Discussions of Shivansh

Seeing the power of the storm, all the people present in the market came to know that the storm is a magical horse which is close to rank six, after which everyone became curious to know the identity of Shivansh but no one could know the identity of Shivansh, the same Kamesh was also a little scared but he did not step back for his honor and asked his friends to attack.

As soon as Kamesh said this, all his friends started moving forward to fight Shivansh, then Shivansh also took a few steps forward and looking at Kamesh said, it seems that you are scared, that is why you are hiding behind so that if anything happens, you can run away.

This statement of Shivansh was an attack on the honor of Kamesh, which Kamesh could not tolerate, hence he came forward with his sword and stood in front of Shivansh and said, I will give you one chance.

I wanted to save myself but if you want to die then it's okay to die.

Saying this, Kamesh absorbed power in one of his swords and made an attack, as soon as Kamesh attacked, a power came out of Kamesh's sword which turned into a snake and started hissing towards Shivansh.

When Shivansh saw Kamesh's attack coming towards him, he absorbed the power in his trident and attacked, as soon as Shivansh attacked, an arrow from the trident came out and hit the snake, as soon as Shivansh's arrow hit Kamesh's snake There was an explosion and both the powers were destroyed.

Seeing his first attack being destroyed, Kamesh said angrily, don't think that you have won by destroying one attack, I have no shortage of attacks right now.

Saying this, Kamesh made two attacks due to which Kamesh's sword came out in the form of two Shakti spheres and started moving towards Shivansh, seeing this Shivansh also attacked, this time three Shakti rays came out from Shivansh's trident and both the attacks of Kamesh Collided, Shivansh's two Shakti Kirans hit Kamesh.

Destroyed the Shakti Gaulay and a Shakti beam hit Kamesh without any time.

As soon as Shivansh's attack hit Kamesh, Kamesh went flying and fell on the ground and started vomiting blood. Kamesh did not even get time to avoid Shivansh's attack. Shivansh attacked so fast.

When people saw Kamesh's condition, they were very surprised because Kamesh was one of the most talented young warriors of the empire. When Kamesh's companions saw Kamesh's condition, they all hurried towards him.

On the other hand, Princess Shreya was looking at Shivansh in surprise. She could not believe that a boy of her age could put Kamesh in such a condition. Looking at Shivansh, Shreya said in a low voice - After all, who is this boy who could put Kamesh in such a condition? Gave.

When Shivaansh realized that someone was looking at him, he looked towards Shreya. Shreya was very beautiful in appearance. It can be said that she was a little more beautiful than Kavya. Shreya's eyes were light brown which made her more beautiful than Kavya. Was making.When Shivansh and Shreya's eyes met, both got lost for a moment but immediately both came to their senses, after that Shreya started looking at Kamesh, then Shivansh looked at Kamesh and said, what happened, Kamesh accepted defeat or do you still have the strength to fight? That, if I don't want to fight now then I will go, see, I have a lot of work so I can't stay for long.

Hearing Shivaansh's words, Kamesh came forward angrily and said, "No boy, the fight is not over yet."

Having said this, Kamesh took out power from his body and said, 'Trikon Shakti'.

As soon as Kamesh said this, a Shakti Chakra appeared in front of Kamesh, in the middle of which there was a triangle made of Shakti in which Kamesh was absorbing his power. Seeing the Triangle Shakti, everyone started talking among themselves, "Hey brother, this is Triangle Shakti." "One of the five most powerful attacks of the Royal Family, it is a mid-level attack of rank three but can withstand the power of a high level of rank three if used at its full power."

When Shivansh saw Trikon Shakti, he said in a low voice, Shakti Gada Shakti.As soon as Shivansh said this, an energy circle was formed in front of Shivansh, in the middle of which there was a mace, in which Shivansh was absorbing his power. Shivansh absorbed a little Kundalini Chakra power inside the mace, which no one saw. .

Within a short time both of their attacks were ready, after which both of them made their respective attacks, after a few moments both the attacks collided with a bang and the wave of power spread all around, when people saw that the wave of power was theirs. Coming towards them, they all created a power shield in front of them and were saved from the wave of power.

Everyone was avoiding the wave of power, then in front of everyone's eyes, a small mace made of Kundalini Chakra Shakti of Shivansh was seen appearing in front of everyone's eyes. It started moving towards Kamesh. When people saw the small mace, they were shocked in the crowd. A man said, Hey brother, this is an attack of Kundalini Chan Shakti, which means this boy is a yogi.

As soon as the first man finished talking, the second man said that he is a yogi, that is why he has the courage to fight Kamesh, otherwise no ordinary warrior would have such courage.

