Auction House

Shivansh was going to make the bullet for the first time, so he kept everything in front of him and after watching for a few moments, Shivansh took out the Kundalini Chakra Shakti and absorbed it in the pan at the place of absorption of power, after which the magical kadhai started getting hot. In time the cauldron was completely heated.

After the pan was completely heated, Shivansh started reducing the heat of the pan. Within some time, the temperature of the pan came down to a low level, after which Shivansh started adding herbs to the pan and gradually started increasing the temperature of the pan.

As soon as Shivansh increased the temperature of the pan, the herb turned into ashes in the water. Shivansh got disappointed after seeing this and then took out the ashes of that herb and started putting the herb in the pan again but this time Shivansh turned the water into ashes. Kept the temperature low.

By that time, after purifying the herbs, Shivansh started grinding all the herbs into powder. The powder was ready in about an hour, after that Shivansh started mixing the herbs with each other with the help of his chakra power.

After fifteen minutes, the powder of all the herbs started mixing together, after that the powder got surrounded by the Kundalini Chakra Shakti and started turning into a pill, in which some parts of the Kundalini Chakra Shakti were being absorbed. After making the pill for so long, Shivansh's face changed. But he was sweating but Shivansh did not give up and kept converting the powder into a pill.

After working hard for one more hour, Shivansh saw that five pills had been prepared in his pan, from which the Kudanlini Chakra Shakti was emanating lightly. Shivansh became happy after seeing those pills and put those five pills in a bottle, Shivansh The bullet that was made was Shakti bullet and that too of rank three.

After checking the power of that bullet, Shivansh said to himself, Well done Shivansh, you have done it, now let's see how its power is.Having said this, Shivansh kept the remaining herbs and pan in his storage and after that Shivansh took out a pill from a bottle and ate it. As soon as Shivansh ate the pill, a wave of strength ran through his body, after which Shivansh sat in meditation. Went.

After meditating for some time, the energy that Shivansh had used in the last few hours had returned again. Shivansh had become as fresh as before. In just half an hour of Shivansh's meditation, his power became the same as before. Was.

Seeing this, Shivansh said, the pill made by me is much better than the pill made by someone else. After meditating for an hour, the warrior's strength returns, but with my pill, the strength returned within half an hour. Wow, what a thing.

Saying this, Shivansh got up from his place and said that tomorrow I will make a level increasing pill.

Use of power level increase pill: A warrior could take only one pill in his life. The rank of this pill started from three. The power of this pill was equal to the rank three pill, hence this pill was made by yogis above Three Chakradhari Yogi. Could only make it.

Shivansh had already bought the herb for the potency level increase pill, due to which Shivansh was not worried about the herb, after taking the decision for tomorrow, Shivansh got up from his place and when Shivansh looked outside, it was already night and Both his friends were asleep.

Seeing this, Shivaansh also went to his room and slept, as soon as Shivaansh went to the bed, he fell asleep and got lost in the world of dreams, the next morning Shivaansh woke up to the voice of Tarish and Kavya, Tarish and Kavya were arguing about what. Seeing this, Shivansh said, what happened, what are you two arguing about?

Hearing Shivansh's voice, both of them looked towards Shivansh, seeing Shivansh in front of them, Kavya went to Shivansh and said, Shivansh, you tell me whether Princess Shreya is more beautiful or me.

What question are you asking and why has it come to both of your minds, Shivansh said.

Not me, this Tarish has been praising that Shreya since morning and saying that Shreya is more beautiful than me. Kavya said angrily looking at Tarish.Shivaansh started laughing after hearing Kavya's words and said that it seems you are jealous of Shreya.

After listening to Shivansh, Kavya looked here and there and said, it is nothing like that, I am not feeling any jealousy, I just want to break this illusion of Tarish.

Okay, tell me one thing, are you angry about the fact that Shreya is beautiful or the fact that Tarish is praising Shreya, Shivansh said.

What difference does it make, let it go, I don't care if you all praise that Shreya. Saying this, Kavya went towards her room, seeing this Shivansh told Tarish to convince her otherwise she will take your life.

Okay, I am leaving now. Saying this, Tarish quickly left the room, after both of them left the room, Shivansh went to the bathroom to take bath.

Seeing Tarish and Kavya, it seemed that their relationship was progressing, then as soon as Tarish praised Shreya, Kavya started feeling jealous, any boy or girl would praise any other boy or girl in front of them. , that's why whenWhen Tarish praised Shreya, Kavya got angry.

