Yogi Mahendranath

Shivansh reaches the auction house where he comes across a three hundred year old Ashwagandha, for which Yogi Mahendranath bid three thousand five hundred gold coins, hearing which everyone became calm, no one bid because no family would accept Yogi Mahendranath. Didn't want to upset anyone so no one bid.

Seeing this, Yogi Mahendranath became happy. Three hundred years old Ashwagandha was very rare in the Rajouri Empire, so everyone wanted to have it, but no one wanted to upset Yogi Mahendranath, so no one bid. Seeing this, Meenakshi decided to complete the auction bid. Just then a voice echoed there - three thousand six hundred gold coins.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked in the direction of the voice and there was a young boy, seeing whom everyone started talking among themselves, that boy was none other than Shivansh who had bid against Yogi Mahendranath.Seeing Shivansh bidding, Yogi Mahendranath looked at Shivansh and then took the bid forward and said four thousand gold coins.

As soon as Yogi Mahendranath bid four thousand gold coins, Shivansh bid four thousand five hundred gold coins. Seeing this, everyone became curious to know the identity of Shivansh. They wanted to know who this young boy was. Who is bidding against Yogi Mahendranath.

Yogi Mahendranath had also started getting angry at Shivansh for the herb which he was going to get for three thousand five hundred rupees. His bid had now reached four thousand five hundred gold coins. Now even Meenakshi's eyes went towards Shivansh and she started talking to Shivansh. When she started thinking about it, Yogi Mahendranath again moved forward and said, this was four thousand seven hundred gold coins.

Immediately after Yogi Mahendranath made the bid, Shivansh again increased the bid which was five thousand gold coins. Seeing this, Yogi Mahendranath got angry but this time Yogi Mahendranath did not bid due to which he became three hundred years old. Ashwagandha Shivansh bought five thousand gold coins.

At this time, Shivansh had a total of more than ten lakh gold coins. All these gold coins were given to Shivansh after he was killed by the killers of the death merchant clan, due to which Shivansh had become very rich. About twenty lakh gold coins were found in the storage of those killers. Shivansh had given some of the gold coins to his two friends and kept the rest with himself and Shivansh already had about five thousand gold coins, so Shivansh had no problem in spending the gold coins.

After buying Ashwagandha, Shivansh bought some more rare herbs, after that Shivansh started waiting for some important thing to arrive. After some time, the item came for auction, telling about which Meenakshi said, this is a fire power fruit which is two hundred years old. And its starting bid is ten thousand gold coins.

Agni Shakti was a rare fruit. It was even rarer than Ashwagandha. Ordinary rare fruits were easily available, but it was very rare to find a fruit with the power of any element. This fruit helped a lot in attaining Agni Shakti. If a warrior was I am trying to attain some kind of fire power and if I am facing any obstacle then this fruit helps in removing that obstacle.

After the arrival of the fire fruit, Shivansh looked at his friends and asked, do you both want this fire fruit?

Yes, let's buy it. I am thinking of meditating on a fire power mantra in the future. Anyway, if you want, make a pill out of it so that all three of us can use that pill. Tarish said.

The idea is good but I will not make it now, I will make it after I become a little more powerful, Shivansh said.

While all three were talking, she said that the amount had reached thirty thousand gold coins and now only a few people, one of whom was Yogi Mahendranath, said that this fruit was so rare that no one was going to buy it after angering anyone. Because even when Yogi Mahendranath bid, people from some powerful families also bid.

After some time, only two people were left for the auction, one of whom was Mahendranath and the other was a member of the Verma family. The Verma family was very powerful like the Jain family. In a way, two powerful people of Rajouri Empire were bidding, hence the bidding took place only after some time. It reached seventy thousand gold coins. This auction bid was made by Mahendranath, after which the man who came from the Verma family did not bid, after which Meenakshi was about to announce the end of the bidding when Shivansh bid the auction which was eighty thousand gold coins.

Hearing this choli, everyone looked towards the voice and again everyone got shocked after seeing Shivansh, Mahendranath got angry after seeing Shivansh and started speaking good and bad to Shivansh in his mind, looking at the angry eyes of Yogi Mahendranath it seemed like He was going to chew Shivansh raw.

Seeing Yogi Mahendranath's anger, Tarish said to Shivansh, Shivansh, it seems you have made another powerful enemy.

I have come here for the auction, fearing someone that I should not bid is wrong, Shivansh said.

After the bidding went on for some time, the auction bid for the Agni Shakti fruit reached one lakh gold coins which Shivansh had placed. With this bid, Shivansh acquired the Agni Shakti fruit. After that, Shivansh collected the currency and bought the Agni Shakti fruit and He took the remaining herbs and left the auction house.

Shivansh was moving ahead with his friends when a voice was heard from behind him, stop boy.

