Shivansh gets his first Siddhi and Nichi

A week had passed since Shivansh and his companions returned from the mysterious cave. Meanwhile, Aryan meditated on Panch Baan Shakti, while Kavya and Tarish meditated on the remaining two Shakti Mantras. After meditating for a week, Shivansh returned to his companions. Again the hunter group reached the group building.

When the three of them reached there, there was a lot of commotion. Seeing this, Shivash went to Mohini and said, why is there so much commotion, has something happened?

Yo, our hunters had gone to hunt a magical beast of a bank, but that beast turned out to be very friendly and it killed many and injured many, Mohini said.

So this is the thing, it seems that this time the hunters have to face a magical beast more powerful than themselves, let us go and hunt down some criminal for our prey.

Is. Saying this, Shivansh started going towards the criminal list with Kavya and Tarish.

Seeing this, Mohini said, wait, that magical animal is not in the forest, it is in the village near the forest where it is making innocent people its food.

Hearing Mohini's words, Shivansh's steps stopped and turning back he said, "Are you telling the truth?"

Yes, I am telling the truth, he is a very dangerous magical lion, if you want to go then you can go, Mohini said.

Okay we will go, give me all the information said Shivansh.

As soon as Shivansh agreed, Mohini became happy and gave an information stone and said that if you hunt this animal, you will get one thousand gold coins.

It doesn't matter to me, if that magical animal obeys me and returns, I will let him go otherwise he will die. Saying this, Shivansh left the hunter group.

After coming out, Shivansh and his companions went to their rented house and there they saw the information about their new mission. The village where these three had to go was Patli village, which is situated on the edge of a forest. These people earn their living from farming. Used to earn a living.

After reading the information about the village, Shivansh said, let's go and see how true all this is.

After which all three lock their rented house and leave towards Patli village. The journey from the capital to Patli village was of five days, Shivansh and his companions reached Patli village driving their horse at a fast pace.

When the three of them reached Patli village, there was an atmosphere of fear there. Shivansh had received information that the forest was in the east direction of the village and the direction from which Shivansh and his companions had come was west, hence all three of them went towards the east. started moving towards

Within some time, Shivansh and his companions reached near the forest of the village. When all three of them reached near the forest, they all heard a scream, hearing which all three of them went in the direction of the sound, for a few minutes.

After walking till they all saw that some people were surrounding a magical animal and attacking it.

This was the same magical lion whom Shivansh had come to hunt. That lion looked very ferocious, whoever it attacked would get badly injured or killed, due to which no hunter was daring to go close to it.

Seeing this, Shivansh started moving forward and everyone stood in front of the hunter. Seeing this, one of the hunters said, "What are you doing here boy? Go back otherwise you will be killed."

Hearing the hunter's words, when Shivansh turned towards him, the hunter recognized Shivansh as soon as he saw him and said, Shivansh, you are here.

As soon as the hunter had said this, the lion attacked again, which Shivansh destroyed with his chakra power and looking at the lion said, I am giving you an opportunity, go back to the forest otherwise you will be killed.

Hearing Shivansh's words, the lion started roaring, seeing this Shivansh said, you are not afraid of death and you will make everyone your food.

Hearing Shivansh's words, the hunter next to him said, Shivansh, you can talk to this lion.

Yes of course, he is saying that he will go after preparing food for all of us, Shivansh said.

Saying this, Shivansh took out his spiritual magical trident and threw it on the ground, as soon as Shivansh threw the trident on the ground, a force came out from the ground and collided with the lion, due to which the lion went flying and fell a few meters away.

Due to the attack on him, the lion got angry and got up roaring and started moving towards Shivansh, seeing this, Shivansh made another attack on the lion due to which the lion again went back.

After attacking the lion twice, Shivansh again said to the lion, I have made a promise to someone, that is why I am giving you one more chance, go back otherwise you will be killed, this is our order.

As soon as he said this, terrible power started emanating from Shivansh's body and the mark of the serpent Garuda on Shivansh's forehead started glowing. Seeing the terrible power of Shivansh, all the hunters along with the lion got scared for a few moments but the lion did not step back and roared.

Understanding this, Shivaansh said, ok, as per your wish.

Saying this, Shivaansh started absorbing his power in his trident, seeing this, the lion started moving forward rapidly to attack Shivaansh, seeing this, Shivaansh attacked with the trident, as soon as Shivaansh attacked, a prong came out from the trident and the lion crashed into.