After some time, Shivaansh came out of the bathroom and got ready and went out. When Shivaansh came out, he saw that Tarish and Kavya were happily coming out of Kavya's room. Seeing this, Shivaansh said in his mind - It seems that there is a reconciliation between them. Has gone.

Having said this, Shivansh said in a loud voice, do you both want to go or should I go?

Hearing Shivaansh's voice, Tarish and Kavya looked towards Shivaansh and said together, yes, we are leaving, wait.

Having said this, both of them hurriedly came to Shivansh and left the hotel with Shivansh. After leaving the hotel, Shivansh and his companions went towards the market. After reaching the market, Shivansh located the auction house and went through the auction house. But it went away.

Within no time, Shivansh and his companions reached in front of the auction house, it was written in big letters on the building of the auction house, Jain Auction House, this auction house was the auction house of the Jain family, the Jain family of the empire It was one of the five most powerful families. Even the royal family of the empire did not have the courage to fight this family. If they too had to fight the Jain family, they would have first thought a hundred times and then fought.

After seeing that auction house, Shivansh and his companions went inside the auction house. When Shivansh and his companions reached inside the auction house, all three of them saw that many people were already sitting there, among whom some special people were sitting in the front chair. They were sitting there for a moment. After looking at everyone, Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya sat at one place and started looking at the people around.

Within no time after Shivansh's arrival, the entire hall of the auction house was filled with people. Kavya, seeing the powerful people there, said, Shivansh, there are so many powerful people here.

Shivansh was about to give some reply to Kavya's words when he felt a power, sensing which Aryan looked towards the door. After looking towards the door, Shivansh saw a man with a big mustache and pride in his eyes. He was at the door. was standing.

Seeing that man, Shivansh said in his mind, Seven Chakradhari Yogi, what is the matter.

Being the incarnation of Lord Sheshnag and Lord Garuda, Shivansh had a special power that by looking at a person, he could tell what is his power level or how many chakras are awakened in that person.

Shivansh was looking at that man and then the man also realized that someone was watching him, then the man looked towards Shivansh, when the man saw a young boy looking at him, he directed his Kudalini Chakra Shakti towards Shivansh. Started sending towards.

Realizing this, Shivansh quickly took out the power from his chakra and sent it back, as soon as the man's chakra power returned to him, the man got shocked and started looking at Shivansh, the man was looking at Shivansh, then the man A man came near him and saluted the man and said, Yogi Mahendranath, you are welcome.

The name of the man whom Shivansh was looking at was Yogi Mahendranath. He was a seven-chakradhari yogi. Yogi Mahendranath was highly respected in the Rajouri Empire. There were only a few people in the entire empire who were worthy of talking to Yogi Mahendranath.

After the arrival of that man, Yogi Mahendranath nodded his head and after looking at Shivansh once again, sat on the chair in front, as soon as Yogi Mahendranath sat in his place, many people started coming to meet Yogi Mahendranath.

After waiting for some more time, a beautiful girl came on the auction stage, the beauty of that girl was no less beautiful than Shreya and Kavya, all the men who came for the auction started talking back after seeing that girl.

From everyone's conversation it was revealed that the girl was Meenakshi Jain, the daughter of a Jain family. Many people were crazy about her beauty. Some people used to come to the auction so that they could see Meenakshi.

The same Meenakshi, ignoring everyone's gaze, said, Meenakshi Jain, I welcome all the guests to this auction, so without wasting time, let's start the auction, the first auction is of a sword, which is a rank five power sword. The starting bid is three hundred gold coins 1

Bijli sword was a rare sword because it was very difficult for people to get Bijli gem and if someone Lightning animals were also found, it was very difficult to face them, hence the lightning sword was a rare sword but it was of no use to Shivansh. Shivansh could create the lightning sword whenever he wanted and could both use and sell it.

As soon as the bidding for that sword started, it reached five hundred gold coins, after which some more people bid, after which a man bought that sword for six hundred gold coins. After the auction of that sword, some other items came but Shivansh That he had no interest in them.

After the auction of five-six items, a herb came for auction. That herb was Ashwagandha for which Shivansh had come to the auction house. While showing that Ashwagandha, Meenakshi said, this Ashwagandha is three hundred years old, its first bid is for thousand gold coins, so bidding started. Let's do it.

As soon as Meenakshi finished speaking, a yogi bid eleven hundred gold coins.

As soon as that Yogi bid, another person

100 gold coins were sold in such a short time

The auction bid reached three thousand gold coins After that only a few people were left to bid for the auction, one of them was Yogi Mahendranath, then Mahendranath bid three thousand five hundred gold coins.

To know whether Shivansh will be able to buy Ashwagandha, read Divya Naag Garuda Yoddha.