As soon as the second man finished speaking, a third man said that he is a three chakradhari yogi, but how can someone become a three chakradhari yogi at such a young age. Who is his guru?

Hearing the words of the people, Kamesh, Princess Shreya and his other companions got shocked and started looking at Shivansh, then Kamesh noticed Shivansh's attack and to save himself, Kamesh started creating a Shakti Kavach between himself and the mace, but as soon as the Shakti Kavach was formed, The small mace broke that armor and started moving towards Kamesh.

As soon as the mace was a few inches away from Kamesh, a voice echoed, stop there.

This voice was of Princess Shreya, seeing which Shivansh said who are you and why did you stop me.

We are Princess Shreya, granddaughter of Emperor Digvijay, stop the attack, don't take Kamesh's life_Shreya said.

After knowing the introduction of Shreya, Shivansh looked at Shreya for a moment and then said, if you are the princess here then why didn't you stop your friends from harming people.

Look, we were in a hurry, that's why this happened, otherwise we would never have thought of harming our people - Shreya said.

Shreya was talking to Shivansh with great respect because Shivansh was a yogi and a yogi was respected everywhere. A yogi was respected in the entire world because he had the ability to cure anyone.

In the Vichitra world, two persons were respected like a king, the first was a yogi, who was respected no less than an emperor, and the second was a weapon artisan, who used to make the best weapons for warriors, but this artisan did not make a soulful weapon alone. He needed the help of a Yogi to do that, hence the Yogi was respected more than the artisan.

No matter how important the work is, it cannot be more important than a person's life, still I let it go but you have to give a promise, Shivansh said.

After listening to Shivansh, Shreya said, what kind of promise?

You were of the mind that Puksan will not be harmed, if he did then you would have stopped him, yet if this horse is harmed then no power in the world can save him from me, no matter how powerful he may be, Shivansh said.

Everyone was shocked to hear Shivansh's words, they couldn't believe that someone can take the life of a human being for the sake of an animal, Shreya and Kamesh were also looking at Shivansh in surprise, then Kavya came next to her and said Shivansh was doing it for his own benefit. Till date he has killed only one magical animal and that too to protect someone.

After listening to Kavya, everyone started looking at Shivansh in surprise, after which Shreya said to Shivansh, from today onwards this horse will remain in my stable, Kamesh will be given some other horse, now withdraw your attack.

Ok. Saying this, he sent his Kundalini Chakra Shakti into the Kundalini Chakra due to which the small mace disappeared, after leaving Kamesh alive, Shivansh left from there with his companions.After Shivansh left, Kamesh was about to attack his horse in anger when Shreya held Kamesh's hand and said angrily, enough Kamesh, I have given a promise to that young yogi that nothing will happen to this horse, if you If you do anything to the horse, I will not spare you, you have already made many mistakes in your pride, no more.

Hearing Shreyaskar's angry voice, Kamesh calmed down and said, okay, keep this horse with you, I will leave like this.

Saying this, Kamesh left on foot towards his palace, on the other hand, the news of the fight between Kamesh and Shivansh had spread throughout the capital. Some people remembered the name Shivansh, hence the name Shivansh had become famous when Kavya had taken the name of Shivansh. Some people had paid attention due to which people remembered Shivansh's name.

Gradually the news of the fight reached the palace. When the main members of the royal family and relatives came to know about it, they were very surprised. The people who hated Kamesh because of his arrogance were very happy. Kamesh was proud of his power and harassed the weak warriors. He kept doing it, yet he didn't care about anything.

He used to speak but today someone taught him to everyone and everyone was very happy.

When the family members came to know that Shreya was also the same, they all went to confirm the news with Shreya. When Shreya agreed, everyone became eager to meet Shivansh once because there were only a few warriors in the entire empire who could injure Kamesh. All of them were also from the royal family. This was the first time that an outsider had defeated Kamesh.

On one hand, there were discussions about Shivansh's name, on the other hand, Shivansh was going to try making pills for the first time, so he first took out the pan and then took out all the herbs he had bought.

After taking out everything, Shivansh put his Chakra Shakti in the place where the Chakra Shakti was placed in the pan, as soon as Shivansh put Kundalini Chakra Shakti in the pan, the pan started getting hot, actually the pan was made of red pure iron. Which had the power of fire, as soon as the iron came in contact with the Kundalini Chakra Shakti, the fire inside it would get awakened, that fire could also be controlled with the Kundalini Chakra.

There were many types of embroidery. The embroidery that Shivansh had was of rank four. In the embroidery of the sub rank, along with red iron, fire gem was also used, due to which the fire inside it became more pure.

Read Divya Naag Garuda Yoddha to know whether Shivansh will succeed in his very first attempt in making the bullet.