Tarish and Kavya's relationship

Shivaansh and his companions had found many rare objects, after which they all come out of the cave. After coming out of the cave, Shivaansh and his companions leave towards the capital. On the way, Kavya again meets the people of Kant family. Is available.

Kant, who was the oldest person in the family group, asked Kavya whether Kavya you got anything or not.

Yes Somesh uncle, I have found a very good thing which you will be happy to hear about, Kavya said.

The man who asked Kavya the question seemed to be Kavya's uncle. Kavya's uncle Somesh was a good person, so Kavya happily answered his questions. When the Kant family heard that Kavya had got something special. so a girl She said, that girl's name was Jyotsna, show us what special you have got.

There is no good relationship between Jyotsna and Kavya, so to burn Jyotsna, Kavya takes out her new bow and says, this is a soul magical weapon and that too of rank two.

All the warriors of the Kant family were shocked to see the spiritual magical weapon in Kavya's hand. A boy looking at Dhunsh said where did you get this from, we had not seen the spiritual weapon anywhere.

Only lucky people get this and as long as I have Shivansh with me, my luck is very good, Kavya said.

By the way, when are you coming home, Somesh uncle said.

I will come back after reaching the capital, now I am leaving. As soon as Kavya said this, Shivansh and Tarish increased the speed of their horses, after which Kavya also increased the speed of her horse.

Within a few days, all three reached the capital. After reaching the capital, Kavya went to her home, while Shivansh and Tarish again reached the ruins and meditated.

Started doing it, this time Aryan was meditating on Sahastra Bijli Shakti Mantra.

As soon as Aryan started meditating, the sky became cloudy and lightning started flashing, on the other hand, Tarish was also meditating on a mantra due to which the surrounding energy was getting absorbed into Tarish's body, due to which Tarish's body was The energy was increasing.

On one side, Shivansh and Tarish were meditating, while on the other side, when Kavya reached home, her father Kishore Kant called Kavya. Actually, Kishore Kant had come to know that Kavya had got a spiritual weapon, knowing which he was happy. .

When Kavya came to know that her father had called her, she met him. Seeing Kavya in front of him, Kishore Kant said, I have heard that you have got spiritual weapons.

Kavya said, "Yes father, with the help of Shivansh, I have obtained a spiritual magical weapon, it is of rank two."

Can you hand over that weapon to your family, Kishore Kant asked.

No, I cannot give this weapon to anyone but if needed, I will use that weapon for the family, Kavya said.

So you are refusing me, look the Bist family has said that if we give them these weapons then they will help us in every difficulty and help in our business Kishore Kant said.

Sorry father, I will not give this weapon to the Bist family for which my friends have risked their lives to get it, if I give the magical weapon to my soul then they will use it only against Shivansh, Kavya said.

So there is no problem whether he dies or lives, it does not matter to us, Kishore Kant said.

You don't care but I do care, one more thing father, no one in this green kingdom has the power to kill Shivansh, now I am leaving. Saying this, Kavya started coming out of the room.

Seeing this, Kishore Kant said angrily, if you do not give this weapon then the Bist family will become our enemy. After listening to Kishore Kant, Kavya said, tell that Bist family, if they touch any member of my family, Shivansh will destroy the entire Bist family.

Saying this, Kavya went out of the room. After she went out, Kishore Kant said angrily. Ever since the girl met those two boys, her courage has increased. If I could have got this spiritual weapon, the Kant family would have become very powerful.

On one side, Kavya's father was angry with her and on the other side, Shivansh and Tarish were sitting in meditation. Power was coming out of both their bodies. Shivansh was in deep meditation, then power came out of his body and a serpent turned into Garuda by circling behind Shivansh. Made an umbrella.

After making the umbrella, energy came out from the earth and started gathering on one of the five heads of that serpent Garuda, which in a short time turned into a gem and the Panchmukhi serpent sat on the first head on the right side of Garuda, which is Shivamsha. It was a symbol of the awakening of the Muladhar Chakra.

This gem was a symbol of the power of the earth element of Shivansh, now Aryan can control the earth without the help of any mantra. He could control the powers associated with elements like girls and soil, Shivansh could use both these things as weapons.

After the manifestation of the Prithvi Mani of the Muladhar Chakra, energy started gathering on the second head from the right of the five-faced serpent Garuda, but then a crack appeared in the earth and water came out from that crack and started gathering on the second head, within a short time water started gathering on the second head. The element Mani became present which was the symbol of the awakening of the second chakra Swadhishthan Chakra.

