The Reason Behind Marrying Argus

"He seems to be a nice guy", Luna said sitting with Aleena on her bed.

Ryle took a chair out of the study table and sat on it.

"That arrogant billionaire you mean?", Aleena asked. "He isn't all nice in reality", she added.

"Is he not treating you right?", Ryle questioned.

"Well, it's not like he's treating me like I am his slave but he isn't as nice as he portrayed to be in front of you all. He wants us to pretend like a loving couple till the termination of the contract", Aleena said. "I must accept he's a good actor, though."

"Oh he is. He will make a great modeling career. Don't you both think so?", Luna said while remembering Argus's presence.


"Stop fingerling", Ryle said and asked Aleena if she had signed the contract yet and if she has a copy of the contract.

"Not yet! I completely forgot about that. How could I?", Aleena exclaimed.

"Relax, Leen. It's his loss if he doesn't get you the contract papers and you ask for divorce. You can have half of all his property not just what his grandfather has left", Luna said and Aleena sighed relief.

"That's alright but I should have asked for the divorce papers", Aleena said. "But amidst all these, let's not forget why we started all of these in the first place."

The atmosphere suddenly turned heavier with Aleena's serious change in tone.

"How can we forget him? He's the reason why all of us suffered, especially you", Ryle said fervently.

"I was a living corpse until one day when I decided to get paid back, to avenge every betrayal. That's one reason why I am still alive despite my continuous attempts of giving up on my life", Aleena said, almost breaking into tears.

Luna passed a glass of water to Aleena from the bedside table. Aleena drank the water and laid her head on the wall beside her.

"We only have six months in our hand. After that, the contract will terminate and we'll return to our earlier position. As long as I am the Wife of the Billionaire, I will be able to harness the possible information about him", Aleena said holding the glass.

"We have been trying all this time, yet we find ourselves empty hand. He's probably not in the States, or we would have slight idea about him", Ryle said. His frustration was clear in his voice.

"I wish I could go directly to him and ask him where he was. I am sure he knows something or perhaps everything", Aleena said.

"In that case, we should be grateful to the universe. We never thought you will be able to marry that billionaire Argus after you denied his offer to have a nightstand with him", Luna said. "If it wasn't for his grandfather's death, he probably won't have come to ask you for the marriage, right?

"Right. His grandfather's property is the only reason behind this marriage but you know what he told me when I asked him the reason for marrying me instead of any richer or more beautiful girl?", Aleena asked and brought herself to sit upright.

The question raised curiosity in Ryle and Luna, and they looked at Aleena to get the answer.

"He said that it was because I refuse to give myself to him in spite of him being such handsome and rich young man", she said.

"Oh, seems like your rejection made him take you as a challenge and now he has won the challenge partially. Man can't take a no", he said, letting out a short smile.

"But six months! Don't you both think that's too less, considering how little progress we have made in the last three years?", Luna complained.

"That's challenging…", Ryle added.

"And we have accepted the challenge already when I accepted Argus's proposal. There's no time to worry or doubt ourselves. The only thing in our mind should be is to move on with our plan and succeed", Aleena said with determination.

Hearing Aleena's words Ryle and Luna were driven. They sat right and gathered all their mind on one thing — Alex Gray.

"I still remember how we started all these", Ryle said as he remembered the day when they decided to follow Argus.

It was one of the hot summer days of July, just like the one at present. Ryle, Luna and Aleena, with great difficulty, found out where Alex was.

Right after the day, Aleena found out the truth, Alex has been hiding and was no where to be seen. It seemed like he and his best friend Pete had disappeared into thin air. The three of them contacted all the people who could possibly tell them where the two of them must have gone. From luxurious five star hotels to filthy clubs, Ryle went everywhere in search of them or to just get a clue.

However, all their efforts were to no avail as that witty Alex had already planned for situation like this. Probably, he had already left the city and went on to settle in a different city or even country. This possibility made Aleena's condition worsen. She was dealing with a mind that wanted to die but her heart kept beating for the sake of her parents who had to be taken care of. But there was also one thing that she wanted from her life before it ended. It was to see Alex Gray devastated and begging for forgiveness and to achieve her goal, Aleena was willing to go beyond any limits.

"But Aleena, how can we find him when no one knows anything about him. He probably left the city or perhaps the country. He has enough money to settle anywhere", Ryle said.

"I know that very well but if he was to leave this country, I would have known about it. I have connections with some people that work in the airlines. I would be informed before he escapes to other country. But I can't say the same for escaping the city", Aleena said.

"We can still reach him. I have asked all my gamer friends and others to secretly carry on his search. Most of them are from different cities. We can do this!", Ryle said.

They kept searching with full spirit while adjusting to their new life. Aleena was starting to get better but every now and then, her body shivered and searched for a comfort place that was nowhere to be found. The only warmth that kept her alive was the fire of revenge burning in her heart. And that's how, she was surviving, but, when they couldn't find any hint of Alex even after a year of search, everything seemed to cripple. Aleena felt like she was in a place where she was a year back.

All her thoughts of her past mistakes got hold on her and one night she lost all her strength and couldn't fight with the demons in her head. Luna called her for several times to know how she was doing as she usually does being a good friend. She was well aware of her mental health condition and when Aleena didn't pick up her calls, she informed Aleena's parents and Ryle about it. Ryle immediately went left all his works and picked up Luna on the way to Aleena's home.

Luna received a call from Aleena's mother saying, Aleena wasn't opening her door. It was clear that she had done something to herself. Ryle and Luna reached her house and broke the door open only to see, Aleena lying unconscious on the floor with a bottle of sleeping peels next to her hand. The scene was terrifying for all of them. Her parents broke into tears while Luna and Ryle took a second to understand what they had just seen. Somehow, they managed to get out of their state of shock and Ryle went closer to check on her. Fortunately, faint impulses could still be felt. Without wasting any time, Ryle picked her up and they hired a cab to the Civil Hospital, which was the nearest.