In the mystical land of Vichitra Lok, where extraordinary powers intertwine with nature, a young and humble boy named Shivansh lives with his mother in the Green Kingdom. Though weaker than others his age, Shivansh is devoted to his mother, his only family. But his life shatters when his mother tragically dies in a mysterious fire. In her final moments, she reveals to Shivansh that her death was no accident—it was murder.
With her last words, Shivansh learns of his hidden lineage and a legacy that could empower him to seek justice. Driven by love and a newfound sense of purpose, he embarks on a transformative journey, hoping to overcome his limitations and become a warrior capable of avenging his mother’s death.
Will Shivansh unlock his potential, rise to the challenge, and embrace his destiny? Follow his journey in Divya Naag Garuda Yodha.
I like this story please publish more chapter
keep posting your chapter like this story