiation being released from his eyes at extreme temperatures of 4255 degrees," Hank replied without looking away from the monitors.

"And what is that in English?" Evan asked.

"It's basically heat," Kitty answered.

Hank lowered the targets back down.

"Is that it?" Scott asked. He had been watching with interest. He was team leader, after all, and he had to know what everyone was capable of. He kept track of potential New Mutants because one day, when they are ready, they will be X-Men too.

"Well, that is all I plan to check this way."

Gojo then teleported out of the Danger Room and looked over his results while thinking, 'I'll need to check my new flying speed on my own, huh? Well, that will be for later. But these results… MIGOTO,' he thought with excitement, seeing how much he's improved since coming to Marvel. 'I'll need to keep on improving,' he thought, considering some things he wanted to try with his telekinesis to increase his repertoire and diversity.

"Oh yeah, sorry for the damage, Hank," Gojo said.

Hank asked, "What are you talking about?"

"The panel where I was standing has a few cables melted," Gojo replied.

Hank checked the monitors, bringing up that section of the Danger Room and seeing Gojo was right. Logan asked, "How did you know?"

Gojo shrugged and pointed to his eyes. "X-ray vision."

"What!" all the girls simultaneously screamed, causing both Kurt and Logan to openly wince. They both had rather sensitive hearing.

Hank remained calm. "Huh, I was wondering what else your eyes could do, my boy."

In response, all the girls simultaneously folded their arms across their chests, causing Gojo to laugh as he made his way out of the observation room.


Magneto sat on his makeshift throne, forged from solid iron, his mind lost in contemplation. The room around him was dimly lit, adding to the somber atmosphere that matched his thoughts. Recent events had weighed heavily on him.

He recalled the chaos in New York two weeks ago. The battle between the Avengers and the catastrophic forces unleashed had left the city in ruins. The spectacle had been a grim reminder to the world: those with powers were the true rulers, the apex predators.

'The disaster in New York,' Magneto thought, 'it goes to show humanity the futility of resisting those who possess real power. The Avengers may play the role of protectors, but their presence only emphasizes the undeniable truth – those with abilities stand at the pinnacle of the food chain.'

His thoughts drifted to the X-Men and the latest intelligence from Mystique. She had reported their interest in a white-haired boy named Gojo. 'Gojo,' he mused, 'an unusual name, a Japanese origin?. Mystique believes he might be significant. Irene's prophetic words come to mind – a great battle originating in Bayville, leading to turmoil in New York. Could this boy be the catalyst she foresaw?'

Magneto paced the room, speaking his thoughts aloud as if the walls themselves were his confidants. "If this Gojo is indeed a mutant, it's only a matter of time before our paths cross. And if he's human... well, then he is of no concern to me. The Brotherhood has other priorities and if only they were competent enough not to always fail each and every time."

He dismissed the thoughts of Gojo, his mind shifting to the Brotherhood. His operatives were scattered, each fulfilling their role. Yet, his thoughts inevitably returned to his daughter, Wanda. Keeping her in check was a constant struggle. Her powers were immense, and the instability they brought was a threat to his plans. For now, she was kept in a remote location in Germany, sedated and asleep, guarded by hired personnel to ensure she remained that way.

'Wanda my child,' he reflected, 'my greatest creation and my greatest failure. Her powers are formidable, but her control is fragile. Keeping her sedated is the only way to prevent disaster. It pains me to confine her so, but the risk is too great otherwise the chaos she'd wrought.'

Suddenly, a thought struck him. "Where is Mystique?" he wondered aloud. She was often elusive, her loyalty wavering. Her absence now was troubling.


"Bunch of idiots," Mystique muttered under her breath, watching the Brotherhood through a cracked window. The sight of them bumbling about, failing miserably against the X-Men, infuriated her.

'They can't seem to get anything done against the X-Men at all,' she thought bitterly. Blob was trying to lift weights far beyond his capacity, grunting and struggling while Avalanche and Toad squabbled over something trivial. Pyro was playing with his lighter, a manic grin on his face as he flicked the flame on and off.

'How do they expect to be taken seriously if they can't even function as a team?' she mused, turning away from the pitiful display. Her mission demanded competence, not this farce.

Leaving the hideout, Mystique headed towards a more critical meeting. 'I need to see Irene,' she thought. 'If we are to gain an edge against the X-Men, I need her… let's say assistance shall we. Perhaps a fellow redhead could be of use.'

As she made her way through the winding streets, her mind was already formulating plans. she pondered. 'She's powerful and impressionable. With the right nudge, she could be an invaluable asset if she can control her powers of course.'

Upon reaching Irene's secluded residence, Mystique raised her hand to knock, but before she could, she heard a voice from inside. "I know… coming… saw you before," Irene Adler, also known as Destiny, called out in her usual cryptic manner.

Mystique opened the door, stepping into the dimly lit room. Irene sat in the center, a blindfold covering her eyes, her posture serene despite her disability. Her appearance was as Mystique remembered: a striking figure of calm and wisdom, with a touch of the ethereal about her.

"Irene," Mystique greeted, trying to make small talk despite the pressing nature of her visit. "How have you been? Is everything well?"

Irene smiled faintly, her head tilting as if listening to something far away. "Raven… time… always… in motion… but yes, well enough."

Mystique nodded, knowing small talk was futile. "You know why I'm here."

"Why… I… know your here," Irene responded, her words scattered yet precise.

Mystique took a deep breath. "Do you know where he's keeping her?"

Irene's expression turned somber as she spoke, her words a cryptic puzzle. "Far… hidden… darkness… near the old… place… in Germany."

Mystique's mind raced, trying to piece together the location. 'Old place… darkness… Germany…' Suddenly, realization dawned on her, and her eyes widened in shock. "You mean… there?"

Irene nodded slowly. "Yes… there… beware… many eyes."

Mystique hugged Irene tightly, squishing the girl's face between her ample bosom. "Thank you," she whispered, feeling gratitude and urgency welling up within her.

As she left Irene's room, Mystique's mind was already set on her next move. 'Well, let's take a trip home, shall we, Erik?' she thought, an amused smile playing on her lips. She prepared to depart, her thoughts a whirl of plans and possibilities. ' well let's just hope this doesn't blow back in my face'.