Hearing this voice, Shivansh and his companions looked back and saw that Yogi Mahendranath was standing behind them with some of his warriors. Seeing Yogi Mahendranath, Shivansh said, tell me what is your work?

Give me the Ashwagandha and Agni Shakti fruit that you have acquired, I will let you go otherwise I will kill you and snatch you away, said Yogi Mahendranath.

After listening to Yogi Mahendranath, Shivansh said laughingly, sorry Yogi Mahendranath, but I cannot give you all this, you can do whatever you want.

Seeing Shivansh challenging Yogi Mahendranath, a man standing behind Yogi Mahendranath, whose name was Amit, said, these boys, you don't even know who you are talking to, now quickly return the fire fruit, otherwise I will kill you.

Hearing Amit's words, Shivansh did not say anything and kept looking at Yogi Mahendranath smiling, seeing this Amit took out a mace in his hand and Attacked towards Shivansh, Amit's mace was a soul magical weapon which was of rank two.

Seeing Amit's attack coming in front of him, Shivansh took out power from his body and created a shield which destroyed Amit's attack as soon as it collided, after destroying Amit's attack, Shivansh took out his trident but this time that trident Shivansh transformed into an ax and held it in his hand and absorbed his power in it.

Seeing Shivansh taking out his weapon, Amit made another attack in anger. As soon as Amit attacked, Amit's mace released its power and turned into a wolf and started moving towards Shivansh. Seeing this, Shivansh attacked with his axe. As soon as he attacked, a power came out of his axe, and he turned into a fox with two tails. The fox went straight and collided with the wolves.

As soon as the animal made of both the powers collided with each other, there was an explosion and the wave of power spread all around but that wave of power calmed down and after that Amit attacked again, as soon as Amit attacked, Amit's mace hit him. Shakti Kiran came out and started moving towards Shivansh.Seeing that Shakti Kiran coming towards him, Shivansh also made an attack due to which a Shakti Shakti sphere came out of the axe, destroying the Shakti Kiran and moving forward, seeing Shivansh's attack increasing in speed, Amit decided to attack again. Tried but by then it was too late and Shivansh got hit by Amit.

As soon as Shivansh's attack hit Amit, Amit went flying away and started vomiting blood, Amit got badly injured. After injuring Amit, Shivansh looked at Yogi Mahendranath and said, I am still giving him a chance. Go back otherwise you will also be insulted.

Seeing Shivansh talking to himself like this, Yogi Mahendranath said, Boy, today you came before me with the desire to die, today no one can save you from me.

Having said this, Yogi Mahendranath started taking out his Kundalini Chakra Shakti. Seeing the Chakra Shakti of Yogi Mahendranath, Shaman himself said in his mind that I cannot fight this with the strength of my power, hence I will have to awaken the divine power within me.Thinking this, Shivansh awakened the part of Lord Sheshnag within him, due to which the power of Shivansh suddenly increased and the surrounding natural powers started to stir, but Yogi Mahendranath did not pay attention to this and with his Chakra Shakti, Made a sword and sent it towards Shivansh.

Seeing the sword made of Chakra Shakti coming towards him, Shivansh did not panic at all and took out his Chakra Shakti and transformed it into a shield and moved forward, as soon as there was a collision between Yogi Mahendranath's sword and Shivansh's shield, the sword was destroyed with a bang. Went but Dhal didn't care Divya.

Yogi Mahendranath got shocked after seeing his sword destroyed. After being in shock for a few moments, Yogi Mahendranath angrily said to Shivansh that you have increased your power with the help of some special power but it will not last long, so today I will take your life. Will keep doing.

Whatever time is right for your bad condition. Shivansh said.

Till now, Shivansh was talking to Yogi Mahendranath on his own due to his position in the capital, but he could not digest that, so Shivansh stopped paying respect and now Shivansh was about to attack Yogi Mahendranath dangerously.

After destroying the shield of Yogi Mahendranath, Shivansh incorporated some more powers in his shield due to which sharp thorns emerged on the front of the shield which looked quite dangerous. After making the shield more powerful, Shivansh added that shield to Yogi Mahendranath. Sent towards.

As Mahendranath saw Shivansh's powerful shield coming towards him, he started making an armor around himself which was made of Chakra Shakti, within some time that armor was ready, then Shivansh's shield collided with that armor. Because of this the armor broke.

As soon as the armor broke, Shivansh's shield moved forward and hit Yogi Mahendranath. As soon as Shivansh's attack hit Yogi Mahendranath, he went back a hundred steps, vomiting blood and hit the ground.Seeing the condition of Yogi Mahendranath, the Arya warriors along with him got scared and ran towards him and were surprised to see that a young boy had badly injured Yogi Mahendranath, they could not understand what he said.

Will Shivansh use the power of Lord Sheshnag's Divyansh to kill Yogi Mahendranath or will he let him go,