The First Night Together

Aleena was alerted by the footsteps as she was told by a servant that Argus might stay in his office as he usually does, which meant that it couldn't be Argus. This made Aleena horrified about the footsteps. She got off the bed and went near the door. As soon as she opened the door, she aimed her hands towards the person at the door. She wasn't unarmed rather she was holding a gun. The person's face wasn't visible due to darkness but his figure was.

"Relax", the person said and Aleena immediately recognized the voice. It was Argus.


Aleena brought her hands down and asked him what he was doing in her room.

"You mean, my room, right? By the way, is that my gun?", Argus asked bending a little to have a closer look at the gun.

"I found it in the cupboard when I was setting my clothes", she replied.

Argus switched on the lights.

"You shouldn't touch else's things like that, miss. Now, return it", he commanded and forwarded his right hand.

Aleena handed the gun.

"You were holding to protect yourself but do you know how to use it?", Argus asked.

"You would have known if I had shot you using it", she replied.

Argus was stunned and impressed at the same time. He walked towards the cupboard and placed the gun in the locker and secured it with a password. Aleena watched him doing so and asked him again.

"You didn't answer why you are here."

"Because it's my room, miss", Argus replied.

"Then provide me other room. There's plenty, I know", Aleena demanded.

Argus closed the cupboard and turned around. He untied his necktie and sat on the sofa next to him.

"It's not about the rooms. I am making sure nobody questions the genuineness of our marriage, not until I have my grandpa's property on my side", Argus said.

Aleena was frustrated with her new life. First she married a stranger and now she had to share a room with that stranger.

"Where are you going to sleep? Definitely not on the bed, right?", she asked.

"Where else? I will sleep on the bed. The sofa is too small for my body. You will fit better here", he said and walked towards the bed.

Standing in disbelief, Aleena fisted her hands and picked up her pillow and sheet from the bed to sleep on the sofa. Before sleeping she switched off the lights and lied on the sofa.

Argus asked, "Is it necessary to switch off all the lights".

"It is for me", Aleena said.

Like Aleena, Argus was experiencing something different too. For the first time in his life he was sharing his room with a girl. He was lying on a comfortable bed yet he couldn't stop from turning into different positions to fall asleep. The absolute darkness was bothering him. He was not used to sleeping in the dark. With the faint light coming through the window, he saw Aleena doing the same for a couple of times and then she slept, but Argus couldn't.

He saw her hair falling down the sofa and touching the floor. Her one hand was in hanging in the air and one feet touching the floor to stop herself from falling down. The uneasy position was really a sore in the eyes. Argus tried to avoid looking at her. However, he failed to do so and seeing no other option, he picked up her with the sheets and brought her on the bed. Her body felt the comfort of the bed and she snuggled into her sheets to sleep comfortably.

"Better", Argus said to himself watching Aleena sleep peacefully.

He lied next to her maintaining enough distance not to touch her and within no time, he too felt asleep.

Being the fit man he is, Argus woke up at sharp 6 in the morning to begin his workout routine. For a moment he had forgotten that he shared his bed with Aleena and was startled to find her next to him. He realized that he could survive the darkness only if there was someone he can be with, in it. He took a deep breath and got off the bed.

After a tiring but refreshing workout session he came in the room to use the bathroom and found Aleena still sleeping. "Slothful", he said looking at her and went for a shower.

"Ah – what was that!", Argus said dodging a pillow thrown by Aleena towards him.

"Are you out of your mind?", he barked.

"Yes! Why am I on your bed? We had it decided about having nothing physical between us", Aleena stormed over Argus.

"I didn't touch you, miss", he said regaining his calm and picked up the pillow from the floor.

"You mean I flew on your bed?", Aleena questioned sarcastically. Her one hand was holding another pillow to hit him.

Argus took slow steps and stood closer. He kept pillow on the bed and said, "I didn't touch you. I picked you up, all wrapped in this sheet". Argus pointed at the sheet.

"And you think I trust your words?", Aleena asked.

"I don't care about your trust, Miss", Argus said with a blank stare and turned around.

Aleena loosened his grip on the pillow and laid his head on headboard, wondering how she slept next to this rude and cold man.

"I don't think you would like to see me change in front of you", he said as he took out his suit from the wardrobe.

"Not in my wildest dreams", Aleena said in an irksome tone and got off the bed.

Aleena went to the bathroom and when he was back, Argus was done dressing up. He stood in front of the mirror looking as handsome as always does.

"You had a call", Argus said as he combed his hair.

Aleena quickly picked up her phone from the bed and saw that the call was from her mother. She immediately called her back and asked her if everything was okay.

"How is dad, mom?"

Her mother told her that they were all good and her dad was also in good health.

"I will be there soon to see you both by afternoon", Aleena said and hung up the call.

Argus was done combing when there was a knock on the door. He opened the door and took a tray with the breakfast from the maid. The maid returned and he closed the door.

"The black car is yours to use. I will send the driver by afternoon", he said and placed the tray on the table in front of the sofa.

"You don't have to do that. I will manage myself ", she said.

"Have your breakfast and mine too. Let everyone think that we are together in everything like a happy couple", Argus said and picked up his laptop from his study table and held the door's handle to leave.

"So, that's why you are helping me, because we are a happy couple to the people?", she asked.

A moment of silence followed and Argus replied, "Yes".

"Understandable", she whispered as she saw Argus leave.

Argus entered his cabin and asked his personal assistant to get him a driver by afternoon. The man immediately contacted some of his trustworthy people for the job. He was able to get one really quick.

Meanwhile, Aleena was getting ready to leave for her parents home, when a servant informed her about the arrival of the driver.

"Tell him I am coming", she told the servant.

She got in the car and texted Ryle and Luna to meet her at her parents' home. When she arrived there, Ryle and Luna were already there. She met her mom and dad.

"Didn't he come with you?", Aleena's mom asked while her dad stood there with the expression like he knew he wouldn't come.

"Actually he—"

The doorbell rang before Aleena could complete. Her mom went to open the door and she was pleasantly surprised.

"It's him", she said.

Aleena and her dad too, were surprised.

"I hope you are doing good", Argus said to his mother – in – law.

She asked her to come in and they all sat in the living.

"Hi, Mr. Argus", Luna said nervously.

"Hello, it's just Argus for you all", he said with a short smile.

"Thank you for coming despite of your busy schedule", Aleena's dad said.

"That's absolutely fine. Nothing above your health", Argus replied courteously.

Aleena looked at him and was a little amazed by his acting skills.

After a having a short conversation with her parents, Argus asked to take leave as he had an important meeting in the evening, but Aleena decided to stay.


"Alright, I will send the car tomorrow morning to pick you up", he said. "Do let me know if you need any help. I am always available", he said to her parents and left.

"He's such a kind gentleman, isn't he?", her mom said.

"He is", her dad agreed.

Aleena and her friends had their dinner and locked themselves in her room to discuss their plans.