After the installation of the two gems, no energy resided on the five-faced snake behind Aryan, but Shivansh was still in meditation, then the lightning in the sky started shining more brightly and started falling on Shivansh from the sky, due to which Shivansh's body became infected with lightning. Started shining with waves.

At this very moment, Tarish came out of meditation and when he saw lightning falling on Shivansh, he got shocked but he got even more shocked. Then Tarish saw Panchmukhi Naga Garuda behind Shivansh, seeing this scene he was unable to understand anything. Whether what he is seeing is true or false.

After seeing this form of Aryan for a few moments, Tarish thought of not saying anything and started meditating again, on the other hand, Shivansh, unaware of all this, was sitting in meditation, then he started feeling movement in his third chakra, Manipur Chakra, which is Feeling this, Shivansh went into deeper meditation.

After meditating for a few more hours, Shivansh became happy after feeling something breaking inside him, after some time Shivansh felt a wave of power in his body, after which the lightning stopped falling from the sky and the sky also became clear. .

Due to the lightning, there was a fire at some places in the ruins due to which the fire power came out and started sitting on the third head of Panchmukhi Nag, after some time the fire calmed down and the fire element gem started sitting on the third head of Shivansh's Panchmukhi serpent Garuda form. It happened which was the proof of awakening of Shivansh's Manipur Chakra.

After the awakening of the third chakra, Shivansh stopped meditating the mantra, after which Garuda, the five-faced serpent made of Shakti, went inside Shivansh's body, after which Shivansh checked his power level and came to know that now he is of Pawan rank. He had become a first level warrior and a three wheeled yogi. Before today, the gem had not been placed on the Panchmukhi Naag like this. It seemed that all this was happening because of the trident which Shivansh had obtained from the cave. After obtaining that trident, some changes took place inside Shivansh. But Shivaansh was not able to understand what that change was.

After completing his meditation, Shivansh came out of meditation and started waiting for Tarish to come out of meditation but he knew that Tarish had come out of meditation long ago, when Tarish saw that Shivansh came out of meditation. When he arrived, he also came out of meditation after a few minutes.

After coming out of meditation, Tarish behaved in such a way as if he was not known, after coming out of meditation, Shivansh walked with him towards his rented house, when Shivansh and Tarish reached home. Both of them saw that Kavya was already present there.

Seeing Kavya, Tarish said, you had gone to your family, then how did you come so soon.

Hearing Tarish's question, Kavya told everything to Shivansh and Tarish, hearing which Shivansh said, "Your father does not know that the soulmate Weapons are so special, this weapon can increase the strength of Yunke family, then why does he want to give this weapon to Bist family.

I don't know why he wants to do this.. Kavya said angrily.

Okay, leave the anger, let's cook and eat. We had taken some things on the way. Having said this, Tarish went towards the kitchen, following him Kavya also went towards the kitchen but Shivansh did not go and started doing something else.

On the other hand, Tarish said to Kavya, Kavya, if I tell you something, you will believe it.

Yes, tell me what is the matter, Kavya said.

I think Shivansh is not a boy from an ordinary family. Some time ago I told him that there were marks of Panchmukhi Naag on his sword. In the same cave, he got a trident. I think Shivansh has some secret which he is hiding from us. Tarish said.

Tarish hid what he had seen today and told him what he had seen on Shivansh's sword in the hill village, which had the mark of a five-faced serpent.

Due to awakening, the power of the sword had increased and this was forcing Tarish to think.

After listening to Tarish, Kavya said, I also think that Shivansh has some secret but he is not telling us but I am sure that when the time comes, Shivansh will definitely tell us the truth.

You said it right, saying that Shivansh will tell us the truth, Tarish started picking a vegetable from Kavya for cooking, then Tarish's hand touched Kavya's hand, after which both of them felt like an electric shock and both looked into each other's eyes. Engaged.

After looking into each other's eyes for a few moments, their meditation was broken by a voice, that voice was Shivansh's. Shivansh said, what is going on here?

After listening to Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya, looking at Shivansh, stammering together said, Nothing, we are just cooking.

Having said this, both of them started cooking again, seeing this Shivansh started smiling and said. You two make a very good pair.

Which pair are you saying? We are not a pair, Kavya said after listening to Shivansh.

Yes Kavya is telling the truth, we are just friends, don't think anything, Tarish said.

Seeing both of them giving clarification, Shivansh went out of the kitchen smiling. After Shivansh left, Tarish and Kavya looked at each other and said together, Shivansh can say anything.

Looking into the eyes of Tarish and Kavya, it seemed that both of them were also feeling that some relationship was definitely forming between them but both of them were not able to understand anything.