Kalu is a dangerous killer

Shivansh had badly injured Jagtap with his lightning attack, after that Shivansh went to Jagtap and keeping the sword on his neck asked him if he accepts defeat, after listening to Shivansh and seeing Shivansh's sword on his neck Jagtap said, "I accept defeat, you remove your sword."



As soon as Jagtap accepted defeat, there was silence in the whole field and now everyone was looking at Shivansh in fear and shock. As soon as Jagtap accepted defeat, Shivansh removed his sword from Jagtap's neck and while sitting next to Jagtap said, "Never cast a wrong eye on any girl, otherwise you will be killed one day."



After saying this Shivansh looked towards Maya who was looking at Shivansh in surprise. Looking at Maya he said, "Am I now a part of the hunter group?"



Maya came to her senses after hearing Shivansh's voice and said, "Yes, as per the conditions, you are now a part of the group."



Hearing Maya's words, Kavya became happy and getting up from her place, she came quickly to Shivansh and hugged him and said, __ Congratulations Shivansh, you are very powerful.




Maya's face changed after seeing Kavya hugging Shivansh, looking at her face it seemed that Maya did not like it at all that Kavya was hugging Shivansh, Kavya unaware of all this kept hugging Shivansh for a few moments, then Shivansh said in Kavya's ear - Kavya what are you doing?



After listening to Shivansh, Kavya came to her senses and stood away from Shivansh, then a man came to Shivansh and gave something to Shivansh and Kavya, that man was an employee in the hunter group, he gave the hunter group's badge to Shivansh and Kavya, Shivansh's badge was of silver colour whereas Kavya's badge was of iron colour.



All the hunters were shocked to see Aryan's batch, because there were three types of batches in the hunter group, iron colored batch, silver colored batch and golden colored batch, every new hunter was first given the iron colored batch but Shivansh was given the silver batch.



Within no time, the news of Shivansh had spread in the whole capital because Jagtap Harit was one of the most powerful people of the state, no one had the courage to fight him but Shivansh defeated him easily, Shivansh after taking his batch went out of the ground with Kavya and reached the reception and started looking at the list of killers.



Just then Mohini came there and said to Shivansh - Shivansh, manager Maya wants to meet you.



After listening to Mohini, Shivansh looked at Mohini for a moment and said, "Is there any work?"



I don't know, I have just received orders to bring you, said Mohini.


ok, let's meet each other__ saying this Shivansh signaled Kavya and Mohini to leave, seeing this Mohini said__ I have been ordered to bring you only Shivansh, not anyone else.


After listening to Mohini, Shivansh looked towards Kavya and said, "You wait, I will come shortly."


ok you go, I will wait, said Kavya smilingly.


After Kavya agreed, Shivansh went with Mohini, Mohini took Shivansh to a room, after reaching the room, Mohini knocked on the door, then a sweet voice came from inside which was of a girl __ come inside.


After getting permission, Mohini opened the door and signaled Shivansh to go inside. When Shivansh went inside, he saw that there was a chair like a throne in the room on which Maya was sitting and in front of that chair there was a big table on which a lot of papers were kept, which Maya was looking at.


Seeing Shivansh Maya smiled and said, Come Shivansh, sit down.


Maya's smile was such that anyone who saw her would go crazy for her but Maya's smile had no effect on Shivansh and he sat on a chair next to the table and said, "Tell me Maya ji what was the work?"


Hearing Maya ji from Shivansh, Maya said looking at Shivansh, "You can just call me Maya, by the way you are the first boy who has talked to me without any fear."


Only those are afraid who do something wrong, I have not done anything wrong, then why should I be afraid, said Shivansh.


By the way which family do you belong to Shivansh, I have never seen you in this city__ Maya said.


I am an orphan and I have come to the capital only today, said Shivansh.



Maya was shocked to hear Shivansh's words and said to herself - such a talented boy is an orphan, his parents must have been very talented warriors, that is why he is also talented.


After talking to herself for a few moments, Maya said to Shivansh - Shivansh, I have an offer for you, if you accept it then you can move forward in your life.


What is that__ Shivansh asked.


You become a warrior of my family, this will give you the benefits of my family and you will become powerful very soon__ Maya replied.


Hearing Maya's words, Shivansh smiled and said, "Sorry Maya, but your family cannot help me in my goal."


After listening to Shivansh, Maya said, "Who is that enemy of yours whom my family cannot fight?"


I don't know this but I know that he is a warrior above the Heaven rank, said Shivansh.



