Shahi Gurukul

On the orders of Lord Vishnu and Mata Lakshmi, Lord Tarud and Lord Sheshnag provide Anima Siddhi and Padma Nidhi to Chiansh, after receiving which Shivansh bowed to Lord Vishnu and Mata Lakshmi as well as Lord Garuda and Sheshnag and said thanks, after that Lord Sheshnag and The voice of Lord Garuda stops and time starts moving at its own pace.

After the time started running at its own pace, Shivansh left in the afternoon and went towards his rented house with a storm. Now there was no problem on Shivansh's face. When he reached Shivansh, he saw that Tarish and Kavya were talking to each other. Seeing both of them talking, Shivansh said, what is going on between you two?

Tarish and Kavya became happy after hearing Shivansh's debut, after that Kachaya said, Shivansh, do you know that there is going to be a competition in Sadhajya, which is also

The one who will be successful in the competition will be the disciple of Shahi Gurukul.

The name of the empire in which Harit Rajya belonged was Rajouri Empire, whose emperor was Digvijay Rajouri. There were a total of twenty small and big states under the Rajouri Empire. There were many Gurukuls in this Empire, of which the Shahi Gurukul was the most famous. All the young warriors of the Empire were the disciples of this Gurukul. Wanted to become.

After listening to Kavya, Shivansh said, if it is so then we should go to the capital of the empire and participate in this competition.

So let's go and see what kind of competition this is, Tarish said.

After all three agreed, all three left for the capital of Rajouri Empire to participate in the competition. Before leaving for the capital of Rajouri Empire, Kavya told her family, then all three left for the capital of Rajouri Empire.

The journey between Harit State and the capital of the empire was of ten days, so all three traveled day and night and reached Rajouri, the capital of the empire, in ten days.

The capital of Rajouri Empire was much bigger and more beautiful than the capital of Harit State.

The shops there were also very big, the roads were very clean, there was a lot of activity in the market of the capital, due to the competition the hustle and bustle had increased even more, talented warriors from all the states had come to participate in the competition.

When Shivansh came to know about the competition, he came to know that to take part in the competition, they would have to go to the Shahi Gurukul and get enrolled, only then all of them could participate in the competition. As soon as they got this information, everyone started heading towards the Shahi Gurukul.

The royal Gurukul was built on an artificial island around which a river was created instead of the sea. The width of that river was so much that no one could swim across it and if anyone tried, he could be killed. Because protective shields were made in the river to protect the Gurukul.

There was a small market on the banks of that river from where the disciples used to buy weapons and mantras. The nomination for the competition was arranged here. When Shivansh, Kavya and Tarish reached there, there was a huge crowd there.

There were many participants, all the participants were standing in queue, everyone's face was filled with excitement.

Shivansh and his companions also stood in the queue and started waiting for their turn, after some time the turn of Shivansh and his companions also came, after which all three got their nominations, after which a token was given to all three of them, one token was given to Shivansh's token. The number written was five hundred and one and on Tarish and Kavya it was five hundred two and three.

The competition was going to start after two days, so Shivansh and his friends saw a hotel and stayed in it with two rooms. After taking the room, Shivansh and his friends decided to visit the market and left their room and went towards the market.

After reaching the market, Shivansh went to a herb shop and started looking for herbs. There were many herbs kept in that shop. As soon as Shivansh entered the shop, an employee of the shop came to him and said, tell me what do you want.

Seeing that employee, Shivansh said, "Give me five seeds of golden lotus, five handfuls of grass with twenty leaves." Ashwagandha at least a hundred years old, a power fruit and a magical embroidery are needed, will you get it?

And yes, I also need some simple herbs which can be used in making strength enhancing pills, healing pills and bone joint pills.

Yes, we will get it, but the Ashwagandha we have is only a hundred years old. If you want something older than that, you will have to go to the auction house, where you will get the oldest Ashwagandha, the employee said.

Okay, give whatever you have, Shivaansh said.

After the employee left, Tarish asked Shivansh… Are you a pill maker?

Yes, I can try, I am a yogi, if I don't know how to make a pill, then what kind of yogi am I, Shivansh said.

While all three were talking, an employee came with the goods in a storage bundle, when Aryan checked the goods, he found everything correct, after which Shivansh asked how many coins were there.

Two hundred gold coins, the most expensive are Ashwagandha and magical embroidery, that is why the price increased, said the employee.

After knowing the price, Shivansh gave two hundred gold coins to the employee, after that he left the shop and started roaming around the market again. Shivansh was roaming around the market when he heard the sound of some horses running, it seemed like That a lot of horses were coming together.

Shivansh and his companions saw that the people roaming in the market were quickly moving aside after seeing that convoy. There was a crowd in the market, yet the convoy was not slowing down its speed due to which people were feeling scared.

