The Price of Criminals

Shivansh and his friends were having fun while sitting in a bar in a hilly village, when a drunk man starts misbehaving with Kavya. Seeing this, Kavya breaks her liquor glass on his head, because of which the drunkard Blood starts coming out from the head. Seeing this scene, while everyone was in shock, Shivansh and Tarish were smiling.

Seeing Shivansh and Tarish smiling, the drunken man held his head and said in a painful voice, I will not leave you three, now I along with my friends will kill both of you and take this girl with me.

We are waiting for whoever you want to bring, bring him, we are not afraid of anyone, Kavya said.

Seeing Kavya's fearlessness, the drunkard got angry and went away from her, then Rati came there and said to Kavya, what have you done, there is a Pawan rank 8 warrior in her group, if he comes then no one will be able to save you three. It is very dangerous, do one less, all three of you run away from here, I will take care of it.

After listening to Rati, Kavya said, Rati, don't worry, as long as Ansh is with us, no one can harm us. Just a few days ago, Ansh of Harit Kingdom has killed four Pawan rank warriors simultaneously.

Hearing Kavya's words, all the people present there including Rati were surprised and started looking at Shivansh and his friends, but seeing their age, no one believed Kavya's words and they started making fun of Shivansh and his friends, yet Shivansh said something. He did not speak and kept looking at everyone calmly.

After looking at everyone for a few moments, Shivansh asked Rati, is fighting allowed here or not?

You can fight but you will have to compensate for the damage caused, you cannot go without making compensation, Rati said looking at Shivansh.

Rati was very surprised to see Shivansh having faith in her eyes, Rati was looking at Shivansh when Shivansh asked, Rati, can we get medicinal liquor here.

Yes, I can get it, but it's like an arrow, so two so

And which liquor do you want with three hundred herbs?

Wanted Rati said.

What is the price of all three, Shivansh asked.

Fifty, hundred and one hundred and fifty gold coins were quoted.

Bring two worth fifty, said Shivansh.

Medicinal wine was made from herbs which helped the warrior in increasing his strength. It does not cause excessive intoxication, hence Shivansh had asked for medicinal wine. Following Shivansh's advice, Rati went to bring the bottle of wine, after which Kavya Shivansh said to Shivansh that this bottle is very expensive.

So what if we don't have gold currency? Shivansh said.

Okay, Tarish said and Kavya will pay the price of medicinal liquor.

As Shivansh did not refuse as per the wish of both of you, anyway both of them had more than two thousand gold coins. Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya were waiting, then with a bang the door of the tavern opened and a voice echoed. Who said our friend? Break your head, quickly get down on your knees and apologize.

Hearing this voice, Shivansh and his companions

When he looked towards the door, there were three people standing there.

I was the one whose head had burst in such a long time.

Shivansh had got himself treated in his village and

His companions were watching the three of them when that man Pointing towards Shivansh, the one whose head was broken said, Teja Bhai, he is the same, those three.

Seeing Shivansh and his friends, Teja said to the angry man, Raka, you have lost to these children, are you not feeling ashamed.

The name of the person whose head Kavya had broken was Raka and the name of a Pawan rank warrior who came with him was Teja. Seeing Teja's anger, Raka defended himself and said, brother, if these three attack suddenly, what should we do? were injured.

When the people sitting there heard what Raka said, they all started looking at him in surprise but they did not say anything, they were all criminals, they enjoyed watching all these fights, so everyone was silently waiting for the fight, the same Kavya. When Raka heard what she said, she got angry and said, "Come Ghonchu, why are you lying? I alone have broken your head."

Hearing Kavya's words, Raka started looking at Kavya angrily, then Teja said, "You have killed our man." He quickly got down on his knees and apologized to our friend.

No brother, I will take this girl with me and keep her as my slave, Sakya said.

Hearing Raka's words, Teja said, this girl did not listen to what my man said, now come with us.

Hearing Teja's words, Kavya took a deep breath and sat at her place and said to Shivansh, Shivansh and Tarish, I don't feel like fighting today, so both of you fight.

Oh no, I am waiting for liquor, this fight will be fought only by Shivansh, Tarish said.

After listening to Tarish, everyone along with Shivansh started looking at Shivansh in surprise and then Shivansh said, you two are very big devils.

Having said this, Shivansh stood up from his place and started shaking his leg and said, I will take two gold coins for killing a man, if there are three here then six gold coins are acceptable.