Maya's smile disappeared after listening to Shivansh and she said worriedly, how did such powerful people become your enemies?




I know why their enmity is with me but I know this much that if I have to stay alive then they all will have to die, said Shivansh.



That is why you are becoming powerful so fast, said Maya.



Yes, by the way, was this all you wanted to talk about__ Shivansh said.




No, I wanted to tell you one more thing, there is a magical animal, it has to be hunted__ Maya had just said this much when Shivansh interrupted Maya and said__ Is that magical animal troubling anyone without any reason?




No, he is in the jungle but we believe that__ Maya had just said this much when Shivansh again interrupted Maya and said__ I am sorry I do not kill any innocent person, anyway I have become a part of this group to kill murderers, not magical animals.




Why don't you want to hunt magical animals? Maya said in surprise.



This is against my principles. I have promised myself that I will never kill any innocent person, said Shivansh.


Maya was shocked after hearing Shivansh's words. After being in shock for a few moments, Maya said, "But why did you feel the need to make such promises?"



I cannot tell you this, but if you want to hunt down a criminal then you can tell me, said Shivansh.



You can see the list that is posted outside and hunt whoever you want but be careful, said Maya.



Ok, now I am leaving, I am short of time. Saying this Shivansh left the room. After Shivansh left, Maya said to herself, after all who does this boy have enmity with, but whoever has enmity with him has bad luck.



On the other hand, after reaching the list, Shivansh started looking at the list with Kavya, then Shivansh's eyes fell on the prize, which was five hundred gold coins, after looking at which Shivansh saw the name of the criminal, that name was Kalu who was a sixth level warrior of nine planet rank.



Five hundred gold coins was a huge amount in Harit Rajya, for which people could do anything, this meant that Kalu was a big criminal whom no one could catch, seeing Shivansh looking at the information about Kalu, Kavya said, I have heard the name of this Kalu who killed four families in one night, that too single-handedly.



But did none of these four families stop this? Shivansh asked.



Kalu has the art of making poison such that whoever comes under the effect of that poison goes into deep sleep. He did the same with everyone and after everyone went to sleep, he killed them all__ Kavya said.


When did this happen__ Shivansh asked.


Just one month ago, consider that Kalu is a murderer who kills people for money__ Kavya answered.



After listening to Kavya, Shivansh said, "Then he will have to die. Let us find out the full details about him."



Saying this Shivansh took Kalu's slip down from the board and went to Mohini and gave Kalu's slip to her. Seeing this Mohini said to Shivansh - Do you really want to catch him?



Yes, give me whatever information you have about this Kalu, said Shivansh.


After listening to Shivansh, Mohini without saying anything puts Kalu's name in Shivansh's hunting list. After that, Mohini gives a stone to Shivansh and says, "You have one month to catch Kalu dead or alive. If someone else catches him before you, you will be declared unsuccessful and you know what that means."



Yes, I understood it__ Shivansh said while keeping the stone with him.


The stone that Mohini had given to Shivansh was an information preservation stone in which information of people was kept safe, in Vichitra Lok information was kept safe in such stones, this stone had three levels, low level, middle level and high level, the stone that Shivansh had was of low level, in which information of maximum two people could be stored.



After keeping that stone with himself, Shivansh started going out of the hunter group's building. In no time, the news spread among all the hunters that Shivansh had made a deal to catch Kalu. Everyone was surprised to hear this. Everyone started making fun of Shivansh and said, "It seems this kid has started considering himself powerful after defeating Jagtap. It may happen that his first mission becomes his last."


Shivansh, unaware of the people's talk, came out of the building. When Shivansh came out of the building, he saw that the person who was standing at the gate of the building when he entered was still standing there and the guards were staring at him angrily.



Seeing this Shivansh pointing towards that boy told a guard, "This boy has been here for a long time. What is the matter? Why are you all not letting him go inside?"


After listening to Shivansh, the guard looked at Shivansh for a moment and then said, "This boy wants to become a hunter but he is not capable of becoming a hunter, right now he is only at the first level of Water Rank."


Shivansh was surprised to hear the guard's words and looked at that boy for a moment, that boy was also looking at Shivansh now, seeing this Shivansh went to that boy and said__ what is your name?


My name is Tarish and who are you__ Tarish said.


My name is Shivansh. Can you tell me why you want to become a hunter? What is your compulsion? Shivansh asked.



I want to become a hunter to become powerful. Everyone in my family looks at me with inferiority complex because I am the weakest among them all. Even my father does not love me. That is why I want to become powerful and show everyone that I am no less than anyone. Tarish said angrily.