Shivansh also moved aside and then he saw that an elderly man was quickly going to the other side of the road with the help of a boy. The speed of both of them was very slow, whereas the speed of the horses was fast, due to which the boy and the old man trembled with fear. Had been.

Seeing this, Shivansh stood in the middle of the road and said to the old man, Baba, go comfortably, nothing will happen.

After listening to Shivansh, the old man worried about Shivansh and said, Son, because of us you will also get into trouble, please move away.

No Baba, you go, nothing will happen to us, Shivansh said smilingly.

Seeing this scene, some people started praising Shivansh and some started considering Shivansh as a fool, then one man said, go away otherwise you will be killed.

As soon as the man had said this, the convoy of horses was visible to everyone. There were about twenty horses in that convoy. The people sitting on the horses were wearing expensive clothes. Looking at them, a man said, 'Hey, these are the children of the relatives of the royal family. Leading the way is Kamesh from a relative of the royal family.

People considered Kamesh a talented warrior. He had become a warrior of Naugraha rank at a very young age, due to which he was highly respected even in the royal family. He was proud of this and in that pride, he used to torture people.

When Kamesh saw that someone was standing in the middle of the road and someone was going from behind him, he got very angry and said angrily that no horse will stop him, today this boy will be rewarded for his courage.

Kamesh, what are you doing? He can die after coming under the horse. A girl said, whose name was Shreya. Shreya was not even a bit weaker than Kamesh. Shreya was the elder daughter of Samrat's second son Digambar. Shreya was a princess, hence Kamesh used to listen to her every thing but today he did not listen and said how dare this boy. to come in the way of the royal family

Saying this, Kamesh increased the speed of his horse, seeing this everyone started worrying about Shivansh but there was no worry on Shivansh's face, everyone sometimes looked towards Kamesh and sometimes towards Shivansh, along with Kamesh Shreya was There were three other girls with me, all three were also happy.

Then everyone saw that a horse came and stood in front of Shivansh, this horse was Toofan who was watching the horses coming from the front. As soon as the horses came closer, Toofan started neighing by raising his front legs.

As soon as the storm neighed, all the horses stopped at their places neighing, due to which some boys and a girl fell from the horse due to which they suffered dangerous injuries. Seeing this, Kamesh, Shreya and everyone else got shocked and looked at the storm in surprise. Started watching.After being in shock for a few moments, Kamesh started trying to move his horse but the horse did not move forward. Seeing this, Kamesh was about to attack the horse. Seeing this, Shivansh said in anger, if that horse gets even scratched, I will forget that you. You are a member of the royal family and I will die in this fair market so much that you will never torture any animal.

As soon as Shivansh got angry, lightning started flashing in the sky again. When people heard Shivansh's words, everyone got shocked. Princess Shreya started looking at Shivansh in surprise because no one had ever talked to Kamesh like this. .

When Kamesh heard Shivansh's words, he got angry and said, "No, you will have to teach him a lesson."

Saying this, Kamesh got down from the horse and revealed a sword in his open hand. Seeing that weapon, Shivansh said, this is a rank two soul magical weapon.

Saying this, Shivansh took out his trident and threw it on the ground, after which the storm moved aside, suddenly Kamesh came close to Shivansh and attacked Shivansh, as soon as Shivansh attacked Kamesh.

When Kamesh saw the sword coming towards him, he placed his trident between himself and the sword due to which Kamesh's sword collided with the trident.

As soon as Kamesh's sword collided with Shivansh's trident, Kamesh felt a shock and took a few steps back while being dragged, seeing this everyone got shocked and started looking at Shivansh, after handling something, Kamesh looked towards Shivansh's trident and Said, you have a rank three spiritual magical weapon, if you give it to me, I will let you go otherwise you will be killed.

You don't have the right to get this trident, Shivansh said while insulting Kamesh.

Shivansh got angry at what he said and looking at his friends he said, what are you all doing? Come and teach that boy a lesson.

Seeing Kamesh's anger, all his companions took out their weapons and stood forward with Kamesh, seeing Kamesh's companions coming for the fight, Kavya and Tarish also took out their personal weapons, along with them Toofan also Shivansh. Came and stood up instead.

Coming next to Shivansh, Toofan whinnied and stomped his feet on the ground due to which a wave of power came out and started going towards Kamesh and his companions. Seeing that wave of power, Kamesh and his companions were shocked.

After being in shock for a few moments, Kamesh and his companions were saved from the wave of power, after which Kamesh said, this is a rank six magical beast, how does this boy have it, how has he controlled it.

Seeing the magical animal near Shivansh, everyone standing around was shocked and started talking about Shivansh's introduction because it was impossible for a warrior of Surya Shakti rank to pet a magical animal and it was impossible for warriors of higher rank to tame it. Unless they have a special method, they cannot tame any magical animal.

To know whether Shivansh has committed any mistake by having enmity with Kamesh, read Divya Naag Garuda Yoddha.