Competition Day

Shivansh had badly injured Yogi Mahendranath, after that Shivansh went closer to Yogi Mahendranath and said that no person should be proud of his power, because you never know when you will face a warrior more powerful than you. Now I will leave. .

Saying this, Shivansh started going there with his companions, then Yogi Mahendranath angrily said to Shivansh, boy, one day I will definitely teach you a lesson, today I considered you weak and took you in the attack but next time it will not happen.

I will wait, given a chance, learn from this and never make the mistake of fighting with me because it is not going to be easy. Saying this, Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya left towards their hotel.

No one got the news of the fight between Shivansh and Yogi Mahendranath because at the place where the fight between Shivansh and Yogi Mahendranath took place, there was no one there except Shivansh's friend and Yogi Mahendranath's friend, Shivansh.Yogi Mahendranath had not mentioned this fight to anyone, how could Yogi Mahendranath tell anyone that he had lost to a young boy.

After coming back from the auction house, Shivansh again sat down to make the pill, today Shivansh was going to make the power level increase pill, Shivansh had decided yesterday itself, after taking out all the ingredients, Shivansh put his Chakra Shakti in the pan. Gave, after which the heat of the pan started increasing.

After controlling the heat of the pan, Shivansh put the herbs in the pan and started purifying it. Within a short time, Shivansh purified all the herbs kept with him, after which Shivansh started making powder of the purified herbs. .

Gradually, Shivansh was able to control his chakra power better due to which Shivansh was able to make the powder in a better way. After making the powder for about an hour, Shivansh made the powder of all the herbs and started preparing to make the pill. Put .

Shivansh started mixing all the herbs. Shivansh was mixing the powder of all the herbs very carefully. After about two hours, he mixed the powder of all the herbs. After that Shivansh started making the pill with the help of Chakra Shakti.Shivansh also put some chakra in the Shakti pill. This was necessary for increasing the power level. Shivansh was making the pill very carefully due to which sweat appeared on Shivansh's face. Shivansh had consumed too much of his energy due to which Shivansh had gone through a lot, still the bullet was not ready yet.

Seeing his power waning, Shivansh consumed one Shakti pill, after which Shivansh was again filled with strength, after an hour of hard work, Shivansh prepared the pill, after the pill was ready, Shivansh saw that two pills were made in the pan. Was.

Seeing the power of that pill, Shivansh said with joy, wow, what a thing, I have made a power level increase pill of rank three in the first attempt, if I make the pill for some more time, I can make a better pill, still this pill is good, I will use it. I can sell it for which I can get five thousand gold coins.

Saying this, Shivansh went to rest, as soon as he went to bed, Shivansh fell asleep early because of his tiredness, on the other side, in the hall of a mansion, a man was sitting on a big chair, it was Yogi Mahendranath who sat in front of him in anger. Told the men that I want all the information about the boy who had bought the Agni Shakti fruit in the auction.After listening to Yogi Mahendra Nath, a man who had a scar on his face which was making him dangerous, the name of that man was Ivan, he said, Yogi Mahendra Nath, what is the name of this boy?

I don't know, just find out this boy and eliminate him, next time I don't want to see him, I will give rank six bullet to whoever does this to us, said Mahendra Nath.

Six people were sitting in front of Mahendra Nath, all of them were warriors of Surya Shakti rank, that is why Mahendra Nath believed that these people could kill Shivansh, a Yogi was weak in the art of war, the Yogi could win only with the help of his Chakra Shakti. But if a warrior came in front of them who was an expert in the art of war and the use of chakra power, then they would not be able to defeat such a yogi.

Yogi Mahendra Nath never paid attention to the art of war, he concentrated only on making bullets. Yogi Mahendra Nath had great control over his chakra power, that is why no Yogi could defeat Mahendra Nath, but this time he faced Shivansh. He was an incarnation.

Hearing about the reward given by Mahendra Nath, all the warriors happily nodded in agreement.They leave to find Shivansh, on the other hand Shivansh was sleeping peacefully, unaware of all this.

After sleeping for a few hours, Shivansh woke up with a new enthusiasm and after freshening up, Shivansh had dinner and went out with his friends, at this time it was evening time, so Shivansh went out to visit the market, this time Kavya was with him. And Tarish was not there, both of them had gone out to the market alone at the time when Shivansh was sleeping.