Shivansh had charged the price of one Pawan rank as two gold coins. By doing this, Shivansh had insulted all three of them, due to which the anger of all three of them reached sky high and Shivansh, with murderous intent in his eyes, gathered strength in his fists. All three started moving towards.

Seeing those three coming, Shivansh asked, do you three agree to the price?Yes, it is acceptable, it is a little much but it is acceptable. Kavya said smilingly

As soon as Kavya agreed, Shivansh started gathering power in his hands, then Shivansh felt a power attack from behind him and Shivansh turned back and with his power covered hands, hit another man who came with Raka. He caught hold of the fist and quickly punched him in the chest.

Shivansh's punch looked normal, but as soon as the punch hit the chest of Teja's other colleague, he vomited blood and hit a table behind, due to the impact of that man, the table broke, you Teja after seeing the condition of the man Said in a loud voice, now show me the fire sword power by avoiding my attack.

As soon as Teja said this, a fire chakra was formed in front of Teja and in the middle of it there was a fire sword in which Teja was absorbing power with the help of the chakra, this attack of Teja was a rank two power mantra from which terrible power was coming out, Seeing that power getting ready, Aryan took the name of one power and that was the icy snake power.

As soon as Aryan took the name of Shakti, a circle was formed in front of Shivansh and in the middle of which a white snake was being prepared with Shakti. Aryan started sending his power in that snake, both of them attacked.Seeing this, people started talking among themselves and said that this boy is very powerful, he was able to prepare a rank two attack so easily.

Ignoring everyone's words, Aryan hid a little Kundalini Chakra power inside his attack which no one saw, similarly both of them got ready to attack, both of them launched their attack, Teja had full confidence in his attack. That's why he was smiling at Shivansh, while Shivansh was watching both the attacks with peace on his face.

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, both the attacks collided with each other and the sword of Shakti spread all around, due to which people created Shakti Kavach in front of them to save themselves, everyone thought that both the attacks were destroyed, then in the midst of the wave of Shakti, A finger sized soap started moving towards Teja, seeing which people along with Teja were shocked.

Seeing that small sop of Aryan, a man who looked very experienced said, Hey brother, this is an attack of Kundalini Chakra Shakti, which means this boy is a yogi.

After listening to that man, everyone started looking at Shivansh, Teja was also looking at Shivansh in surprise, then he realized that Shivansh's attack had reached close to him, so he quickly removed the power from his body. Started making the armor by taking it out but it was too late.

The snake made of Shivansh's Kundalini Chakra Shakti broke Teja's armor and collided with him due to which Teja fell away vomiting blood. That small snake of Shivansh was very powerful. When people came to know that Shivansh was a Yogi, He started feeling that whatever his friends were saying must be true.

Everyone was talking about Shivansh, the girls started liking Shivansh even more. The girls who had said that Shivansh was younger than them, were now looking only at Shivansh, the same people who were bad at Kavya. Fear started appearing in his eyes while keeping an eye on him.

Shivansh had badly injured a Pawan rank Yogiraj with a single attack of his, Shivansh had attacked the icy serpent which was given to him by the friend of Yogi Pushpendra which Shivansh had acquired by meditating in the hotel room. Also in a very short time.

Due to Shivansh's attack, Teja was badly injured and groaning in pain. Then, gathering strength in his hands, Shivansh went towards him. Seeing Shivansh coming towards him, Teja folded his hands and said, "Forgive me, I will never meet you again." I will not come, if you want then kill that king. Hearing Teja's words, Raka who was already angry with fear started running away from there quickly. Seeing this Shivansh said to Teja that he ran away. Now tell me why should I leave you.

I will give you gold coins said Teja.

After listening to Teja, Shivansh pretended to think and said how much can he pay for his life.

The price of catching me in my city is one thousand gold coins. I can give you one thousand gold coins. Teja said.

Shivansh and his companions were shocked after hearing Teja's words. After being in shock for a few moments, Shivansh said, "It seems that you are very rich, so tell me where you are from."

I will not tell this, you let me go, I am giving you one thousand gold coins, Teja said.

I want not one thousand but two thousand, if Divya then I will let you go and if not Divya then I will kill you Shivansh said.

Ok I am ready to give Teja said in a hurry Seeing Teja agreeing so quickly, Shivaansh said laughingly, "It seems that if I had asked you for five thousand rupees, you would have given that also, now take out your two thousand and two thousand of your two men, the full six thousand."

Teja got shocked after listening to Shivansh and said that I had only told the value of my life, you should demand the value of both of them.