As soon as the lion collided with the shul, it fell down screaming, this time the lion got badly injured, it is impossible for the lion to escape from this attack of Shivansh, then with its roar the lion said in its mind, 'Forgive me, Lord, I had recognized you.' That is why the feeling of liberation took birth in me, that is why I did not follow your order.

Only Shivansh heard the voice in the lion's mind and no one else, when Shivansh heard the lion's mind, Shivansh's anger calmed down and he went to the lion and placing his hand on his head said why did you attack this village? He is a poor farmer who did all this.

After listening to Shivansh, the lion said, Lord, some time ago my child had come to this village and then did not return. It was out of anger that I did all this.

Hearing the words of the lion, Shivansh closed his eyes and spread his chakra power. After examining the village for some time, Shivansh did not see the lion's child anywhere, after which Shivansh said to the lion, "It seems that your child is not in this village." .

I know Lord, all these killed my child but now you are giving me freedom, I will be able to meet my child said the lion.

Hearing the words of the lion, Shivansh had tears in his eyes and he caressed the lion's head with his hand, with which a divine light came out from the lion's body and merged into the universe, the lion was dead.

After the death of the lion, Shivansh lit the fire power in his hand and burnt the lion's body with it. Seeing this, all the hunters said together, Shivansh, what are you doing, you burnt its body without taking out the magical gem.

Shivansh didn't listen to any of them and burnt the lion's body completely, within no time the lion's body got burnt to ashes, right after that the lion magically glowed from the ashes.

Mani Vikali Jitheshe kept it with himself and went away from there.

While leaving, Shivansh asked the villagers and KK and he came to know that there was a lion cub which was killed by a hunter, the hunter was not from Patni village but had come from somewhere else, after listening to the villager Shivansh said to all of them The attack by the lion that happened in your village was on the child of the same lion. That lion had come to take revenge, hence in future you will avoid everyone and unless the animal attacks you, you too will not attack, otherwise it will A terrible accident can also happen.

After listening to Shivansh, all the villagers nodded in agreement, after which Shivansh left for the capital with his companions. While on the way, Shivansh gave the magical gem of the lion to Kavya and said, give it to your father, maybe he will be happy. Go.

After listening to Shivansh, Kavya said, Shivansh, you should keep this with yourself.

No, I don't want this, you keep it and give it to your father. Anyway, we don't want the reward currency. If you want to take the currency, then deposit it. Shivansh said in the hunter group.

Ok I will submit it. We have to improve our position among the hunters. Saying this, Kavya kept the magical gem in her storage after which Jino moved ahead in the lazy.

After a long journey, all three reached the capital, after that Larish and Kavya left with the hunting party, Shivansh went to the ruins and started calming his mind by meditating, Shivansh was able to feel the pain of the lion's death.

Shivaansh was thinking about the lion when suddenly time stopped and a smile appeared on Shivaansh's face, this time Shivaansh was feeling two types of power due to which Shivaansh folded his hands and said Lord Garuda and Our salutations to Lord Sheshnag.

Vijay Bhava: Shivansh, both Gods together blessed Shivansh, after which Lord Garuda said, Shivansh, today you have made us very happy, the compassion you showed at the time of the death of that noise gave him salvation.

Yes Shivansh, that's why you should be free from the worry of the lion and one more thing Shivansh, because of your compassion, even Lord Vishnu is very happy with you.

Therefore he ordered us to grant you Siddhi Anima, one of the eight Siddhis_ said Lord Sheshnag.

Shivansh, with the help of this Siddhi, you can reduce your size and can enter anywhere, wear Shivansh Anima Siddhi. As soon as Lord Garuda said this, a powerful light from the sky started getting absorbed in Shivansh's body due to which Shivansh He started getting smaller, within some time Shivansh became as small as an ant.

After some time, the power stopped coming from the sky, after that Shivansh came back to his normal state, after which Shivansh felt a different power inside him, after which Shivansh folded his hands and said, O Lord Vishnu, thank you for blessing your devotee. |

As soon as Shivansh had spoken, Lord Garuda said, Shivansh is not finished yet. Mother Lakshmi was also happy with your compassion, hence she has ordered to give you a fund, Padma Nidhi, hence wear the Padma Nidhi.

As soon as Lord Garuda said this, another power came from the sky and got absorbed in Shivansh, After which Shivansh felt a different power inside him which he had not felt till date.

Read to know whether Shivansh will get some more powers from God and Lord Sheshnag.