While roaming around the market, Shivansh went to a herb shop and bought a lot of herbs, after that Shivansh went to a weapon shop and bought a weapon made of eight metals so that he could make a rank eight weapon, that too elemental. .

The Ashta Dhatu weapon that Shivansh had bought was an axe, in which Shivansh had realized the fire power of red iron, due to which Shivansh bought it so that Shivansh could prepare the fire power axe, Shivansh gave that ax a thousand gold rupees. Bought in currency.

After buying the axe, Shivansh left for his hotel. After reaching the room, Shivansh saw that Tarish and Kavya had come. After seeing both of them,Shivansh said, are you both ready for tomorrow's competition.

Yes, we are ready and we all are able to use our own magical weapons in a better way - Kavya said happily.

Okay, it's good now it's night, both of you rest, I am going to meditate, saying this Shivansh went inside his room, after him Kavya also went to her room, after that Tarish also came into the room.

After coming into the room, everyone slept, as soon as they slept, all three fell into deep sleep, on the other hand, the people whom Yogi Mahendra Nath had called to kill Shivansh were busy in finding out information about Shivansh, but He did not even know the name of Shivansh.

After all, how did they all get information about Shivansh? No one knew Shivansh, that is why even after searching the whole night, they did not get to know much about Shivansh, all they came to know was that he had two friends with him. .

Next morning Shivansh and his friends left for Shahi Gurukul, today was the first day of the competition.Therefore, there was a lot of crowd on the way to Gurukul, many disciples were going towards Gurukul and many people were also going to watch the competition.

Within some time, Shivansh and his companions reach the market of that royal Gurukul, there many disciples were standing in front of a building. This was the same building where the Gurukul office was where the disciples were given tokens for the competition. The competition was about to start.

After some time, three persons come out of that building, one of them was a beautiful girl and two were men, all three were Acharyas of Gurukul, behind these three were five disciples in which three were boys and two were girls, both of them were girls. She was quite beautiful.

While Shivansh was watching all of them, Shivansh's eyes fell on a girl standing in the crowd who he knew. Seeing that girl, Shivansh said in his mind, Princess Shreya is also going to participate in this competition.

Shivansh had said this in his mind, then his eyes fell on some boys and girls standing near him, one of whom was Kamesh who had come to participate in the competition. Shivansh was looking at Shreya, then Shreya realized that someone was watching her. If yes, then she looks towards Shivansh.As soon as both of them see each other, they keep looking at each other. After looking at each other for a few moments, both of them start looking in the other direction. At the same time, Kamesh's eyes also fall on Shivansh. As soon as Kamesh's eyes fall on Shivansh, he I said in anger that this bastard has come to participate in this competition, today I will not leave him.

Hearing Kamesh's words, all his friends start looking in surprise in the direction in which Shivansh was standing. On seeing Shivansh, they all get angry and say together, what is this bastard doing here?

Kamesh and his friends were talking among themselves then an Acharya starts speaking, my name is Acharya Arjun, the responsibility of this competition is on me and let me tell you that there are two phases in this competition, what will happen in the first phase of this competition. If I find out at that place, then all of you come with me.

Having said this, Acharya Arjun came out of the building and started walking towards the other side. Seeing this, all the participants hurriedly followed Acharya Arjun and the other two Acharyas and disciples. Within a short time, everyone reached the ground, in the middle of which a building was built. It was built and there were stone chairs built around it and a stage on which some big chairs were built.Acharya Arjun and the other two Acharyas reach the high platform with their disciples and the three Acharyas sit on a big chair and all the disciples stand next to them, all the participants in the building and those who had come to watch the competition become spectators. After doing so he sits on the chair.

After everyone is seated, a disciple comes forward whose clothes had a patch on which it was written '5th grade', while the rest of the disciples had '3rd and 4th grade' written on their clothes. In this Gurukul, the status of the disciples was known by their rank. It used to be that new disciples were called first class disciples. If the disciple wanted, he could increase his status through his hard work.

Stepping forward, the fifth grade student said that all the participants should stand in front of the building.

As soon as that disciple says this, all the participants stand in front of the building, after which that disciple starts speaking again. The building in front of you has ten floors. Whichever participant will stay in the building for the longest time while moving upwards, that participant will be ahead. will increase and the top 100 participants will move on to the next stage, so now you all can go in.

As soon as the fifth grade student finishes speaking, all the participants go inside the building, Shivansh also goes to hisGoes inside with companions. As soon as all the participants enter inside the building, a wave of power hits all the participants.